Monday, May 12, 2014

( The Home Depot Report ) Patcnews May 12, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The Home Depot Report ~ Black Friday 2013 TV Commercial © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Full list of retail Stores That will be open on Thanksgiving Day So Long Black Friday Sales It Wild Turkey Day Sales that is What I call it
It's Wild Turkey day Sales the retailers will not like that title you ask for it that is what you get damn wild Turkey Corporate Executive's

Best Buy
Office Depot
Home Depot
Lowe's Home Improvement
Sam's Club
Big Lots
toys R us
Barnes and Noble
Ride Aid
The Nike Store
Fred Meyer
video only
ihop Restaurant
Denny's Restaurant
All 711 Stores
and Shell Gas Station will be open as well

                liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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                         liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

UPDATE:Tell Home Depot To Take Their Sharia Law and Shove It!!

Florida Family Assoc. makes it easy to voice your disgust with Home Depot for its sharia-compliant policies
HOME DEPOT allowed Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) to instruct its managers on how to make their stores more sharia-compliant. In other words, CAIR dictates to what lengths a private business must go to accommodate the religious demands of its Muslim employees and customers.

Florida Family  It only takes about 10 seconds (click link below) to tell Home Depot how you feel about their double standards. In Oct. 2009, Home Depot fired Trevor Keezor, a Christian, for wearing a button that read “One nation under God, indivisible” when he worked for the Home Depot in Okeechobee, Florida. reports in part:

  • Home Depot management had told him the American flag button bearing the legend “One nation under God, indivisible” which he had been wearing on his work apron for over a year was an unacceptable violation of company policy, and that after he refused an order to remove it he was fired from his job.   
  • For his part, Keezor maintained that he had been wearing the button on his work apron since March 2008 without incident, but soon after he began bringing a Bible to read during his lunch break at the store in October 2009, management told him he would have to remove the button.
  • Click here to send your email of concern to Home Depot officials.

Home Depot did not treat Islam and the pro-Hamas, pro-Muslim Brotherhood, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) the same way they did Mr. Keezor’s Christian faith. The CAIR Michigan web site posted an article titled “CAIR-MI Offers Cultural Awareness Training to Home Depot Employees” which has recently started receiving attention after being reported by BarenakedIslam
The CAIR Michigan article states:


Home Depot Rolls out the carpet for Sharia Law

By Amy Elizabeth
A Home Depot in Dearborn MI was the latest victim succumbing to the demands of an organization that shouldn’t be in existence in the United States of America. An American company the home depot gets over powered by the Muslim Botherhood terror linked organization CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) has cast. The employees will be subjected to cultural awareness training. The CAIR states this will help them accommodate the religious sensitivities of the Muslim employees and customers. Corporate and Managers gain a better understanding of Muslims and are taught Islam.
cair-highlightDoes Home Depot believe they need to “better serve their Muslim customers”? Here in America isn’t it a practice of retail corporations to better serve ALL of its customers? What exactly does this mean? Why do corporate managers need to understand their Muslim employees any better than their Jewish and Christian employees?
In CAIR’s booklet titled “An Employer’s Guide to Islamic Religious Practices” it sets demands upon employers that are seemingly outrageous and quite discriminatory to other religions. For example:
Friday is the day for congregational worship, called Jum’ah. The prayer generally takes place at a mosque during the noontime prayer and includes an address or sermon, and lasts a total of 45 to 90 minutes.
Performing the rituals of the pilgrimage may last five days during the second week of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar. However, considerable variations exist in trip arrangements, and group travel may take 10-21 days. Muslim employees may choose to make pilgrimage using vacation time.
Employers may wish to modify dress code policies so that religiously-mandated attire is addressed as a diversity issue. For example, many corporations have a policy forbidding the wearing of “hats.” This rule may be amended to exempt items such as head scarves and skullcaps.
A Muslim employee should not be asked to serve or sell religiously offensive products, such as alcoholic beverages
These so-called Muslim “accommodations” are nothing more than the forcing of American institutions to comply with a law that is completely and unequivocally antithetical to our Constitution and our laws. It is called Sharia Law, and the acceptance of the above demands is opening a dangerous door that will soon be unable to close.
In a world where Christians are being slaughtered by muslims, how can any American, let alone American Corporation blatantly ignore the travesty by embracing the enemy.


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