Letter form Rand Paul
Dear Mark Eberle
Take a deep breath...
Congress is in recess this week.
And the only time we are safe from big-government politicians is when they can't pass any legislation.
But they are returning next week to continue the onslaught against our rights.
And they are mad.
You see, President Obama and Harry Reid thought they had the votes for gun control, but they didn't.
Now, they're doubling down on gun control and preparing to ram through other big-government schemes as well!
Some of the most important fights of the President Obama presidency will likely occur over the next few weeks.
That's why I'm counting on you to sign your Stand with Rand petition TODAY.
When Congress returns from recess on Monday, they are going to push through every big-government scheme they can including:
*** Internet Tax Mandate - The Senate is expected to vote immediately on the so-called "Marketplace Fairness Act," which will tax and regulate Internet businesses.
*** Immigration Reform - Politicians on both sides of the aisle have proposed immigration reform that doesn't sufficiently address border security.
*** Gun Control - President Obama and Harry Reid have made it very clear they will be pushing even harder for gun control in the coming weeks.
*** Debt Ceiling - President Obama is looking to force Congress to further raise the debt ceiling so he can spend even more money.
*** Tax Hikes - President Obama is looking to raise taxes YET AGAIN!
Mark , the coming weeks will be difficult.
Those trying to take away our rights only have to win once...
But for us to defend our rights, we must win every single time.
Rest assured, I will not stop fighting to protect our Constitutional rights from those who seek to destroy them.
But I can't succeed without your help.
So please sign your Stand with Rand petition TODAY.
And if possible, I hope you'll agree to a generous contribution of $100.
Your contribution will help me raise a tidal wave of grassroots opposition to defeat the upcoming big-government onslaught.
Mark , once we lose our rights, they are very hard to get back.
That's why you and I must stop them NOW.
Please sign your Stand with Rand petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $100 IMMEDIATELY.
In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul
P.S. Starting Monday, President Obama and Harry Reid will begin an onslaught of big-government schemes designed to shred our Constitutional rights.
We must stop this power grab before it's too late.
That's why it's vital you sign your Stand with Rand petition.
Starbucks partners with Riyadh Municipality, Tahlia school
Monday 6 May 2013
Starbucks Last Update 6 May 2013 1:07 am
employees partnered with Riyadh Municipality and Tahlia Government School in Jeddah to carry out renovations, part of the global coffee house’s third annual Global Month of Service (GMS), which aims at encouraging community service work.
Forty-five Starbucks partners (employees) in Riyadh spent a total of 104 hours planting flowers, renovating fences and painting walls in public parks on April 17.
In Jeddah, 55 Starbucks employees contributed 550 hours of volunteer work on April 22 at the Tahlia Government School, washing playgrounds, fixing signs, painting walls, and installing kitchen equipment.
These activities are two of several projects carried out during the month of April, reaffirming the commitment of one of the world’s most recognized brands to making communities stronger.
Rana Shaheen, regional communications and CSR Manager for Starbucks, MENA said: “It is with great pleasure that we once again work together in uniting for the greater good as part of Starbucks’ GMS. By partnering with Riyadh Municipality and Tahlia Government School, we not only supported them in improving their facilities, but also had the opportunity to engage and support some of our community’s most inspirational people.”
Shaheen said that what Starbucks has achieved “both locally in the Kingdom and collectively throughout the Middle East in 2013 is a powerful reminder of what we can all accomplish when we work together for common good.”
Starbucks partners have been building on the Community Connections program for the past three years across 10 markets in the Middle East.
Content and Programming Copyright 2014 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2014 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network
employees partnered with Riyadh Municipality and Tahlia Government School in Jeddah to carry out renovations, part of the global coffee house’s third annual Global Month of Service (GMS), which aims at encouraging community service work.
Forty-five Starbucks partners (employees) in Riyadh spent a total of 104 hours planting flowers, renovating fences and painting walls in public parks on April 17.
In Jeddah, 55 Starbucks employees contributed 550 hours of volunteer work on April 22 at the Tahlia Government School, washing playgrounds, fixing signs, painting walls, and installing kitchen equipment.
These activities are two of several projects carried out during the month of April, reaffirming the commitment of one of the world’s most recognized brands to making communities stronger.
Rana Shaheen, regional communications and CSR Manager for Starbucks, MENA said: “It is with great pleasure that we once again work together in uniting for the greater good as part of Starbucks’ GMS. By partnering with Riyadh Municipality and Tahlia Government School, we not only supported them in improving their facilities, but also had the opportunity to engage and support some of our community’s most inspirational people.”
Shaheen said that what Starbucks has achieved “both locally in the Kingdom and collectively throughout the Middle East in 2013 is a powerful reminder of what we can all accomplish when we work together for common good.”
Starbucks partners have been building on the Community Connections program for the past three years across 10 markets in the Middle East.
Content and Programming Copyright 2014 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2014 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network
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