Thursday, September 11, 2014

( President George W. Bush Predicts ISIS In 2007 ) Patcnews Sept 11, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Fox News and Cspan ~ President Bush Warns What Would Happen if the U.S. Withdrew from Iraq ~ George W. Bush Predicts ISIS In 2007 © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


Katie Pavlich
Over the past few weeks, but more specifically since President Obama spoke to the country Wednesday evening about how he will "degrade and destroy" ISIS, Americans are asking one question: Are we at war with these people? 
Up until now, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have said the answer is no. Today White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said while the United States isn't at war with ISIS, the United States is at war with the terror army in the same way we're at war with al Qaeda.
"In the same way the United States is at war with al Qaeda and its affiliates around the world, the United States is at war with ISIL," Earnest said. "But make no mistake, I'm not just talking about the United States, I'm talking about a broader coalition of international partners."
"I'll leave it to others to determine what the legal, academic definition of war may be," Earnest said.

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Charles Krauthammer “I Didn’t Know Obama Was an Islamic Scholar”

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Charles Krauthammer masterfully calls into question the validity of Hussein Obama’s past claims of Christianity while at the same time speaking to the hypocrisy exhibited in the community organizer- president’s “strategy” speech on ISIS.
He calls it “both patronizing and ridiculous for a Western Christian to be telling the Muslim world what exactly their religion is about, particularly a religion with a 1,400 year distinguished history of theological exegesis.”
Krauthammer adds, “I didn’t know Obama was an Islamic scholar, but that’s probably what he does when he’s not, when it’s raining and he can’t be playing golf.”
As time goes on, the fragile cover story spun around this occupant of the White House becomes increasingly exposed as the fairy tale that it is. When he acts or speaks off-script he risks exposure. That could explain why he seeks out the safety offered by five hours on a golf course and the controlled text of a Teleprompter.
He’s told so many lies; he can’t possibly protect or remember them all.
Rick Wells is a conservative author who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Like us on facebook and twitter 

[Watch] Ralph Peters, Oliver North Dissect Obama ISIS “Call to Arms” Speech

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Oliver North and Ralph Peters give their evaluations of the Obama ISIS speech, and both see serious shortcomings. Col North says that he thinks the American people and those around the world who are hoping for a decisive American response are going to be underwhelmed by what Obama had to say.
He describes as “too little too late” the idea proposed objective of degrading and ultimately destroying ISIS. He said what was offered as a strategy is actually a goal that failed to recognize the true enemy, radical Islam.
Lt Col Ralph Peters sums up the speech in one sentence, saying, “I Barack Obama am going to do what Bill Clinton did with al-Qaeda and kick the can down the road to the next president.” He adds, “Let me go on record, on September tenth in the year of our lord 2014, as saying that Barack Obama’s shabby pretense at a strategy as laid out tonight will not defeat and destroy the Islamic State. He adds, “By the way, it is Islamic and it is a nation state.”
Peters acknowledges that Obama saying we are going to strike inside Syria is a good thing, but asks when and with what force. He asks how the Iraqi army, which collapsed when ISIS waved at it, is going to be magically rebuilt.
Peters describes the plan as so pathetic that he actually has to control his anger by simply saying it’s idiotic nonsense.
Asked if the plan is enough to accomplish the goals as laid out, both experts agree it is not.
Rick Wells is a conservative author who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” us on Facebook, “Follow” us on Twitter or visit


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