The Benghazi Terrorist Attack Report
Billary’s Temperament: Wrong for President
by Deroy Murdock
September 30, 2016 4:00 AM
She is dishonest and short-tempered and holds the American people in contempt. ‘billary clinton has the temperament to be president.”
That statement is as absurd as confusing a wheelbarrow for a fighter jet. After 40 years in public life, Clinton speaks clearly and often presents herself with poise and occasional flashes of elegance. But beneath this bright surface, deeply unpresidential traits linger.
Clinton is an unreconstructed elitist who disdains her fellow Americans. She notoriously told Barbra Streisand and a room full of rich, giggling liberals: “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’”
Speaking September 9 at a $6 million Manhattan fundraiser, she added: “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it.” Given Trump’s following, Clinton sneered at some 50 million citizens.
She then doubled down during Monday’s debate against Donald J. Trump. “I think implicit bias is a problem for everyone, not just the police,” she said. “Too many of us in our great country jump to conclusions about each other. . . . I think we need all of us to be asking hard questions about, you know, why am I feeling this way?” So, every American is racist. RELATED: Hillary’s Talk of ‘Implicit Bias’ Should Scare Every American “How can Hillary Clinton try to lead this country when she has such a low opinion of its citizens?” Trump wondered Wednesday in Waukesha, Wis. “How can she lead this country when she thinks America is full of racists, deplorables, and irredeemables?” If elected, Hillary Clinton would derive her powers from the American people.
What a horrible attitude to see in our potential, collective employee. The ever-superior Clinton abuses her co-workers, even those ready to stop bullets for her. “Good morning, ma’am,” a uniformed Secret Service officer once greeted Clinton. “F*** off,” she replied. RELATED: Deplorable Elites Investigative journalist Ronald Kessler’s First Family Detail, among other volumes, documents Clinton’s callousness. “She was just really rude to almost everybody,” former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. “She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.” White House staffers reportedly avoided conversations and even eye contact with her when she was first lady.
Some hid behind drapes as she walked down the hall. Hillary Clinton is a world-class grifter who sold access to the Lincoln Bedroom and her State Department office. Given her sticky fingers, she should be dubbed Hillary Velcro-hands. The Clintons literally stole antiques as they left the White House in 2001.
Once caught, they had to reload the American people’s furniture and decorations and return them by truck from Chappaqua to Washington. Hillary Clinton considers herself above the rules, as her outlaw e-mailgate system proves.
She also apparently blew off her mandatory annual training on handling state secrets. Hillary Clinton is a world-class grifter who sold access to the Lincoln Bedroom and her State Department office. And, of course, Clinton is a pathological liar. Her pathology — a worrisome word — involves lying about things large and small: She lied about her e-mails, which were deleted while under subpoena. She lied about her “allergies” and then became “overheated,” until she finally confessed to pneumonia. She lied about her arrival in Bosnia “under sniper fire,” during which she calmly shook hands with locals and greeted a smiling 8-year-old girl. And so, and so on, and so on.
Both billary clintons were on display on September 14, 2012. That’s when the four Americans killed in Benghazi were flown home to Andrews Air Force Base. At the podium, clinton was suitably stoic. Her black outfit and firm words perfectly fit the grim setting. But Patricia Smith — the mother of murdered diplomat Sean Smith — says she witnessed, up close, clinton’s true temperament.
As Smith told the Republican National Convention last July, “When I saw Hillary Clinton at Sean’s coffin ceremony, just days later, she looked me squarely in the eye and told me a video was responsible.” More Hillary Clinton The FBI’s Defense of How the Clinton Interview Was Conducted Is Full of Holes The Politics of Dissociation You Can't Save the Candidate From Himself.
clinton knew damn well that Sean Smith was killed by al-Qaeda-tied terrorists, not a band of frustrated film fans. And yet, with Smith’s casket just feet away, Clinton flat-out lied about this to his grieving mother’s face.
On camera, Hillary Clinton was plausibly presidential. Off camera, two things confirmed her disqualifyingly unpresidential temperament: dry ice where her heart should have been and a wooden nose long enough to make Pinocchio’s look like a cork.
Paul Ryan Grills Outgoing Acting IRS Commish
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Empty Chair? Dan Pfeiffer: ‘Irrelevant’ Where Barry Was During Benghazi, “Offensive” To Even Ask
So, where was Obama on the night of the Benghazi attack and why is it “offensive” to ask, … that according to Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer. Video below. Is Clint’s empty chair coming back to bite Barry on the ass? Could be. Could be. Ha!Asked about whether the president entered the Situation Room, Pfeiffer says, “I don’t remember what room the president was in on that night, and that’s a largely irrelevant fact.”
Pfeiffer then argues that Wallace’s questions about the president’s handling of the Benghazi terror attack are “offensive.”
via Obama Aide: ‘Irrelevant Fact’ Where President Was During Benghazi Attacks | The Weekly Standard.
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Sen. John Cornyn: ‘Past time’ for Eric Holder to go
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“I lost confidence in the attorney general a long time ago over his cover-up of the Fast and Furious investigation,” said Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, referencing Mr. Holder’s role in the infamous gunrunning scheme that went awry and cost the life of a U.S. Border Patrol agent.
Calls for Mr. Holder’s ouster have grown louder since it was revealed the Justice Department gathered telephone records for at least 20 Associated Press editors and reporters in an attempt to find the source of a supposed national
Those two scandals, Mr. Cornyn said, make clear that Mr. Holder must be dismissed.
“I think it’s past time for him to go and for the president to appoint somebody who the public can have confidence in,” he said.
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Forty years ago this month, the Senate launched its best-known inquiry when chairman Sam Ervin of North Carolina gaveled to order the first public hearing of the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, commonly known as the Watergate Committee. Americans watched live televised broadcasts of the hearings as senators and staff questioned the president’s closest advisors about the break-in and cover-up at the Watergate office complex and other “illegal and improper campaign practices and financing” that occurred during the presidential campaign of 1972.
The Senate Watergate Committee has been credited with reviving public confidence in congressional investigations, which had declined during the McCarthy inquiries of the 1950s. Several factors contributed to the committee’s overall success including extensive media coverage, sustained public interest, the meticulous work of investigators, the cooperation of key witnesses, and the continuing support of the full Senate. Public support for the investigation remained strong even when a series of confrontations between the Watergate Committee and the White House provoked a constitutional crisis.
Since its first inquiry in 1792, Congress has conducted hundreds of investigations, fulfilling a constitutional oversight responsibility while serving as the eyes and ears of the American public. Over the past two centuries the Senate has probed issues such as interstate commerce, Ku Klux Klan activities, the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic, Wall Street banking practices, organized crime, antiunion activity, the sale of cotton, and the Vietnam War.
Congressional investigations, in the words of Senator Ervin, "can be the catalyst that spurs Congress and the public to support vital reforms in our nation’s laws." The Watergate investigation prompted Congress to approve a series of measures including revisions to the Federal Election Campaign Act and the Ethics in Government Act.
Over A Decade After 9/11/01: Are We Better or Worse?
What a sad and terrible day for those with family in the Towers. Some came home, some did not. Some called to give a last message of love, but never made it back. A plane full of American heroes gave their all and fought back to save innocent lives. Their courage resulted in the enemy’s weapon of destruction being broken and scattered along a peaceful meadow in Pennsylvania. Their rebellion was a blood foil to those who would devour the USA and her citizens.
What a great coming together there was of our nation during this time. Everyone wanted to help in any and every way they could. Everyone wanted to pray, hold the hands of strangers and thank almighty God. They prayed for the victims, those who were spared, and for the heroes who saved so many, yet paid the ultimate price. They prayed for His protection and watched vigilantly for anything that seemed a threat. They watched as some died from anthrax that was planted in our mail system.
Each American had the others’ back. Each was ready to defend its neighbors. The attack brought brotherhood and unity to the United States in a way that had not been seen since World War II.
On the eleventh anniversary of that tragic day, we were reminded that another group has not forgotten about us when the American Embassy in Libya was attacked and our Ambassador and three ex-Navy SEALs were brutally killed.
How different is the climate of our nation today when an act of war is perpetrated on US soil.
Now government representatives issue apologies, sorry that anyone’s’ feelings were hurt. How about the feelings of the family of the Ambassador and the three ex-Navy SEALs? How about the feelings of the secret operatives that aid the USA?
It was reported that a list of names was taken from the embassy, along with other classified data, no doubt. This is just another trespass of classified information that has been leaked to enemies. It puts our secret operatives in peril as they risk their lives, like the poor doctor that supplied DNA evidence that verified the identity of Osama Bin Laden.
The new standard government method of operation is to point fingers and spin tales.
What about our citizenry? Are they calling for justice as they did in 2001? Is our “media” looking for the truth?
The officials involved are not taking the inquiries into this tragedy seriously. They are hoping to stall and let everyone forget about it.
The American people are no longer united. They are divided on petty social issues.
What is the most distasteful is many government officials at all levels are the stokers of the flames and ridiculous agendas. By dividing each group, creating mistrust and envy, the ball in is their court. People will squabble amongst themselves, while these politicos go about the process of dismantling our society. It seems to me the most important thing is for them to fill their pockets.
A student of history might recall that the best way to divide and conquer from within is to create a common enemy. Little by little our rights are being eroded. They want us to forget national pride. Since when did love of country become something to be ashamed of and hidden away?
And what has journalism come to today? The definition of journalism from Word IQ is: “A discipline of collecting, verifying, reporting and analyzing information gathered regarding current events.” Would Walter Cronkite have shouted down interviewees as they tried to present their facts to back up the answers to his questions? Would Edward R. Murrow have only reported pumped up sensationalism to sell his brand during his live broadcasts in the European theatre of World War II? Would he have lost his temper and left the sound stage if he disagreed with an interviewee?
There are a few who still endeavor to find the truth, but they are in a minority. They are often ostracized by their peers for trying to verify and report objectively.
Is the United States of America no longer a power for what is right? Has Superman’s oath of “Truth, Justice and the American Way,” become just a line in a comic book? Will the average person continue to follow celebrities and their lives, caring more about Hollywood gossip than the struggling neighbor next door?
Must foreign aid give millions to those who hate and murder Americans yet spare not one penny to help the elderly or hungry children right here at home? Does everyone really, really want a dependent life, with the government in charge of everything from the food that is grown and distributed, to the personal liberties and opinions that people wish to express? Do they want to be told how much they can earn, or when they come and go?
Do the people work for government or does the government work for the people?
Would the average employee get fired if he or she showed up for work 8 to 75% of the time, like some of those elected to the Senate and the House?
The statistics show how often they attend and vote. Look up your representatives, see the records. Demand that they do the job they have been elected to do, or send them packing.
Has the American work ethic been lost forever? “Made in the USA,” used to mean it was a very high quality product. Is it really acceptable, if the CEOs make millions of dollars in salaries and bonuses while shipping good paying manufacturing jobs overseas?
Does anyone out there care about all of these things?
The people who stood together on 9/11 for America are the same ones who need to remember and ask themselves the above questions. Perhaps, prior bad judgment has put the USA down, but not out. Those with nefarious agendas have underestimated the fighting spirit of the American People. The freedom enjoyed here is not free. It did not come cheap, but at the cost of lives.
Thomas Jefferson said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
The blood of responsible, hard working people was shed eleven years ago. More was shed in Benghazi in order to let the United States know that the terrorists have not forgotten nor have they been defeated. After all, it is the average person who is the employer of our government and Republic.
Who will stand for hard won freedom and the blood of those who were killed on 9/11/2001 and 9/11/2012?
Americans should be the strong-arm of justice tempered with compassion, not ostriches living with their collective heads buried in the sand.
Worst end of school mom ever
Can you relate?
By Jen Hatmaker 22 hours ago
know the Beginning of School Enthusiasm? When the pencils are fresh and
the notebooks are new and the kids’ backpacks don’t look like they
lined the den of a pack of filthy hyenas? Moms, remember how you packed
innovative and nutritional lunches and laid clothes out the night before
and labeled shelves for each child’s work and school correspondence and
completed homework in a timely manner?
I am exactly still like that at the end of school, except the opposite.
We are limping, limping
across the finish line, folks. I tapped out somewhere in April and at
this point, it is a miracle my kids are still even going to school. I
haven’t checked homework folders in three weeks, because, well, I just
can’t. Cannot. Can. Not. I can’t look at the homework in the
folder. Is there homework in the folder? I don’t even know. Are other
moms still looking in the homework folder? I don’t even care.
I am exactly still like that at the end of school, except the opposite.
Then my son Ben tells me Tuesday that he needs a Ben Franklin costume for the Living History Museum today, and I’m like what fresh hell is this?? I have no idea how I missed the correspondence on this (because I’m not checking backpacks is just a theory), but Brandon is the Costume and Project Parent and I am the Daily Grinder, which is a division of labor we agreed on to ensure our kids actually graduate one day and move out, but he is out of town on a mancation, so this is on me. I cannot even handle signing a folder in late May; a colonial costume is cause for full, unrestrained despair.
So Ben went to school like this today, and there is no way this will ever not be a part of his childhood. Please note my scarf hanging out the bottom of his vest, as well as the soccer socks stretched over his Adidas pants. Just whatever, man.
My shame was somewhat mitigated when I saw a kid wearing a random t-shirt and jeans with a pair of swim goggles around his neck (Michael Phelps) and another girl with a piece of paper taped to her shirt with her character’s name written in marker.
I caught the eyes of their moms and was all solidarity, you guys.
Teachers, we need to make a deal that after April testing, we don’t have to do anything else. You don’t. I don’t. I don’t care if you watch movies in class five days a week and take four recesses a day. I mean, my son Caleb had to bring an About Me poster with five school days left in the year. In September, this might have produced something noteworthy, with pictures perhaps, even some thoughtful components to describe his winning qualities, but as we’ve used up all our bandwidth, we yanked trash out of our actual trash can, glued it to a poster, and called it a day. I am not exaggerating when I tell you this is the very most we can do on May 29th. This is our best work:
Note the caveman labels: DRINK, MOTORCYCLE, GAME, SHOP, FOOD.
End of school hard.
End of school hard.
The emails coming in for All Of The Things – class gift, end of year letters, luncheon signup, party supplies, awards ceremonies, pictures for the slide shows, final projects – are like a tsunami of doom. They are endless. I mean, they will never ever end. There is no end of it. I will never finish and turn it all in and get it to the (correct) Room Mom and get it all emailed and I am pretty sure the final week of school will never be over and this is the end for me.
Brandon (husband):
“You don’t have to do all that, you know. Just blow it off.”
Me, staring blankly:
“Well, what a lovely thought you’re having there in your brain. How nice for you to be thinking that thought. I want to live in your imaginary world where my failure to do the School Stuff doesn’t mean our kid is the only one not wearing a purple shirt or didn’t have his pictures in the slideshow or didn’t bring in a handmade card for his teacher like every other student. I’ll just ‘blow it off’ and our kids can work it out with their therapists later.”
“You don’t even know about all this, man.”
So, Mom out there sending Lunchables with your kid, making her wear shoes with holes because we’re.almost.there, practicing “auditory reading” with your 1st grader, I got your back, sister. We were awesome back in October; don’t you forget that. We used to care, and that counts for something. Next year’s teachers will get a fresher version of us in August, and they won’t even know the levels of suckage we will succumb to by May. Hang in there, Mama. Just a few more days until summer, when approximately 19 minutes into our glorious respite from homework, liberated from the crush of it all, ready to party like it’s 1999, our precious children, having whooped and celebrated and “graduated” and squealed all the way home will announce:
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PFEIFFER: “Yada, yada, blah, blah…and shuddup, racist!”
According to a new poll from Gallup, 69 percent of those polled agreed that questions over the Obama administration’s public response to the September 11, 2012, attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya deserve more investgiation, including 52 percent who “strongly agree.”
It. So he shrugs and says I was off duty. Sorry that doesn’t fly!!
It’s the same story on the IRS controversy, with 54% saying the GOP in Congress has not overplayed its hand.
And, Pfeiffer…
IT WAS NOT a “tragedy”.
It WAS…and STILL IS…a scandal.
It STARTS with a delusional foreign policy, promulgated by people who HATE America.