Wednesday, February 6, 2013

( Dick Morris Fired by Fox News ) Patcnews: Feb 6, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Networks Reports by NewsMax Dick Morris Fired by Fox News © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Dick Morris Fired by Fox News ? CNN to Get Scoop Tonight

Tuesday, 05 Feb 2013 10:39 PM
By Bill Green
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Longtime Fox News analyst Dick Morris is slated to join CNN's Piers Morgan tonight at 9 p.m. (EST) to discuss his mysterious disappearance from Fox since shortly after last November's election.

On Tuesday, Fox confirmed rumors Morris would not have an official role
at the network. Morris' contract with Fox expired on Sunday.

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“His contract is up and we will not be renewing it, ” a Fox spokesperson said.

The Morris announcement comes in the wake of Fox's decision not to
renew Sarah Palin's contract.

The network did announce that former Bush White House adviser Karl Rove had been renewed as a contributor. The network also signed on former Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich as a contributor.

Morris, reached via email, told Newsmax he is looking forward to
his appearance on CNN.

"Piers and I have a lot to talk about, and I am excited that Piers is giving me this opportunity," Morris wrote cryptically. "You won't be disappointed, so tune in."

Fox's rating have fallen dramatically in the wake of last year's election. Press reports indicate the cable channel is re-evaluating its approach after President Obama's strong re-election victory, despite the fact a number of Fox hosts and analysts predicted otherwise.

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