Thursday, May 15, 2014

( The Military Report ) Patcnews May 15, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The Military News Report © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Pearl Harbor Naval Base


(CNN) The Pentagon took a major step toward upgrading its aging bomber fleet
Tuesday, awarding the long-awaited contract to build the new Long Range
Strike Bomber to Northrop Grumman.

the Long Range Strike Bomber the "back bone" of the Air Force's future
strike and deterrence capabilities, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said
the new aircraft allows the U.S. to "project power across the globe now
and into the future."

age of our bomber fleet requires new thinking and new capabilities,"
Carter said. "Building this bomber is a strategic investment for the
next 50 years."

Officials have been
tight-lipped as to the specific capability expectations for the LRS-B,
but indications are that it will be stealth, able to carry conventional
and nuclear weapons and could possibly operate both with and without a

Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee
James said the new long-range bomber will have the ability to launch
from the U.S. and strike any target around the globe to counter
advancements in air defense systems by rival nations and emerging
threats posed by potential adversaries.

Grumman, the developer of the Air Force's current bomber, the B-2, beat
out a partnership between aeronautic juggernauts Boeing and Lockheed
Martin for the right to build the next generation of long-range
"The Air Force has made the
right decision for our nation's security," said Wes Bush, chairman, CEO
and president of Northrop Grumman, in a statement. "As the company that
developed and delivered the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, we look forward
to providing the Air Force with a highly-capable and affordable
next-generation Long-Range Strike Bomber."
Along with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the KC-46 tanker, the LRS-B is one of the Air Force's top modernization priorities.

face a complex security environment," Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee
James said during the Pentagon briefing announcing the contract Tuesday.
"It's imperative our Air Force invests in the right people, technology,
capability and training to defend the nation and its interests -- at an
affordable cost."

The Pentagon says
the LRS-B contract is divided into two parts in an effort to ensure
contractors stay on schedule and within the boundaries of designated
cost estimates.

The first part of the
contract covers the engineering and manufacturing development phase of
the aircraft and includes incentives to minimize the contractor's profit
if it does not control costs and stay on schedule.

Engineering and development costs are estimated at $21.4 billion (in 2010 dollars) over the entire life of the program.

The second part of the contract covers the costs that go into building each of 100 aircraft projected as part of the program.

to the estimates outlined in the contract, each long-range bomber will
cost $511 million (in 2010 dollars), meeting the $550 million threshold
set by the Pentagon.

Based on current
independent estimates, the Air Force projects the cost of the program to
be approximately a third of the previous B-2 stealth aircraft.

recent programs to upgrade stealth air capabilities, including the F-35
Joint Strike Fighter, have been plagued by schedule delays, technology
glitches and cost overruns.

"We have
committed to the American people to provide security in the skies,
balanced by our responsibility to affordably use taxpayer dollars in
doing so," said Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, Air Force chief of staff.

"This program delivers both while ensuring we are poised to face emerging threats in an uncertain future," he said.

Chinese warships spotted off Alaska coast reportedly passed through US waters Published September 04, Facebook Twitter1493 livefyre0 Email Print Now Playing Chinese warships come within 12 nautical miles of US coast Never autoplay videos Five Chinese warships that were operating off the Alaska coast earlier this week reportedly entered U.S. territorial waters and came within 12 nautical miles of the coast, Pentagon officials told the Wall Street Journal early Friday. China’s Defense Ministry also confirmed to the paper that its naval ships had sailed to the Bering Sea for training after a joint military exercise with Russia in late August. Officials in Beijing insisted that the activity was routine and not aimed at any particular country. Navy Commander Bill Urban, a Pentagon spokesman, confirmed to Fox News Wednesday that three surface warfare ships, one amphibious assault ship and one supply vessel from the People's Liberation Army Navy had been sighted in the Bering Sea. It was the first time that Chinese ships had been seen in the body of water separating Alaska and Russia. The Chinese ships' appearance coincided with President Obama's trip to Alaska, during which he largely focused on climate change, but also pressed Congress to approve the building of more icebreakers to counter claims to the Arctic made by Russia. Pentagon officials told the Journal that the ships complied with international law, saying the Chinese actions were in accordance with the principal of "innocent passage." A Pentagon spokesman defined that principle by saying the ships "“transited expeditiously and continuously through the Aleutian Island chain in a manner consistent with international law." White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Wednesday that the Defense Department "positively identified a number of Chinese naval vessels in that region, but based on their analysis, they have not detected any sort of threat or threatening activities." More on this... Defense official: 5 Chinese navy ships in Bering Sea China, Russia demonstrate military prowess for US military A look at China's extravagant military parade China has become more active in asserting its territorial claims, including reclaiming land to build new islands at a number of disputed Spratly reefs in the South China Sea. Several of China's neighbors also claim the reefs — including U.S. ally the Philippines — which lie in one of the world's busiest shipping routes and are rich in fish and potential gas and oil reserves. The U.S. has a policy of not taking sides in the territorial disputes, but it has declared it has a national interest in ensuring freedom of navigation and overflights. On Thursday, the U.S. Navy installed Rear Adm. Frederick Roegge to command its submarine force in the Pacific. The ceremony's guest speaker, Adm. Cecil Haney, a former submarine commander himself and currently the commander of U.S. Strategic Command, said significant disagreements and disputes challenge peace and stability in the Pacific. "For example, we see China's efforts to assert regional dominance in the East and South China Seas while at the same time they're operating a new ballistic missile submarine force, modernizing its mobile and fixed intercontinental ballistic missiles and conducting persistent cyber activities and counter space demonstrations," Haney said. The submarine force, which often called the "silent service," plays an important role in keeping track of China's increased activity, primarily through intelligence gathering. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Click for more from The Wall Street Journal.



Air Force Announces First Ever Female F-35 Fighter Jet Pilot, Lt. Col. Christine Mau

Meet Lt. Col. Christine Mau, the first woman to fly the F-35 Lightning II fighter jet.
christine mau
Lt. Col. Christine Mau, 33rd Operations Group deputy commander, puts on her helmet before taking her first flight in the F-35A on Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., May 5, 2015.
Mau took to the skies in an F-35 from Florida’s Eglin Air Force Base on Tuesday, the Air Force announced. Previously, she’d completed 14 virtual training missions in a flight simulator.
“It wasn’t until I was taxiing to the runway that it really struck me that I was on my own in the jet,” the former F-15E Strike Eagle pilot said, per a news release. “I had a chase aircraft, but there was no weapons system officer or instructor pilot sitting behind me, and no one in my ear like in simulators.”
Mau is the 88th F-35 pilot who has trained at Eglin in the last four years, the Air Force says. The F-35 program includes the Navy, Marine Corps and allied forces.
Lt. Col. Christine Mau navigates her F-35A through the “bird bath” after returning from her first flight on Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., May 5, 2015.
The F-35 is a state-of-the-art fighter jet. According to the Telegraph, the plane can fly at nearly twice the speed of sound, and is equipped with the latest in intelligence-gathering and stealth technologies.
“This is simply a phenomenal flying machine,” a British test pilot told the news outlet in 2013 after taking the jet for a spin.
As The Hill points out, women have flown in combat since the 1990s, but the Air Force said Mau is the “first woman in the Air Force’s premier fighter.”
Mau is no stranger to making history. In 2011, she was part of the first all-female combat sortie while deployed to Afghanistan.
“Flying is a great equalizer,” said Mau, per the release. “The plane doesn’t know or care about your gender as a pilot, nor do the ground troops who need your support. You just have to perform. That’s all anyone cares about when you’re up there — that you can do your job, and that you do it exceptionally well.”
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story misspelled the name of Eglin Air Force Base.


BREAKING: Marine Fired for Refusing to Remove Bible Verse

A U.S. Marine was convicted at a court-martial for refusing to remove a Bible verse on her computer wall screen “No weapon formed against me shall prosper” – a verse of Scripture the military determined “could easily be seen as contrary to good order and discipline.”
Sterling, was convicted in a court-martial at Camp Lejune, North Carolina after she refused to obey orders from a staff sergeant to remove the Bible verses from her desk.
As it now stands – Sterling is unemployed and looking for work. It’s a process made harder because of the bad conduct discharge from the military. Hopefully Liberty Institute will be able to restore this Christian Marine’s good name and expunge the charge.
BREAKING: Marine Fired for Refusing to Remove Bible Verse
“If the government can order a Marine not to display a Bible verse, they could try and order her not to get a religious tattoo, or go to church on Sunday,” said Liberty Institute attorney Michael Berry. “Restricting a Marine’s free exercise of religion is blatantly unconstitutional.”

I cannot believe this is happening in AMERICA

Report Says Troops Who Report Sexual Assault Face Retaliation

Air Force sexual assault legal assistance 600x400

The Arkansas hotel room smelled of smoke, and the television news showed footage of troops on patrol in Iraq.
Lt. Col. Teresa James recalls that she focused on the screen's images, rather than on the senior officer who was raping her.
James, a member of the West Virginia National Guard, kept the attack a secret for six years. She was worried she would not be believed, and if she came forward, her career would be derailed.
But when she feared a junior officer might be the man's next victim, James decided it was time to do something.
"I've paid for it ever since," she said.
After she reported the assault, she says, she began to face questions about her suitability as a leader and distrust from her colleagues. Her once-promising career stalled.
James' experience is not an isolated case. In a detailed report to be released Monday, Human Rights Watch says retaliation against military service members who report sexual assaults has contributed to a culture of fear and silence.
The organization's findings, based on interviews with hundreds of service members, provide an unprecedented look at a problem that the Pentagon acknowledges has resisted its efforts at reform, and show the challenge that commanders face in their goal of eliminating sexual assault in the military.
A Defense Department spokeswoman said officials are reviewing Human Rights Watch's findings and have been considering changes to policies to protect victims from retaliation. Spokeswoman Laura Seal said commanders are monitoring cases at monthly meetings for signs of retaliation.
"The department acknowledges that victims coming forward to make reports of sexual assault are crucial to our progress in the fight against sexual assault in the military and we are committed to ensuring that victims are treated fairly," she wrote in an email.
Don Christensen, the former chief prosecutor of the Air Force who now heads the anti-sexual assault group Protect Our Defenders, said many people who report being attacked find "the retaliation was worse than what the crime was."
If the military doesn't solve the problems of retaliation and sexual assault simultaneously, he said, "people will quit coming forward."
The Baltimore Sun does not ordinarily publish the names of victims of sexual assault. James has chosen to speak out.
She says her case was investigated, and a special National Guard office substantiated her allegations, but no charges were brought against the colonel who she says attacked her.
After reporting the assault, James says, she was reassigned, passed over for promotion and had a decoration withheld.
The West Virginia National Guard did not respond to a request for comment on the case. Messages left for the man James says assaulted her were not returned.
James says a part of her regrets reporting the assault. Another part thinks that's selfish.
Commanders say eliminating sexual assault is a high priority. The Pentagon recently reported that the number of service members who were assaulted had declined in 2014, while the number reporting assaults had climbed.
But retaliation remained pervasive, the Pentagon reported, with 62 percent of female victims saying they suffered consequences after filing a report. That figure has not budged over time.
"We're not making enough progress on countering retaliation," Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said when the figures were released. "Too many service members, the data shows, feel that when they report or try to stop these crimes, they're being ostracized or retaliated against."
Former Air Force Capt. Maribel Jarzabek a lawyer who represented victims of sexual assault, said she had to walk her clients through the possible consequences of filing a report. She carefully vetted their behavior and experiences for any actions for which they might themselves be punished as retaliation for reporting.
"A lot of them had to make decisions," she said. "Some of them regretted reporting because of how they were treated."
Jarzabek became a critic of the response to sexual assault and left the military last year.
Human Rights Watch lays out a detailed picture of what that backlash against victims looks like. Service members reported facing alienation from other members of their units, poor performance evaluations and formal disciplinary proceedings.
In many cases, victims were also violating military rules when they were assaulted, so reporting the crime exposed them to criminal charges themselves.
"The threat of prosecution for collateral charges, even if the charges are not pursued, can be enough to convince victims not to report or to leave the service, and gives perpetrators cover for their crimes," the report's authors wrote.
They recommend that the department provide victims with immunity from minor offenses that are revealed in the course of reporting a sexual assault.
Christensen, a retired Air Force colonel, said even seemingly minor retaliation -- colleagues refusing to sit with a victim at lunch, for example -- can be serious for troops stationed overseas or at isolated bases, and who in some cases have to trust their comrades with their lives.
"For the DOD to downplay the social retaliation is ... very offensive," he said. "To be excluded from your coworkers because you reported a sexual assault is huge."
While there are legal avenues open to service members to take action against people who retaliate against them, Human Rights Watch's researchers concluded they were mostly ineffective.
The Defense Department's inspector general is empowered to launch investigations into retaliation. But the office rarely does so, the researchers said, and has not substantiated a single claim in recent years.
James says a complaint she filed with the inspector general two years ago is still open. The office declined to comment on her case.
A law designed to protect military whistleblowers is so weak that it is essentially useless, the researchers say. Victims are required to demonstrate that they were retaliated against -- a significant departure from civilian whistleblower cases, in which the burden of proof is mostly shifted to the accused.
The authors recommend changing that law and giving new powers to the inspector general.
James is now a few weeks away from retiring. With counseling, she says, she's managed to come to terms with her experience, and feels there's nothing more her comrades in the National Guard can do to hurt her.
"I am in such a better place today than I was two years ago, but it's not about me," she said. "If there's something that I can do, that I can say that will help change this process, that it will help one person to get through something like this, that's what it's about for me today."

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US military drops weapons in areas held by ISIL in Iraq
Volunteer forces fighting against ISIL say the US military dropped weapons for militants in Iraq.
Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:0AM
Volunteer forces fighting against the ISIL Takfiri terrorists say US military aircraft have dropped weapons in areas held by the terrorist group in Iraq.
American helicopters dropped boxes of weapons in Yathrib and Balad districts in Iraq’s Salahuddin Province, according to the fighters.
The report comes as the Iraqi army and volunteer fighters appear to be gaining the upper hand and making significant gains against ISIL.
In October, a video showed the terrorist group captured a bundle of US weapons airdropped in the Syrian border town of Kobani.
The US military admitted that it had dropped 28 bundles filled with grenades, mortar rounds and other supplies that were intended for Kurdish fighters.
The video showed masked terrorists inspecting the military equipment, which was airdropped in areas controlled by ISIL near Kobani.
The US Central Command said that the airdrops, including weapons and ammunition, and medical supplies, were "intended to enable continued resistance against ISIL's attempts to overtake Kobani."
The US and its allies have been conducting airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq and Syria.
They say they are carrying out the airstrikes against the Takfiris in both countries in order to curb their advances in the region.
However, the air raids have so far failed to halt the insurgents’ military gains.


December 17, 2014 - Wednesday

This cannot stand. When a military chaplain cannot openly speak about his faith, military disarmament has reached a level that no budget cuts could ever produce.
On November 20th, Capt. Joseph Lawhorn, U.S. Army Chaplain at Fort Benning, participated in a mandatory suicide awareness and prevention briefing in which he gave a presentation describing resources – both spiritual and secular – that were available for handling such grave mental health situations. He went further and discussed his personal struggles with depression, describing the spiritual and religious steps that helped him during those dark times in his life.
As a result of the chaplain’s discussion of his faith, he was called into his brigade commander’s office on Thanksgiving Day. There Col. David G. Fivecoat issued Chaplain Lawhorn a Letter of Concern that is to remain in his personnel file for the duration of his stay at Fort Benning. This type of letter can be devastating for career military personnel and would likely prohibit further professional advancement of Chaplain Lawhorn.
The fact that a chaplain was reprimanded for discussing his faith in a suicide prevention course is beyond belief. It casts a chilling effect upon other chaplains and military personnel who would speak about their faith. How else would a Christian chaplain be expected to respond to a crisis that is plaguing our men and women in uniform?
This kind of intimidation must be eradicated from our armed forces. Please join me in signing our petition to Secretary of the Army John McHugh to rescind the Letter of Concern and to reprimand Col. Fivecoat for violating protections afforded to all military personnel enacted into law in the National Defense Authorization Act.
With your help, we can help put on notice those who would be emboldened to take similar actions against chaplains in the future that actions like this cannot stand.

Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, USA (Ret.)

Executive Vice President

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Thomas Sowell
Random thoughts on the passing scene: Will the Veterans Administration scandal wake up those people who have been blithely saying that what we need is a "single payer" system for medical care? Delays in getting to see a doctor have been a common denominator in government-run medical systems in England, Canada and Australia, among other places.
Class warfare rhetoric would have us resenting "the top ten percent" in income. But that would be a farce, because most of us would be resenting ourselves, since more than half of all Americans -- 54 percent -- are in the top ten percent at some stage of their lives.
Some people act as if the answer to every problem is to put more money and power in the hands of politicians.
Freedom means nothing if it does not mean the freedom to do what other people don't like. Everyone was free to be a Communist under the Stalin dictatorship, and everyone is free to be a Muslim in Saudi Arabia. Yet whole generations are coming out of our colleges where only those who are politically correct are free to speak their minds. What kind of America will they create?
In Thomas Piketty's highly-praised new book, "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" he asserts that the top tax rate under President Herbert Hoover was 25 percent. But Internal Revenue Service records show that it was 63 percent in 1932. If Piketty can't even get his facts straight, why should his grandiose plans for confiscatory global taxation be taken seriously?
Sometimes I think that this is an era when sanity has become controversial.
Republicans in Congress seem to be drawn toward the immigration issue like a moth toward a flame. How turning illegal immigrants into Democratic voters, while demoralizing the Republican base, will help either the country or the Republicans is a mystery. If ever there was a high-risk, low-yield investment, this is it.
President Theodore Roosevelt said that his foreign policy was to "speak softly and carry a big stick." President Barack Obama's foreign policy is to speak loudly and carry a little stick. They say talk is cheap, but loose talk by a President of the United States can be very expensive in both blood and treasure.
One of the scariest aspects of our times is how seldom either people or policies are judged by their track record.
Why in the world are the Baltic states in NATO? The Russian army could overrun them before NATO could get a meeting together to decide what to do. 

U.S. Air Force And The US Marines nude photo-sharing scandal: Number of victims doubles

NCIS has opened an inquiry into the matter, and senior lawmakers on Capitol Hill have denounced the actions. (Representative image. Source: Wikimedia Commons) Photograph: (Others)

Reuters Washington, United States Mar 18, 2017, 09.41 AM (IST)
The number of victims who have come forward to investigators looking into a growing scandal involving some Marines sharing nude photos of women online has doubled to more than 20, an official from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service said on Friday. United States Air Force And The Marine Corps has been rattled by a scandal involving a private Facebook group called "Marines United" and its surreptitious distribution of explicit images of women in the armed forces - often with obscene, misogynist commentary.
NCIS has opened an inquiry into the matter, and senior lawmakers on Capitol Hill have denounced the actions. NCIS supervisory special agent Curtis Evans told reporters that he expected the number of victims to increase further and had expanded the investigation to look at groups and websites other than "Marines United And USAF".
Thomas Sowell

If the Democrats retain control of the Senate after this year's election, Barack Obama can load the federal courts from top to bottom with judges who will ignore the Constitution, as he does, and promote his far-left political agenda instead, long after he is gone.
I get nervous every time I see Mitt Romney showing up in the media. He seems to be maintaining his visibility, in hopes of another run for the White House in 2016. He might well get a second chance to fail. Romney is the Republican establishment's idea of the perfect candidate for president -- no matter how many times such candidates lose, even under promising conditions.
Anti-Semitism may have the dubious distinction of being the oldest of the group hatreds. You might think that the world would have gotten over anti-Semitism by now, but Jews have been singled out for separate treatment by the Russian insurgents in Ukraine.
"We cannot insure to the vicious the fruits of a virtuous life; we would not invade the home of the provident in order to supply the wants of the spendthrift; we do not propose to transfer the rewards of industry to the lap of indolence." Democratic presidential nominee William Jennings Bryan said that in 1896. Today's Democrats do all those things that Bryan rejected.
Any fool can say the word "racism." In fact, quite a few fools do say it. But clever people can also say "racism," in order to get fools to vote their way.
Those people who want Hillary Clinton elected president, so that we could have our first woman president, seem to have learned absolutely nothing from the current disaster of choosing a president on the basis of demographics and symbolism.
The old saying that taxes are the price we pay for civilization has long since become obsolete. The amount that the government spends to defend us from foreign attack, or to maintain law and order at home, has been overtaken by the money it spends just to transfer some people's money to other people who are more likely to vote for the reelection of incumbents.
Government policies to "bring down the cost of medical care" almost never bring down those costs, and often increase the costs. These policies simply refuse to pay the full costs of medical care. Any one of us can do that, but we know there will be consequences. There will also be consequences when the government refuses to pay the costs, but these consequences will be concealed and/or denied.
The old saying that "politics is the art of the possible" is dead wrong. Politics is the art of making the impossible seem possible, and even plausible and desirable. That is how ObamaCare got passed.
To let the world's leading terrorism-exporting nation get nuclear weapons can prove to be the most irresponsible and catastrophic decision in the history of the human race. It was also an irresponsible and catastrophic decision of the American voters to elect as president someone who would let that happen, basing their votes on rhetoric and racial symbolism.

VA Scandal: Bodies of Veterans Left Unburied for Over One Year

dead bodies
Jennifer Burke from TPNN reported that bodies of veterans were left unburied for over one year. 

Our veterans, whether the bodies are claimed or not, are required by law to receive a proper burial.  However, that is not what happened to as many as 60 deceased veterans whose bodies have been at the morgue in L.A. County for the past year and a half.

On Friday, 28 bodies were transferred from the morgue to be buried at the Riverside National Cemetery. The Veterans Administration claims that they were never notified about the bodies and is blaming the L.A. County Morgue. According to CBS2/KCAL9, the morgue is pointing the finger of blame at the VA also stating they have no idea how long the bodies have been there.

Rightfully so, many citizens, some veterans themselves, are furious that individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to America have not been given a proper burial. Richard Burns, a Marine veteran, leads memorial services every Wednesday at the Riverside National Cemetery in honor of unclaimed veterans. Burns said of this travesty, “I think it’s incomprehensible. It’s kinda sad that these people didn’t get the proper care that they deserve even after death.”

Click like if you support our veterans

A VA spokesperson, Cindy Van Bibber, claims that at no point was the VA contacted about the bodies. The morgue disputes that claim stating, “…there are about 60 decedents of probable veteran status that have awaited disposition for about a year as a result of a personnel change in the Veterans Affairs office and stringent identification/eligibility processes required by the VA.”

With the Obama administration and the VA embroiled in a scandal with veterans dying due to secret lists that hid failure to provide medical care, this latest revelation may add more anger to the fury surrounding that VA scandal.

Eric Shinseki

Eric ShinsekiAKA Eric Ken Shinseki

Born: 28-Nov-1942
Birthplace: Lihue, Kauai, HI

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: Asian
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Military

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: US Secretary of Veterans Affairs

and the first person of Asian ancestry to achieve a ranking of four
stars in the U.S. military. Became the 34th U.S. Army Chief of Staff on
22 June 1999, and Secretary of the Veterans Affairs Department on 20
January 2009.

Shinseki is probably best known for his estimate before the 2003
invasion of Iraq, that "something in the order of several hundred
thousand soldiers" would be required to maintain order in post-war Iraq.
Shinseki's estimate was openly ridiculed by undersecretary Paul Wolfowitz in Congressional testimony as being "wildly off the mark", and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld decided that a much smaller force would be adequate.

    University: BS, United States Military Academy (1965)
    University: MA English, Duke University
    University: National War College

    US Secretary of Veterans' Affairs (20-Jan-2009 to present)
    US Army Chief of Staff (1999-2003)
    US Defense Department Army Vice Chief of Staff (1998-99)
    US Defense Department Commanding General, US Army Europe (1997-98)
    US Defense Department Army Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations and Plans (1996-97)
    Member of the Board of BancWest

    Member of the Board of Ducommun, Inc.

    Member of the Board of First Hawaiian Bank

    Member of the Board of Grove Farm Company, Inc.

    Member of the Board of Guardian Life (2006-)

    Member of the Board of Honeywell (2003-)

    Atlantic Council Director
    Air Medal
    Bronze Star "V" device, 2 oak leaf clusters
    Distinguished Service Medal
    Legion of Merit oak leaf cluster
    Meritorious Service Medal
    Purple Heart oak leaf cluster
    Shrapnel Injury mortar round, shoulder and chest (Apr-1966)
    Plane Crash helicopter (Sep-1966)
    Shrapnel Injury landmine, right foot (1970)
    Japanese Ancestry

Happy 240th Birthday Marines: A Message From The Commandant Of The Marine Corp.

10 November 2015


When the Continental Congress raised up the two battalions of Marines in 1775, it launched the greatest fighting force the world has ever known – a force revered globally for its uncommon valor, unparalleled adaptability, and ferocious tenacity. Over the past 240 years, the battlefields and equipment have changed, but the spirit of the United States Marine Corps has prevailed in every clime and place.  One hundred years ago, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island opened its doors as the first base dedicated solely to making Marines. Since then, hundreds of thousands of men and women have been forged into elite warriors at Parris Island, Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, and The Basic School in Quantico. Each recruit had a different reason for stepping onto the yellow footprints, but all are unified by the intangible traits that characterize United States Marines and the remarkable legacy that has carried on across generations.  Whether you served on the hallowed grounds of Belleau Wood, fought on the iconic island battlefields of World War II, navigated the harsh terrain and climate of the Chosin Reservoir or Vietnam, conducted assaults during Desert Storm, marched on Baghdad, fought in the close combat in Fallujah, or conducted combat operations in Afghanistan, everyone who wears the Eagle, Globe and Anchor is a member of the storied legacy.   As we celebrate the 240th birthday of our Corps, we pay tribute to all who have served and we remember our fallen heroes. We take great pride in our legacy and in the fine men and women who carry our colors into the future. And we extend heartfelt thanks to our families for their steadfast support.   Our 26th Commandant, General Louis Wilson, once said, “In the last analysis, what the Marine Corps becomes is what we make of it during our respective watches. And that watch of each Marine is not confined to the time he spends on active duty. It lasts as long as he is ‘proud to bear the title of United States Marine.’” Thank you all for guarding the legacy of our Corps during your watch.
Happy Birthday Marines!

Semper Fidelis,

Robert B. Neller

General, U.S. Marine Corps

Commandant of the Marine Corps


Read more:

Michelle Obama Ticks Off Marine…So He RIPS Her to Shreds In Must Read Letter            ___________________________________

This is what happens when Michelle Obama ticks off a Marine so much that he decides to respond. This letter is brutal and filled with hard truth…not to mention, it also echoes what so many of those who love our country feel about MO and BHO.
Mrs. Obama,

 It sickens me that I have to take time to write you this letter. I am a Marine who doesn’t recognize color because every color has lived and died for you. You live in a free country to blame your life on the color of another man’s skin. All colors have given their lives for an educated woman to have the freedom to be so ignorant. I don’t blame black people for the ignorance that comes from your mouth.

I love all colors because I love all that God creates. I don’t have to like you to love you because we can’t always like the ones we love. Just because I don’t like you today doesn’t mean I can’t like you tomorrow. I don’t like you or your husband today because of what you’re doing to this country. Isn’t it funny how the truth always reveals itself in time. You and your husband never showed this side of yourselves in 2008 before he was elected.

You both live better than 99% of the people in this world because of this country. You said that you are for the first time proud to be an American. Well, I will tell you that most of us are ashamed of you. You and your husband have become millionaires off the people of this country, but demonstrate very little appreciation for all that we give. White, black, brown or indifferent millions have fought and died for you to have the freedom to say the ignorant things you say.

You are educated, but clearly have very little common sense. You blame past generations of Americans for the troubles of a few. Stop blaming white people for your misery and take a look at yourself in the mirror. We are responsible for our own happiness and misery. The KKK is ignorance wrapped in a sheet while the Black panthers are raised on ignorance and hate. No different from the teaching of Islam thinking their race is better than all other men.

God is love and creates every color to include everyone’s skin. To truly love God is to love all that He loves. For that I love each of you and pray that we all start taking responsibility for our own damned sins.

Martin Luther King had a dream that we would all live in the promise land. He is not remembered for being black. He is remembered for the love, and character he had within his heart. If you don’t like this country get on that plane and never come back. I will stay here and love all Americans, regardless of skin. I will love the beauty of what God created and stand tall with my American friends. Not because of their color but for the character and love they carry within. This country doesn’t owe you anymore than it owes me.

So many have thanked me for my service and I will always be grateful. I pray that one day you and your husband might cause me to be grateful for yours. You will never be remembered as the First Lady of Color but soon forgotten after you leave the White House. You nor your husband shall ever divide us. I wish you no harm, but pray you will take your troubles to a land you no longer hate. Hate shall come and go but His love shall last forever. (Source)


Army soldier arrested for alleged ties to ISIS: FBI

ikaika-erik-kang-arrested-2017-7-10.jpg © Provided by CBS Interactive Inc. ikaika-erik-kang-arrested-May 14, 2014
A U.S. Army soldier on active duty in Hawaii has been charged with providing material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the FBI said. 
FBI officials identified the soldier to CBS News as 34-year-old Ikaika Erik Kang. According to the FBI, Kang allegedly attempted to provide military documents, and training, to ISIS. 
His service record indicates he was deployed to Afghanistan in 2013 and Iraq in 2011 and was highly decorated, CBS News' Paula Reid reports. According to CBS affiliate KGMB, Kang was awarded the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.  
Kang was arrested on Saturday and is expected to appear in court on Monday afternoon. The FBI said Kang was the subject of a year-long, joint investigation by the FBI and the U.S. Army. 
According to the criminal complaint, Kang swore allegiance to ISIS. The FBI said it believes Kang worked as a lone actor and was not associated with others who present a threat to Hawaii. 
KGMB reports that Kang graduated from Kaiser High School in Honolulu. He was stationed at Schofield Barracks in Honolulu.  
Kang's father, Clifford Kang, told KGMB that he is "shocked" about the allegations against his son. 
"I'm just in shock. He's a great kid. He's not real outgoing, he's never been, but neither was I," Kang told KGMB. "But other than that he's a great kid, a normal kid who grew up in Waimanalo."
Kang said he believes his son may be suffering from PTSD from his tours overseas.
This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.


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