Sunday, May 6, 2018

( Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano Erupts 2018 ) Patcnews May 6, 2018 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano Erupts 2018 © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews


 Lava Fountains Gush Near Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii Twenty-one homes destroyed since eruption began; up to 1,800 people are told to evacuate By Nour Malas and Jennifer Levitz Updated May 6, 2018 10:19 p.m. ET Lava and toxic gases continued to spew in neighborhoods from Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano on Sunday, with 21 homes destroyed since the eruption began on Thursday and authorities ordering evacuations of 1,800 people.

Hawaii Officials Step Up Warnings as Kilauea Spews More Lava and Gases As massive fissures open up, authorities warn of more quakes and volcanic activity on the Big Island New cracks broke through a residential area of Hawaii’s Big Island, spewing more lava and spreading toxic gases in the air as officials raised warnings about an unpredictable situation and ordered residents who have ignored a mandatory evacuation to leave. Authorities said Saturday there could still be more tremors and volcanic activity.


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