Sunday, September 1, 2019

( Matador Spanish Bullfighter It's A Real Cock And Bull Story ) Patcnews Sept. 1, 2019 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Matador Spanish Bullfighter It's A Real Cock And Bull Story © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

Mexican Female Matador Lupita López

Mexican Female Matador Hilda Tenorio


Bullfighter Gored In the Crotch In Spain, Graphic Photos

Spanish Bullfighter Gored In the Crotch It's a Cock and Bull Story


When ya mess with bull, ya get the horns ... right in the balls.

  Unclear how badly Urena was injured in the incident -- but it seems like his man-junk survived because there are photos showing Paco proudly showing off the bull's ears as trophies.


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