Tuesday, May 13, 2014

( The Cell Phone Report ) Patcnews May 13, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports All cell phones & Apple iphones Bluetooth devices headsets causes brain cancer © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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All cell phones iphone Bluetooth devices headsets causes brain cancer


Brain Cancer and Cell Phone

Ethics compelled us to ensure that all reasonable people have access to the basic scientific facts. Your cell phone is a microwave transmitter and it should bear a cancer warning! Microwave energy oscillates at millions to billions of cycles per second. The Journal of Cellular Biochemistry reports that these frequencies cause cancer and other diseases by interfering with cellular. DNA and its repair mechanisms. Brain cancer and cell phone risk is real. Microwave promotes rapid cell aging. Italian scientists have recently demonstrated that cell phone radiation makes cancerous cells grow aggressively. Cordless phones marked 900 megahertz or 2.4 gigahertz emit the same dangerous microwave radiation as cell phones.

Cell Phone Cancer?

The connection between microwave exposure and cancer has been documented for years. During the Cold War, the Soviets irradiated the US Embassy in Moscow, Russia, with low level, twin-beam microwave radiation. Two successive ambassadors developed leukemia. Other staffers also developed cancer--or their blood showed DNA damage, which precedes cancer.

Research by University of Washington professor Dr. Henry Lai shows brain cells are clearly damaged by microwave levels far below the US government's "safety" guidelines. Dr. Lai notes that even tiny doses of radio frequency can cumulate over time and lead to harmful effects. He warns that public exposure to radiation from wireless transmitters "should be limited to minimal."

Motorola advises consumers to avoid pointing a cellular antenna toward exposed parts of the body. But independent tests show that cell phones can also leak huge amounts of radiation from the keypad and mouthpiece. This radiation deeply penetrates brain, ear and eye tissues, which are especially susceptible to microwave damage. Belt clip cases allow cell phones to deliver radiation to the liver or kidney areas when a wired, hands-free earpiece is used.

 Recent studies confirm that cell and cordless phone microwave can:

  • Damage nerves in the scalp
  • Cause blood cells to leak haemoglobin
  • Cause memory loss and mental confusion
  • Cause headaches and induce extreme fatigue
  • Create joint pain, muscle spasms and tremors
  • Create burning sensation and rash on the skin
  • Alter the brain's electrical activity during sleep
  • Induce ringing ! in the ears, impair sense of smell
  • Precipitate cataracts, retina damage and eye cancer
  • Open the blood-brain barrier to viruses and toxins
  • Reduce the number and efficiency of white blood cells
  • Stimulate asthma by producing histamine in mast cells
  • Cause digestive problems and raise bad cholesterol levels
  • Stress the endocrine system, especially pancreas, thyroid, ovaries, testes

In 1993, the telecom industry committed $25 million dollars for a series of research projects designed to prove that cell phones are safe. The studies proved just the opposite! They proved that federal microwave exposure standards are dangerously inadequate. Cell damage and tumors can be easily induced in the lab at about one third of the FCC's exposure guidelines.

The telecom boys panicked. They and their lackey politicians and federal regulators decided the only lucrative thing to do was to LIE and DENY. Despite damning evidence, the FDA still prevaricates: "There is no reason to conclude that there are health risks posed by cell phones to consumers." Meantime, the telecom industry has been pressing to INCREASE BY MORE THAN 10 TIMES the allowable human exposure to cell phone radiation!

Luckily, Dr. George Carlo headed up the industry's study project. He presents the shocking facts in his book, Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries About Cancer and Genetic Damage (Carroll and Graf, 2001). A summary of Dr. Carlo's book is this: Cell phones are hot, adequate protective regulations are naught, and Americans are being "fried" so that the deceitful telecom industry can rake it in! It's dirty business as usual, and the longer the industry can con the public, the more billions it collects.

On June 16, 2002 , CBS aired a Sixty Minutes segment which confirmed the telecom industry is about as grungy as it gets. CBS producers accused major phone service providers of cheating, scamming, forging signatures, switching phone service without permission and lying about charges. The attorney general of Connecticut stated that despite millions of dollars in fines each year, these companies remain incorrigible. Should we be trusting this industry with our brain tissues and our very lives?

Microwave to the head is extremely hazardous to children. Parents in some European nations are now warned to keep children away from cell phones. A University of Utah researcher found the younger the child, the more radiation is absorbed by the brain. Spanish researchers have shown that cell phones can alter electrical activity of a child's brain for hours, causing drastic mood changes and possible behavior and learning disabilities. Scientists fear that cell phone radiation could damage human embryos. Pregnant women are advised to be wary.

A cell phone must greatly increase its field strength to maintain communications within the metallic cage of an auto. Thus, the effect of microwave radiation inside a vehicle is especially intense. Volkswagen of Europe has warned that cell phone usage inside a car can be "injurious to health due to the extremely high electromagnetic fields generated."

Insurance studies in England showed that an average driver talking on a cell is actually more impaired in function and reaction time than a drunk. Finland's Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority reports that one hour of exposure to mobile phone radiation can cause human cells to shrink. Researchers believe this is due to increased protein activity, an indicator of cell damage. What an unstable world needs now is a global population afflicted with incredible shrinking brains!

Brain cancer and cell phone?
Brain cancer rates in USA have increased by 25% since 1975. In 2001, 185,000 Americans were diagnosed with some form of brain cancer. A grade four brain tumor can grow from the size of a grape to tennis ball size in just 4 months. Brain tumors are almost always fatal and most people die within 6-12 months after diagnosis. On April 7, 2002, Sixty Minutes aired a fascinating report on brain cancer, explaining that scientists are unsure why incidence of the disease is growing so exponentially.

Ironically, the segment was followed by a Sprint ad, which advised parents that the best way to keep track of teenagers is to connect them to a cell phone. While researchers say that radical damage to the brain can occur within the first few minutes of conversation, telecom ads encourage customers to spend many hours on the phone each month. Those blazing, full-page cell phone ads in newspapers and magazines must be the reason cell phone dangers are almost never discussed in the mainstream media.

An excellent resource tool is Robert Kane's book Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette (Vantage Press, 2001). As a telecommunications expert, Kane presents an impressive collection of studies showing that both government agencies and cell phone manufacturers KNEW YEARS AGO that cell phone radiation at present exposure levels is dangerous to human health. He notes that cell phones would be rendered useless if their RF emissions were reduced to safe levels.

Reports of illness from heavy cell phone usage and from living or working close to powerful RF transmitters are synchronous with numerous cancer-related lawsuits now being filed against the cell phone industry. The insurance industry sees big trouble ahead. Underwriters for Lloyd's of London refuse to insure phone manufacturers against damage to users' health. Cell phone radiation and the risof brain cancer and cell phones are today what tobacco was 40 years ago.

Jabra recommends Bluetooth headsets in lieu of brain tumors All Buetooth Headset  

Brain Cancer and Cell Phone

As the number of mobile phone users grows, cell phones' impact on human life and health is ever more of a concern. On the other hand, cell phones provide us with the most convenient form of daily distance communication in human history. Growing usage of mobile phones let us direct contact to the device, for long time. There is no possible way of leaving cellular phones or drop them in modern life. We have moved to a new era of wearing mobile and particularly Smart Phones and to use it not only voice but also for internet too.

Mobile phones and, Bluetooth headsets that use radio waves as transceivers. Radio frequencies that carry the energy, give rise to changes in cell structure of human body. Cancer is also a disease result of changes in the structure of body cells. - See more at: http://www.cemspot.com/2013/11/bluetooth-headsets-are-not-harmful.html#sthash.niCrYfNm.dpuf

Following the World Health Organization’s revelation
last week that cell phones are “possibly carcinogenic to humans based
on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer
associated with wireless phone use,” Jabra has issued an easy fix:
instead of putting a cell phone to your ear and possibly getting a brain
tumor, use one of its Bluetooth headsets. Jabra says its headsets emit
800 times less radiation than cell phones — just 0.0025 watts max output
compared to 2 watts max from cell phones. In a Jabra-sponsored survey,
61% said cell phone radiation only concerned them “a little bit” or “to
some extent” and 25% said they were not at all concerned. But when
informed that using a Bluetooth headset has been scientifically proven
to drastically reduce exposure to radiation, more than half of
the respondents said they would use a hands-free device. Hit the break
for Jabra’s press release.

Jabra Responds to Study Revealing Cell Phones as Possible Carcinogenics

Jabra Hands-Free Devices Permit 800 Times Less Radiation than Cell Phones; Survey Results Show Lack of Awareness Among Consumers

NASHUA, N.H., June 8, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — A new report from the World
Health Organization (WHO)/Interactional Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC) released last week has revealed another potential health risk for
consumers. The report details that radiation transmitted by cell phones
is potentially carcinogenic, based on an increased risk for a malignant
type of brain cancer associated with wireless phone use. What most
people don’t realize is that there is solution to dramatically lower the
exposure – using hands-free devices!

Just as people aren’t going to stay indoors because they are afraid
of sun damage, they won’t stop using cell phones due to fear of
radiation. With over 5 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide,
cell phones have become a part of our daily routine for communicating
with others and are here to stay.  Using a hands-free device can reduce
the exposure to radiation by a factor of eight hundred, drastically
lowering the exposure from max 2 watts from cell phones to 0.0025 watts
max output for Bluetooth™ hands-free devices and zero watts for corded

New survey results, sponsored by Jabra, a world leader in innovative
hands-free solutions, show that despite the potential risk, people are
not concerned with radiation in their daily lives. Twenty five percent
of survey respondents said that radiation doesn’t concern them at all
and sixty one percent said that it concerns them a little bit or to some
extent.  However, when informed that it is a scientific fact that using
a Bluetooth (wireless) headset actually reduces exposure to phone
radiation, 53% said they would use a hands-free device.

“People are concerned about radiation from their cell phones but they
don’t care enough to stop using them and aren’t aware that being
hands-free lowers the exposure,” said Anne Raaen Rasmussen, Senior Vice
President of the Mobile division at Jabra. “We are here to inform them
that Jabra offers many hands-free devices that provide a solution for
concerned consumers who want to lower their own or their children’s
exposure to cell phone radiation.”

A press release issued by the IARC recommended reducing exposure
through the use of headsets stating, “Given the potential consequences
for public health of this classification and findings, it is important
that additional research be conducted into the long-term, heavy use of
mobile phones. Pending the availability of such information, it is
important to take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure such as
hands-free devices or texting.”
(Source: http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2011/pdfs/pr208_E.pdf)

To learn more about the hands-free solutions that Jabra offers, visit Jabra.com.

Survey Methodology

The results of the survey, underwritten by Jabra and conducted by
Lindberg International, are based on responses from an online survey of
2,518 consumers between the ages of 18 and 55 with respondents in five
countries - the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia,
and Japan.  Respondents were asked about their awareness surrounding the
concerns and reactions to radiation and cell phone usage and knowledge
of the effects of using a hands-free device.  The survey was conducted
in April 2011.  The margin of error is +/- 1.95%.

Brain cancer risk factors

The cause of brain cancer is still largely unknown. Although there are some genetic conditions and environmental factors which may contribute to the development of brain cancer, the risk factors are much less defined for brain cancer than for other cancers in the body.
Also, the risk of developing primary brain cancer is very low. The American Cancer Society estimates the risk over a lifetime is less than one percent.
It’s important to remember that a brain cancer risk factor only affects the probability of developing brain cancer over a lifetime. For example, if you’ve received radiation therapy to treat another cancer, or if you’ve worked in an industry where you handled potentially cancerous chemicals, you may want to discuss with your doctor what it means for your individual risk of developing brain cancer.

Brain cancer risk factors


  • Gender: There is no general rule that covers all brain cancers. Certain cancers, like meningiomas, are twice as likely to develop in women. Medulloblastomas are more frequently found in males.
  • Age: In general, the frequency of brain cancer increases with age, with more occurrences in individuals age 65 and older. The age factor varies depending on the cell type and location of the tumor. Adults have a very low risk of developing medulloblastomas, while gliomas are most common in adults. The incidence of meningiomas and craniopharyngiomas are far more frequent in adults over age 50, but again, these tumors may occur at any age.

  • Compromised immune system: Some people with compromised immune systems have an increased risk of developing lymphomas of the brain.

  • Genetic links: Family history may affect the likelihood of developing certain diseases. Von Hippel-Lindau disease, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and Neurofibromatosis (NF1 and NF2) are inherited conditions that have been found in families with a history of rare brain tumors. Otherwise, there is little evidence that brain cancer runs in families.

  • Chemical exposure: Exposure to certain industrial chemicals or solvents has been linked to an increased risk in developing brain cancer. Although it is not conclusive, there is evidence that there is a higher incidence of certain types of brain tumors in individuals who work in oil refining, rubber manufacturing and drug manufacturing.

  • Radiation treatment: Exposure to radiation therapy, particularly at a young age, may increase the likelihood of developing brain cancer.

Brain cancer risk factors

  • Gender: There is no general rule that covers all brain cancers. Certain cancers, like meningiomas, are twice as likely to develop in women. Medulloblastomas are more frequently found in males.
  • Age: In general, the frequency of brain cancer increases with age, with more occurrences in individuals age 65 and older. The age factor varies depending on the cell type and location of the tumor. Adults have a very low risk of developing medulloblastomas, while gliomas are most common in adults. The incidence of meningiomas and craniopharyngiomas are far more frequent in adults over age 50, but again, these tumors may occur at any age.

  • Compromised immune system: Some people with compromised immune systems have an increased risk of developing lymphomas of the brain.

  • Genetic links: Family history may affect the likelihood of developing certain diseases. Von Hippel-Lindau disease, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and Neurofibromatosis (NF1 and NF2) are inherited conditions that have been found in families with a history of rare brain tumors. Otherwise, there is little evidence that brain cancer runs in families.

  • Chemical exposure: Exposure to certain industrial chemicals or solvents has been linked to an increased risk in developing brain cancer. Although it is not conclusive, there is evidence that there is a higher incidence of certain types of brain tumors in individuals who work in oil refining, rubber manufacturing and drug manufacturing.

  • Radiation treatment: Exposure to radiation therapy, particularly at a young age, may increase the likelihood of developing brain cancer.

Brain cancer grading

The staging process assesses the spread of cancer beyond the origin site. Brain cancer does not behave in the same way as other cancers. Tumors may migrate within the brain, but it is very rare for primary brain tumors to spread outside of the brain, or away from the central nervous system (CNS).
Consequently, brain cancer is usually graded rather than staged. The brain tumor grading system features four distinct grades and provides your care team with an understanding of how the tumor grows. This process helps our doctors match brain cancer treatments to individual needs.

Assessing brain tumors

To determine the growth and development of tumors in the brain, doctors focus on the characteristics of the tumor and its effect on functionality. The main factors used to assess brain tumors include:

  • Size and location
  • Type of tissue or cells affected
  • Resectability (the likelihood that part or all of the tumor can be removed by surgery)
  • The spread of the cancer within the brain or spinal cord
  • The possibility the cancer has spread beyond the brain or CNS
A complete assessment will also factor in age and any brain cancer symptoms that are limiting basic functions, such as speech, hearing or movement.



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© All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

As the number of mobile phone users grows, cell phones' impact on human life and health is ever more of a concern. On the other hand, cell phones provide us with the most convenient form of daily distance communication in human history. Growing usage of mobile phones let us direct contact to the device, for long time. There is no possible way of leaving cellular phones or drop them in modern life. We have moved to a new era of wearing mobile and particularly Smart Phones and to use it not only voice but also for internet too.

Mobile phones and, Bluetooth headsets that use radio waves as transceivers. Radio frequencies that carry the energy, give rise to changes in cell structure of human body. Cancer is also a disease result of changes in the structure of body cells. - See more at: http://www.cemspot.com/2013/11/bluetooth-headsets-are-not-harmful.html#sthash.niCrYfNm.dpuf


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