Sunday, September 1, 2019

( Matador Spanish Bullfighter It's A Real Cock And Bull Story ) Patcnews Sept. 1, 2019 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Matador Spanish Bullfighter It's A Real Cock And Bull Story © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

Mexican Matador Lupita López

Mexican Matador Hilda Tenorio


Bullfighter Gored In the Crotch In Spain, Graphic Photos

Spanish Bullfighter Gored In the Crotch It's a Cock and Bull Story


When ya mess with bull, ya get the horns ... right in the balls.

  Unclear how badly Urena was injured in the incident -- but it seems like his man-junk survived because there are photos showing Paco proudly showing off the bull's ears as trophies.


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