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CDC Funding Tripled From 2001-2010, Yet Democrats Blame the GOP and the (Obama) Sequester "Cuts" for Ebola
leave to the community organizer hail to the pharaoh of Chicago The anointed one himself folks....
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RUSH: "Republican Cuts Kill."
The Huffington Post picks it up. That first story was Mediaite. The Huffington Post: "Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts," according to the NIH Director. So now the Drive-Bys and the rest of the Democrat Party are blaming Ebola on the cuts that took place in the sequester. The Democrats are even running a campaign ad that I mentioned called "Republican Cuts Kill." What good does it do to remind anybody the sequester was Obama's idea? What good does it do to remind anybody Obama demanded the sequester?
But the truth is the NIH director here is not even talking about sequester cuts. He's talking about a decrease in spending over the last 10 years, but there hasn't been. The truth of the matter, you want the numbers? The CDC actually had their budget triple from 2001 to 2010 and what did they do with the money? What do you think?
RUSH: Here's the ad. We've got the audio of the ad, it's The Agenda Project. We got it here off YouTube, but they're running the ad wherever they can. It's titled "Republican Cuts Kill" and it blames Republicans for the Ebola outbreak.
MITCH MCCONNELL: (music) Washington actually can cut spending.
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: The CDC says its discretionary funding has been cut by $585 million since 2010.
DAN BENISHEK: ...cut...
UNIDENTIFIED MAN: ...less government.
BILL CASSIDY: ...cut...
UNIDENTIFIED VOICE: (distorted) Please use caution.
RAND PAUL: ...cut...
JOHN BOEHNER: ...cut...
DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: Our budget has been flat since 2003. Responding to an emerging infectious disease threat, this is particularly damaging.
TOM LATHAM: ...cut...
TED CRUZ: ...cut...
DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: This was a left hook.
MIKE PENCE: ...cut...
DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: The right cross was the sequestration.
JOHN BOEHNER: ...cut...
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: The NIH saw its budget slashed by $446 million.
MITT ROMNEY: ...cut...
DR. THOMAS FRIEDEN: There are outbreaks happening today that we're not able to recognize, stop or prevent as effectively as we should be able to.
JOHN MCCAIN: ...cut...
PAT ROBERTS: ...cut...
PAUL RYAN: ...cut...
SARAH PALIN: ...cut...
JIM JORDAN: ...cut...
RICK PERRY: ...cut...
MICHAEL GRIMM: ...cut...
DAVID VALADAO: ...cut...
LEE TERRY: ...cut...
MARCO RUBIO: ...cut...
MIKE POMPEO: ...cut...
JIM DEMINT: ...cut...
RUSH: Every voice that you heard using the word "cut" was a Republican. Now remember, this is a video commercial so the pictures of all those Republicans were on this ad and everybody objecting was, for example, Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health or any other number of official-looking Democrats, but it was all "cut, cut, cut."
Bobby Jindal has written a piece that's out just yesterday, "The Facts About Ebola Funding."
"In recent years, the CDC has received significant amounts of funding." Everybody knows there isn't anything being cut in this government! "Unfortunately, however, many of those funds have been diverted away from programs that can fight infectious diseases, and toward programs far afield from the CDC’s original purpose. Consider the Prevention and Public Health Fund, a new series of annual mandatory appropriations created by Obamacare.
"Over the past five years, the CDC has received just under $3 billion in transfers from the fund. Yet only 6 percent -- $180 million -- of that $3 billion went toward building epidemiology and laboratory capacity. Especially given the agency’s postwar roots as the Communicable Disease Center, one would think that 'detecting and responding to infectious diseases and other public health threats' warrants a larger funding commitment. Instead, the Obama administration has focused the CDC on other priorities."
They're doing community outreach. They're doing voter registration and they're doing community organizing things with these budget increases that they're getting. They've been politicized.
RUSH: This nurse in Dallas, the second known Ebola patient or case in the United States, and I think the first case actually transmitted in the US, they're all panicking, "What happened? We're in charge now. This shouldn't happen." And ladies and gentlemen, please don't automatically reject that as exaggeration. I really have no desire for anybody to be confused here.
Sometimes I do parody and satire, but I'm really serious when I tell you that the mindset of many liberals is just their presence alone means the difference. Their presence alone, you don't have to do anything but show up, means change. Obama's presence was going to cause terrorists to not be mean and Obama's presence was going to make the world love us. Obama's presence was going to stop global warming and the way it happens is the inherent decency, the inherent goodness and the arrival on the scene of this person has so much influence over mere mortals that everybody begins to behave. The evil stop doing evil things. Bad people stop doing bad things, and we all start to get along. And soon we'll be in utopia.
Obama believes the world is governed by the aggressive use of speeches and words. And of course the world doesn't function that way at all. So you've got people in positions of power and authority who really don't know what they're doing. This guy at the Centers for Disease Control, Dr. Thomas Frieden, for those of you who haven't heard, he was Mayor Bloomberg's health police force essentially. He's the guy that ran the anti-trans fats program. He's the guy that ran the no soft drink can be bigger than 16 ounces. He's the guy that banned smoking everywhere in New York. Nowhere, no how. A genuine fanatic not at all rooted in reality.
These are just a bunch of people snatching money from the Federal Treasury, money that really isn't there, by the way, because of our debt, but they're snatching money. Just like the stimulus was under the guise of shovel ready jobs rebuilding roads and bridges. But where did it end up going? The vast majority, over 75 percent, went to unions, teachers in the states to make sure they didn't lose their jobs in the recession. There weren't any shovel ready jobs that were funded. There weren't any school or road repairs that went on.
It's all a big joke. All the increased funding the CDC got, something like 6 percent of it went to dealing with things like Ebola. The rest went to community outreach and so forth. Every federal agency has been turned into community organizing. Registering of Democrat voters, passing out money to disadvantaged people to buy votes. That's what it's all been turned into. So now when a genuine crisis erupts, there's no infrastructure in place to deal with it at the CDC. They've diverted the money to other things.
So it's time to trot out old reliable: Republicans are to blame. Yessirree Bob, Republican budget cuts, because Republicans don't care about other people. The Republicans don't care about sick people. So we'll blame them. Why not? Everybody will believe us, the media will report it. We'll do a couple of ads and everybody will think the Republicans are responsible for this.
Where do these vaccines come from, by the way? Where does the research and development on vaccines, cures, you name it, treatment, where does it all happen? It doesn't happen at the CDC, does it? It doesn't happen at the Institutes for Health. No it happens in the private sector. I'm sorry, it happens where private enterprise takes place. It happens where there are scientific research and development companies who earn a profit.
Now, I wonder what kind of regulations have been imposed on them by agencies like the Food and Drug Administration. I have no idea, but I would venture to say here that a lot of innovation, ingenuity and creativity is being stifled in the name of big government by overregulation. Why do we have a shortage of this serum? I know it only comes from one tobacco plant in Kentucky, why is there a shortage?
In the United States of America, this doesn't happen. Shortages of this kind of thing happen in lesser developed countries. Why is this happening here? Why all of a sudden are we inept? Why all of a sudden are we not competent to deal with this? Why all of a sudden are we not the place to turn to when outbreaks like this happen?
Obama administration scraps quarantine regulations
Posted 4/1/2010 8:53 PM | Comment | Recommend |
By Alison Young, USA TODAY
The Obama administration has quietly scrapped plans to enact sweeping new federal quarantine regulations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention touted four years ago as critical to protecting Americans from dangerous diseases spread by travelers.
The regulations, proposed in 2005 during the Bush
administration amid fears of avian flu, would have given the federal
government additional powers to detain sick airline passengers and those
exposed to certain diseases. They also would have expanded requirements
for airlines to report ill passengers to the CDC and mandated that
airlines collect and maintain contact information for fliers in case
they later needed to be traced as part of an investigation into an
Airline and civil liberties groups, which had opposed the rules, praised their withdrawal.
The Air Transport Association had decried them as
imposing "unprecedented" regulations on airlines at costs they couldn't
afford. "We think that the CDC was right to withdraw the proposed
rule," association spokeswoman Elizabeth Merida said Thursday.
The American Civil Liberties Union
had objected to potential passenger privacy rights violations and the
proposal's "provisional quarantine" rule. That rule would have allowed
the CDC to detain people involuntarily for three business days if the
agency believed they had certain diseases: pandemic flu, infectious
tuberculosis, plague, cholera, SARS, smallpox, yellow fever, diphtheria
or viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola.
"The fact that they're backing away from this very coercive style of quarantine is good news," said ACLU legislative counsel Christopher Calabrese, who was unaware the proposed rules had been withdrawn.
CDC officials had stressed the rules would only
be used in rare circumstances when someone posed a threat and refused to
cooperate. The new rules, they noted at the time, added legal
protections and appeals for those subject to quarantines.
CDC spokeswoman Christine Pearson said in a statement Thursday that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the CDC's parent agency, withdrew the proposed regulations after
discussion across the government made it clear that "further revision
and reconsideration is necessary to update the regulations."
HHS and the CDC are crafting new regulations that
will incorporate public health lessons learned since 2005, Pearson said
in the statement. She did not elaborate and referred questions to HHS.
HHS spokeswoman Vicki Rivas-Vazquez said late Thursday the department
had no further comment.
Last June, after the H1N1, or swine flu, pandemic
emerged, the White House Office of Management and Budget received the
final rules for review, records show. HHS withdrew the proposed
regulations Jan. 20 — after more than four years of refining them and
reviewing public comments.
Jennifer Nuzzo, at the University of Pittsburgh
Medical Center's Center for Biosecurity, said the rapid worldwide
spread of swine flu showed flaws in the proposed regulations' premise.
"They probably learned during H1N1 that this hope
of preventing diseases from entering the country by stationing people
at airports is unrealistic," she said.
In 2007, after an Atlanta man with drug-resistant
tuberculosis drew international attention to the potential risks posed
by infected air travelers, CDC Director Julie Gerberding
testified before Congress that the proposed regulations would improve
the agency's ability to identify exposed passengers quickly. Gerberding,
now president of Merck Vaccines, was unavailable for comment Thursday.
Even in the Bush administration, some were skeptical of the CDC's 2005 proposal, said Stewart Baker, assistant secretary for policy at the Department of Homeland Security
from 2005 to 2009. "There were a lot of questions about how plausible
it was to treat airports as a place where you could stop and inspect and
quarantine people," Baker said Thursday.
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