Thursday, February 7, 2013

( The Navy Blue Angels And Ava Aston!! We The People ) Feb 7, 2013 Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Ava Aston!! We The People And The Navy Blue Angels © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews



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Sequester Cuts: Navy to Ground Blue Angels

by AWR Hawkins
As the sequester cuts Obama signed into law in August 2011 draw closer to implementation, the Navy is making plans to ground the Blue Angels during the latter half of 2013.
This was revealed by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert last week, when he sent out a memo showing the Navy’s plan for complying with the cuts.
Grounding the Blue Angels for half a year will entail canceling 30 shows and will save approximately $20 million.
Greenert says the Navy is already making cuts “because of Congress’s failures to pass…spending bills last year,” and if sequester hits it will cost them an additional $4 billion for 2013 alone.
Sequester was the risk Obama was willing to take to raise the debt ceiling in 2011. Now, it is posed to cost us the Blue Angels. 

Nellis Air Force Base cancels Aviation Nation


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The announcement was made Tuesday by 99th Air Base Wing Commander Col. Barry Cornish.
Col. Cornish cited the impact of the Budget Control Act and associated sequestration.
"The U.S. Air Force has prioritized combat readiness over other activities and air shows have been canceled as a result," said Col. Cornish in a release.
Officials at Nellis said they hope to resume Aviation Nation in the future. 

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