Wednesday, July 30, 2014

( Mark Levin Trashes Jon Stewart ) Patcnews July 30, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Mark Levin Trashes Jon Stewart on Israel Bit & Clapping Seal Audience - Mark Levin Reacts to Jon Stewart Cheap Jokes on Israel © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Mark Levin Rips Impeachment Critics: "Obama Should Be Impeached, But He Won't Be"

MARK LEVIN: Have you noticed something in the last 48 or 72 hours about this word impeachment? Have you noticed that the Democrats and the RINO Republicans are playing games with our constitution? For the last six or seven minutes all over our favorite cable channel we've had via the news and the commentators going on and on about how the kooks have proposed impeachment but the Republicans have never really wanted impeachment. How the Democrats are proposing impeachment as a way to raise money.


I sit here ladies and gentlemen and I say this: our country is being destroyed. And I am sick and tired of people like Speaker Boehner, Minority Leader McConnell, various radio hosts and TV commentators going on and on about our imperial president, how it's outrageous, how what he's doing is destructive to the constitution and the country. And then when you bring up what the constitution provides us it's, 'Oh what a bunch of kooks.'
The fact of the matter is that once again the Democrats are running circles around the Republican leadership and the Republican consultants. The fact of the matter is this word impeachment should've been explained for years as I've done on this radio program. I just heard one person say, 'Look, look, you can't impeach the president for failing to do things.' You impeach a president who violates the constitution repeatedly and says he's going to. T

These people on TV and radio they've never read the Federalist papers. They've never read Madison's notes. They do not understand our history, our constitution and they ramble on with the Republican National Committee line. And that's what I'm seeing all of our favorite TV channel right now. All over radio. And the Democrats say let's find raised on this. Let's get our base all worked up over this.

Here's the dead truth. Obama should be impeached, but he won't be impeached. Obama should be impeached if the Republicans take the Senate, but he won't be impeached if the Republicans take the Senate. Obama has committed high crimes and misdemeanors by violating the constitution. A high crime and misdemeanor doesn't mean he goes out robs a bank or knocks off a 7-Eleven. Nobody ever expected a president to do that.

There have been books written about this, including our buddy Andy McCarthy's book. You have people who are pontificating about a subject they know nothing about and then every they're spitting out the Republican talking points. 'No, no, no, we never said impeachment. That's just the tea party.'

What about the power of the purse? No we can't shut down the government, we can't use the power of the purse. So the power of the purse, that's off the table. The i-word, don't bring that up, that's off the table. So what's on the table? A phony lawsuit! And all these same commentators keep talking it up!

So I ask: what do we do about an imperial president?

LEVIN: So you and I, who are concerned about the constitution unraveling right in front of us, we're supposed to participate in this asinine game. This mindless pathetic game. The statists vs. the neo-statists. Once spokesidiot up against another spokesidiot. And then they trash talk radio. These people who get paid a fortune on TV. Who get paid to give speeches as a result of being paid a fortune on TV. Who write dumb books and come to people like me to help promote them.

They accuse talk radio trying to make money off of impeachment. How is talk radio trying to make money off of impeachment? And why they attacking talk radio? It's the same old thing that they've been doing since Rush came in and Hannity and me and some of the others. Oh, they do things for ratings and money. Like only they have ethics and integrity. So when I say something, that's for ratings and money? I would say this about my colleagues in this business, none of us do it for ratings and money. We say what we believe. While there may be a few jackasses but you know what I mean.

So they now attack our integrity. I've never run away from impeachment. I've talked about it many, many times but I will say again he's not going to be impeached. And why would you impeach him when -- if you don't have the Senate because that's where the trial would take place. So at least if you're going to do it, do it when it makes sense. But they're not gonna do it.

But this is what it's become -- the Republicans stand for nothing. They're running on nothing. They're hoping they can sleep walk through this election by attacking the opposition and enough people are angry at Obama. ANd they might win a landslide doing that, they might not. But ladies and gentlemen isn't it time we had people who are serious? Who really wanna preserve what's left of the republic? Who really care about the next generation and the generations unborn? Aren't you sick and tired of this? (Mark Levin Show, July 29, 2014)


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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

( The U.S. Border Report ) Patcnews July 29, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The U.S. Border Report For Arizona Nevada California and Texas © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

My Patriotic Philosophy

“Your Future is My Future”
Politicians are here to serve the people, not the other way around. Abraham Lincoln once said, “To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.” It is time to set aside political posturing and selfish greed. America is at an important historical crossroad and it is important to feel and act upon the same patriotic instincts and passion that drove our Framers to adopt the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States was the work of many brilliant minds who put partisanship aside to create a standard upon which there would be cooperative statesmanship and compromise. I promise to uphold the Constitution at all times, for it is the supreme law of the United States of America.
I take the Pledge of Allegiance very seriously. It was written to create a vehicle for “intelligent patriotism” not only for love of country, but as an awareness of American ideals. The phrase “One nation, under God, indivisible…” was to stand as a strong affirmation of our national unity and must never be endangered by political correctness.
I believe “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”–The Declaration of Independence. I find it astonishing that I must reiterate to my fellow countrymen that these basic elements of the American way of life are part of my political soul, but unfortunately we now live in a time when many leaders and bureaucrats fail to understand the basic principles of America’s independence and freedom.
I have no desire to be a politician. My only desire is to be an activist and advocate for the people I represent. We have enough politicians, what we need are true Constitutional Conservatives at the helm leading and standing for “We the People.” I am passionate about Arizona and this great country we live in.
Your future is my future! I promise to lead with virtue, listen to your issues and act upon them to the best of my abilities. We will stand together as one and become the leading example of an Arizona District that is truly being run by the people, for the people!
I’m asking for your vote in the 2014 elections.
God bless you, God bless Arizona and the USA,
Darla Dawald


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House revives, approves border crisis bill – as Obama vows to ‘act alone’

The House late Friday revived and approved a Republican-authored border crisis bill after GOP leaders hurriedly resolved an internal battle that scuttled the vote a day earlier – but with the Senate on recess and the House soon to follow, there’s little chance of any bill reaching President Obama’s desk until the fall.
The president now is vowing to act unilaterally to address the illegal immigration issue.
The House legislation was approved on a 223-189 vote. The new version of the bill adds additional funding for the National Guard and includes policy changes meant to speed deportations of illegal immigrant children surging across the southern border.
However, a separate Senate bill died on a procedural vote a day earlier, and no more votes in that chamber are scheduled until early September.Even if the Senate were somehow to approve the House bill, Obama vowed Friday he would veto it.
In the absence of any legislation that all sides can agree on, the president threatened to act on his own to address immigration challenges, potentially during the five-week recess.
"I'm going to have to make some tough choices to meet the challenge, with or without Congress," Obama said Friday, speaking to reporters in the White House briefing room.
He later added: "I'm going to have to act alone, because we don't have enough resources."
But House leaders scrambled to corral the votes for the bill Friday out of a desire to pass something before the recess, if only to save face and put the pressure back on the Senate to act.
Chamber leaders faced a revolt on Thursday from conservative rank-and-file over a prior version of the bill, and were forced to pull it from the floor. But they delayed the recess and stayed Friday to cobble together the new version.
The new measure's price tag is now roughly $700 million, up from $659 million -- but still one-fifth of the $3.7 billion Obama requested, and a far cry from what the Senate considered.
Sources described the changes as relatively minor -- "adding a few periods," as one lawmaker put it -- but nevertheless changing some minds.
The new bill includes $70 million in National Guard money for both the states and federal government. It includes more than $400 million for the Department of Homeland Security to boost border security, and nearly $200 million for housing and "humanitarian assistance."
It would also tighten language tweaking a 2008 immigration law, for the purpose of speeding deportations of illegal immigrant children back to Central American countries.It would bar housing the children on military bases if doing so displaces service members or interferes with military activities.
Further, a separate measure was being revised that would prevent Obama from expanding a program that suspended deportations for some illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children.
The vote Friday allows Republicans to at least blunt Democratic criticism.
Democrats on Thursday used the collapse of that vote to hammer Republicans as doing nothing about the surge of illegal immigrant children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.
Senate Democrats, though, were not able to muster enough votes to pass their bill either.House Republicans insisted they were the only ones still trying to do something about the border crisis.
“When it comes to the humanitarian crisis on our southern border, President Obama has been completely AWOL,” a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said.
The disarray arose over what most view as an urgent humanitarian issue, the stream of tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing illegally into South Texas. Most are from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, where towns are beset by gang violence. They are seeking to reunite with family members and drawn by rumors that once here they would be allowed to stay.
Many Republicans blame the Obama administration policies for that perception, particularly a two-year-old program that has granted work permits and relief from deportation to more than 500,000 immigrants brought here illegally as kids. The Obama administration disputes that claim.
Conservatives want to repeal Obama's deportation relief program as part of any border package.
The scramble on Thursday took place as Boehner inaugurated a new leadership team on the very day that outgoing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, unexpectedly defeated in his primary race by a conservative upstart, was stepping down from his post.He was replaced by Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.


Texas to spend $1.3 million a week deploying 1,000 National Guard troops to patrol border amid immigration crisis

  • Surge in agents comes after rise in drug gangs and people smuggling
  • Governor Rick Perry claims cartels are taking advantage while agents are distracted by surge in immigrant children

Texas has sent up to 1,000 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border as it tries to crack down on drug and human trafficking, officials said Friday.
The surge, announced last month and recently implemented, will cost the state's Department for Public Safety an extra $1.3 million a week.
Governor Rick Perry, a potential Republican candidate in the 2016 presidential election, has blamed the Obama administration for not doing enough to halt a surge in children from Central America crossing the border.
Patrol: U.S. border agents detain immigrants on the Texas side of the U.S.-Mexico border. The state has increased patrols
Patrol: U.S. border agents detain immigrants on the Texas side of the U.S.-Mexico border. The state has increased patrols

Perry said the influx of children has diverted U.S. Border Patrol attention from cracking down on criminal syndicates.
'Mexican cartels and criminal elements are taking advantage of this situation by further exploiting these gaps along the border to commit heinous crimes that will further their business,' Tom Vinger, spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, said.

During the nine months ending June 30, more than 57,000 children, many of them from Central America, were detained at the U.S.-Mexico border, double last year's count, according to U.S. government data.
The White House and others have called the influx a humanitarian crisis. The Obama administration has requested an additional $3.7 billion from Congress to address the situation.
On Thursday, the department took media out to the Rio Grande to show how its fleet of gunboats is patrolling the waterway that divides Mexico and the U.S.
Patrol: Helicopters survey scrub near the border, where an extra 1,000 National Guard troops have been sent
Patrol: Helicopters survey scrub near the border, where an extra 1,000 National Guard troops have been sent

Search: A Customs and Border Protection team drives along the border. Texas has seen a surge in immigrants crossing recently

Search: A Customs and Border Protection team drives along the border. Texas has seen a surge in immigrants crossing recently

'We know the enemy, the cartel, on the other side they have cover, they have concealment, they have the element of surprise.
'But what we enjoy is superior training, superior tactics, speed and overwhelming firepower,' Department of Public Safety Lieutenant Charlie Goble told Reuters.
Perry has won praise for his moves among Republicans and criticism from Democrats who say he is spending millions on deployments that are more about politics than border protection.
Perry deploys troops to combat exploitation of illegals
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House to vote on slimmed-down bill for border

WASHINGTON (AP) _ House Republicans are heading toward a vote  Thursday on a slimmed-down bill to address the immigration crisis on the border by sending in National Guard troops and speeding unaccompanied migrant youths back to Central America. The bill will cost $659 million through the end of this fiscal year, far smaller than the $3.7 billion requested by President Barack Obama. Lawmakers leaving a meeting on the issue Tuesday morning said the bill appeared to enjoy widespread support, although some conservatives, said they remained opposed. Lawmakers said it was important to act this week before Congress adjourns for its annual August recess. Texas Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold predicted the legislation would pass with broad GOP support.

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( Zoë Saldana ) Patcnews July 29, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Zoë Saldana Women's Health 2014 and Calvin Klein Underwear Fall Commercial © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Watch: Behind-The-Scenes At Zoe Saldana's Calvin Klein Underwear Photo Shoot

Casey Johnson Casey Johnson
August 18th, 2010 12:30pm EDT

Zoe Saldana Calvin Klein
A few weeks ago Calvin Klein released the new promo photos for their Envy line of underwear featuring a hot Zoe Saldana. Now, we've got a behind-the-scenes video of the photo shoot!

Talking during the shoot, Zoe said about being sexy: "I think the secret recipe is staying in shape physically but also mentally... Aging is what makes us wise and sexy and I would never take that back."

And of the shoot, she remarked "It was sexy it was creative," before joking, "and the food was awesome, too." 

Zoe has recently revealed a love of science fiction, and with sequels on the table for Avatar and Star Trek, it looks like she will continue to work in the genre she favors.

Zoe Saldana Calvin Klein 

Photo Credits: YouTube/Calvin Klein 


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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

( Megyn Kelly Fox News on The Irs Scandal ) Patcnews July 23, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Megyn Kelly Fox News Just When You Thought The Irs Scandal Couldn't Get Any Worse! Rep. Trey Gowdy Questions Irs Commissioner John Koskinen 7/23/14 Irs Hearing IRS Investigation © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


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[Watch] Megyn Kelly on the “Backflips” and Contradictions of IRS Commissioner Koskinen

056 kelly irs 610
Megyn Kelly points out in her opening that there are many previous IRS testimonies, including some by the Commissioner who was once again before the House, which are now contradicted by recent revelations.
She points to new information which indicates that backup tapes may exist for the missing Lois Lerner emails. Koskinen testified a month ago that none existed. He said at that time, “We confirmed that backup tapes from 2011 no longer existed because they have been recycled, pursuant to IRS normal policy.”
Her guest Karl Rove says it is even worse than that, because when Koskinen “learned” that the tapes may in fact exist, he did nothing to correct the record.
The notorious hard drive that was supposedly recycled because it was completely destroyed has also now been revealed to have been only scratched and that the data was recoverable. Those conflicting statements were made under oath. The claims of Koskinen are disputed by individuals working in the IRS IT department who also say the data would have been recoverable. 
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( Rep. Trey Gowdy Vrs Irs Commissioner John Koskinen ) Patcnews July 23, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Rep. Trey Gowdy Questions Irs Commissioner John Koskinen 7/23/14 Irs Hearing IRS Investigation © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


The Burying of a Scandal: TV News Hides the Facts on the IRS’s Targeting of Conservatives

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 The Burying of a Scandal: TV News Hides the Facts on the IRS’s Targeting of Conservatives
By Rich Noyes | May 7, 2014 | 11:14 AM EDT

 Summary: After a partisan report last June absurdly suggested that progressive groups were just as likely to be scrutinized as conservative ones, ABC, CBS and NBC essentially abandoned their coverage of the IRS targeting scandal which broke one year ago this week. After producing 136 stories on their morning and evening news show during the first seven weeks of the scandal, broadcast news coverage dried up, with just 14 more reports over the next 10 months, as the Big Three ignored numerous damning developments in the case.

[Full report after the jump.]

 A year ago, even liberal news outlets acknowledged that IRS targeting of Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations was a major scandal. When the news broke on Friday, May 10, 2013, ABC’s Terry Moran declared it “a truly Nixonian abuse of power by the Obama administration.” “There’s only one spin for the President,” NBC’s Tom Brokaw opined on May 13, “which is come out and say this is outrageous.”

Even MSNBC’s ultra-partisan Hardball host Chris Matthews, on May 22, slammed the singling out of conservative groups as “like profiling....I go to the airport and I’m running TSA — instead of deciding based upon people’s movements around the world that might be suspicious, going to countries that cause us trouble, I just look for everybody that looks Arab and I put them in one line. The American people would say that’s outrageous, and that’s what this is like.”

During the seven weeks after news of the scandal broke (from May 10 through June 28), the ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening newscasts churned out a respectable 136 stories about the IRS targeting of Tea Party groups. After that, an MRC study shows, broadcast network coverage dried up. From June 29 through April 30 — a span of more than ten months —  those same programs aired just 14 stories that even mentioned the IRS scandal. And, most of those were brief or inconsequential references that shed no light on the activities of either the IRS or the Obama administration.

So why did the coverage of such an important story dissipate so quickly? Even in early June, influential journalists were arguing that the obvious targeting of Obama’s political opponents was not really all that scandalous. Talking about the IRS revelations and other negative headlines on CBS’s Face the Nation on June 2, New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson dismissed the “scandal” terminology: “It’s very easy to lump all of these issues together....But I’m just not sure, you know, they come together and create, you know — quote, unquote — ‘an atmosphere of scandal.’” 

 Meanwhile, some of the more rabid hosts on MSNBC were smearing those who kept pursuing the story. “The IRS is being used in exactly the same way as they tried to use the President’s birth certificate,” then-daytime anchor Martin Bashir sneered on June 5. “Despite the complete lack of any evidence linking the President to the targeting of Tea Party groups, Republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the White House.”

■ Wrongly Suggesting Both Sides Were Victimized: But the crucial element in finally suppressing TV coverage of the scandal seemed to be a selective “early report” released in late June by Democrats on the House Ways and Means committee and then-IRS acting commissioner Danny Werfel, chosen by the President to take command of the agency after the scandal broke. This Democratic report ostensibly showed that liberal groups applying for tax-exempt status were also targeted by IRS officials, and the news media leapt to showcase its improbable conclusions.

“Terms including ‘Israel,’ ‘Progressive’ and ‘Occupy’ were used by agency workers to help pick groups for closer examination, according to an internal IRS document obtained by The Associated Press,” was how the AP’s Alan Fram framed his June 24 dispatch.

Fram continued: “Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee released 15 lists of terms that the IRS agency used and has provided to congressional investigators. Some of the lists, which evolved over time, used the terms ‘Progressive’ and ‘Tea Party’ and others including ‘Medical Marijuana,’ ‘Occupied Territory Advocacy,’ ‘Healthcare legislation,’ ‘Newspaper Entities’ and ‘Paying National Debt.’”
The idea that liberal groups had faced the same level of scrutiny should have been met with deep skepticism. When the head of the IRS’s tax-exempt division, Lois Lerner, first divulged the targeting scheme, she said nothing about progressive or liberal groups. Rather, Lerner on May 10 said groups with “names like ‘Tea Party’ or ‘patriots’...[were selected] simply because the application had those names in the title. That was wrong. That was absolutely incorrect.”

And for weeks the networks had been detailing the mistreatment of conservative groups, without any liberal groups coming forward. On the May 10 NBC Nightly News, for example, reporter Tom Costello recounted how “the former President of the Liberty Coalition says his state group was targeted by the IRS, which demanded lists of members, donors, even family members and politicians who have spoken.”

The next day on CBS This Morning, correspondent Kristen Fisher related that “about 75 groups were flagged by the IRS for further review for one reason: Their applications for tax-exempt status contained the words ‘Tea Party’ or ‘patriot.’...Jenny Beth Martin is the founder of one of those groups, the Tea Party Patriots. They applied for tax-exempt status four years ago. And to this day, they’ve received no reply from the IRS.”

Out of 136 network stories, not one included a single complaint from a liberal or left-leaning group claiming it had also been targeted. Yet when Democrats argued in late June that both sides really were targeted, liberal journalists seemed eager to accept it. 

 “Turns out it wasn’t just Tea Party groups. It was also groups labeled progressive. Which means this whole thing is over now. Right?” MSNBC host Rachel Maddow smirked on the June 24 edition of her eponymous show. The next morning on MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown, the host — and NBC News political director — Chuck Todd seemed to agree: “The IRS ‘scandal’ [makes air quote marks] looks like it’s a bureaucratic scandal, not the political scandal that Republicans were wishing that they had come up with....[House Chairman Darrell Issa] is living the fable of the boy who cried wolf, at this point.”

As for the broadcast networks, only CBS gave much airtime to the Democrats’ report. On the June 24 Evening News, anchor Scott Pelley headlined that “the new head of the IRS acknowledged late today that the targeting of political groups was wider than we were told, and included organizations that were liberal in nature, as well as conservatives.”

The next morning, CBS This Morning co-host Charlie Rose agreed: “The tax agency now says conservatives were not the only ones targeted for special scrutiny. Agents also looked for liberal groups applying for tax-exempt status.”

In its morning and evening broadcasts, CBS gave 5 minutes 48 seconds of coverage to this new report. In contrast, ABC gave it just 19 seconds on Good Morning America (nothing on World News), while NBC ignored it altogether.

■ Acting as If the Scandal Was Over: The report’s importance, however, was not in the spin employed by network correspondents as they discussed it. In fact, CBS’s Nancy Cordes on the Evening News actually devoted a couple of sentences to the idea that this was not the end of the investigation: “It still appears that Tea Party groups were asked far more questions and made to wait much longer than progressive groups. And, Scott, Republicans point out that so far, not a single progressive group has come forward to tell Congress that they’re upset about the way they were treated by the IRS.”

And on June 28, CBS This Morning gave 53 seconds to news that the Treasury Department’s Inspector General had refuted the essence of the Democratic report. Co-host Norah O’Donnell headlined how House Republicans had “lashed out” at Werfel at a committee hearing, accusing him of putting out a “sham report.” None of the other broadcast networks bothered to pick up on this hearing.

But the reality is that after this report, the broadcast networks essentially stopped covering the IRS scandal, as if all reasonable observers now agreed it was over. Even as the investigation uncovered new evidence affirming that conservatives were uniquely targeted, and as evidence mounted that the IRS was stonewalling congressional efforts to uncover the truth, ABC, CBS and NBC maintained an almost-absolute moratorium on news about the scandal.

After June 28, the broadcast network morning and evening news shows mentioned the IRS scandal in a mere 14 stories, only two of which included substantive information about the ongoing investigation. In order to show just how inconsequential some of these “stories” really are, what follows is a complete summary of each of those 14 stories:
➤ On July 24, the same night President Obama was denigrating Washington’s obsession with “phony scandals,” CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley asked Treasury Secretary Jack Lew about revelations that Tea Party applications had been directed to the office of the IRS’s top lawyer, William Wilkins, a presidential appointee.

“Has any political appointee had oversight of the decisions that were made around the Tea Party applications?” Pelley asked Lew.
The Secretary’s answer was less than categorical: “There has been no evidence of anyone in a political position having been involved in any of those decisions.” That 90-second exchange was the only time the broadcast networks showed any interest in this potential connection to an Obama appointee; ABC and NBC never mentioned this angle of the scandal, and CBS has yet to revisit it.
➤ After a two-month blackout, NBC’s Chuck Todd made an extremely brief reference to the existence of the IRS scandal in an October 30 Nightly News story about President Obama’s political fortunes: “His 52 percent job approval rating in our January poll was near an all-time high for him, but it didn’t take long for things to go south. It began with the IRS and Benghazi investigations on Capital Hill....”
➤ On November 27, ABC’s Good Morning America news reader Josh Elliott briefly noted an administration plan “to limit the political influence of tax-exempt groups.” That proposal, ignored by the other broadcast networks, was seen by many conservatives as institutionalizing the scandalous targeting of political groups.

➤ On December 28, Today correspondent Kristen Welker included a brief reference to the IRS in a year-end review. “A trio of controversies quickly threatened to derail President Obama’s second-term agenda: revelations the IRS was targeting conservative groups, and that the Justice Department was seizing the phone records of journalists. Plus, the ongoing fallout from the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi....”

➤ On January 14, 2014, CBS This Morning co-host Norah O’Donnell read a brief headline on the status of the investigation: “The Wall Street Journal says the FBI is not expected to file criminal charges after the IRS gave extra scrutiny to conservative groups. Investigators did not find proof of political bias when the agency dealt with organizations using names like ‘Tea Party’ or ‘patriots.’”
➤ On their February 3 morning shows, both NBC and CBS ran stories about President Obama’s comments to Fox News during a pre-Super Bowl interview, and each gave a few seconds to his statement about the IRS scandal. As NBC’s Natalie Morales put it on Today, Obama “said the issue of the IRS targeting Tea Party groups has been cleared up by hearings in Congress.” Over on CBS This Morning, reporter Bill Plante said the President “told [Bill] O’Reilly these were all settled issues and he accused Fox News of keeping them alive.” Neither show suggested Obama's claim of “not even a smidgen of corruption” was in any way inaccurate.

➤ Between March 5 and 7, the Big Three ran a total of five stories about the theatrical dust-up between House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings at a hearing that included Lois Lerner once again refusing to testify. Lerner, however, was barely mentioned as the networks zeroed in on how Issa cut off Cummings’ microphone, with CBS This Morning scolding the “partisan bickering” and NBC’s Today calling it a “shouting match.”
➤ On March 8, CBS This Morning correspondent Mark Albert alluded to the scandal as he summarized speeches by potential 2016 candidates at CPAC: “One-time presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, also slammed the IRS as a criminal enterprise.”

➤ On the April 10 CBS This Morning, correspondent Jan Crawford provided the first substantive broadcast network report on the scandal since the previous July, as she detailed how the House Ways and Means committee “voted along straight party lines to ask the Justice Department to consider criminal charges against [Lois] Lerner,” saying she had “allegedly engaged in willful misconduct and potentially violated multiple federal criminal statutes.” As happened so often during this story, neither ABC nor NBC bothered to note the development.

■ Crucial Developments Ignored. During these last ten months, while the broadcast networks have been acting as if the scandal was over, a multitude of reports have reinforced the fact that the IRS was aggressively targeting conservative groups; that IRS officials lied in their initial public statements about the scandal; and that the Obama administration has been stonewalling the House investigation. Yet none of these facts have made their way onto the broadcast networks:

    ➤ Repeated complaints about obstruction went unnoticed by the broadcast networks. On August 2, reported that House Oversight chairman Darrell Issa had accused acting IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel of blocking the committee’s investigation: “Issa claimed the IRS has been slow to produce documents, and that the documents it does produce are so thoroughly blacked out, they are useless to investigators.” Network coverage: Zero.

➤ On September 4, CNN’s Drew Griffin reported that documents showed Lerner’s original story blaming low-level employees was a lie. On that night’s Erin Burnett OutFront, Griffin explained: “The IRS at first blamed the whole controversy on a few so-called rogue agents working at the IRS office in Cincinnati. It turns out that just wasn’t true. Those rogue employees back in Cincinnati were getting direction, being told what to do by Lois Lerner and her senior staff here in Washington — a senior staff of executives trying to decide for months in 2011 and 2012 what to do with the Tea Party applications.” The broadcast networks, however, skipped these revelations entirely.

 ➤ On September 11, the Wall Street Journal exhibited how Lerner’s own e-mails implied a liberal political agenda at work. One example from July 2012: Lerner received an e-mail from an advisor about complaints by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee about the conservative groups Crossroads GPS and Americans for Prosperity. The Journal quoted Lerner’s hopeful reply — “perhaps the FEC will save the day” — then added its own understated analysis: “That response suggests Ms. Lerner’s political leanings.” Network coverage: Zero.

    ➤ On September 18, a front-page analysis published by USA Today confirmed the targeting of conservatives: “Newly uncovered IRS documents show the agency flagged political groups based on the content of their literature, raising concerns specifically about ‘anti-Obama rhetoric,’ inflammatory language and ‘emotional’ statements made by non-profits seeking tax-exempt status.” Again, none of the broadcast networks mentioned this report.
    ➤ At the end of March, the New York Times noted that the House committee was still being frustrated by non-cooperation from the IRS. According to that report, “Mr. Issa said that six months ago, the committee subpoenaed all emails sent and received since 2009 by six IRS officials who had knowledge of the agency’s review of Tea Party groups seeking tax-exempt status, including Lois Lerner, who was in charge of the division that reviewed applications for tax exemption. Mr. Issa said that the committee had received only a small fraction of those emails and that Mr. [John] Koskinen [the IRS commissioner] could be held in contempt for noncompliance.” Network coverage: Zero.

    ➤ And, an April 7, 2014 staff report by the House Oversight and Government Reform committee thoroughly demolished what remained of the notion that both sides had been targeted: “For 15 months beginning in February 2010, the IRS systematically identified, separated, and delayed Tea Party applications — and only Tea Party applications. Even after the IRS broadened the screening criteria in the summer of 2011, internal documents confirm that the agency continued to target Tea Party groups.” Network coverage: Zero.

Later this week, the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote whether or not to hold Lois Lerner in contempt for her failure to testify about her role in the matter. That occasion is as good a time as any for the broadcast networks to remedy this egregious bias by omission, and tell viewers about all of the damning developments in the story since the Big Three last provided real coverage of the IRS’s scandalous treatment of conservative groups.


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( David Perdue For U.S. Senate 2014 ) Patcnews July 20, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports by Fox News 'David Perdue beats Rep. Jack Kingston in Georgia Senate' © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


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 liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

Businessman David Perdue defeats Rep. Jack Kingston in runoff to win Georgia GOP Senate nomination

Businessman David Perdue narrowly defeated 11-term Rep. Jack Kingston Tuesday in a Republican runoff election for Georgia's U.S. Senate nomination, setting up a general election race against Democrat Michelle Nunn with national implications. 
With all precincts reporting, Perdue led Kingston by approximately 8,500 votes out of over 480,000 cast. 
Perdue's victory validates the former corporate CEO's campaign as an outsider. The former CEO of Reebok, Dollar General and the failed textile firm Pillowtex, Perdue offered his private sector record and tremendous wealth as proof that he can help solve the nation's ills in a Congress largely devoid of experienced business titans. He spent more than $3 million of his own money blasting Kingston -- and other primary rivals before that -- as a career politician, including one ad depicting his rivals as crying babies.
"If we want to change Washington, then we've got to change the people we send to Washington," he would say as he met voters.
Perdue also received more votes than Kingston in the initial May primary, but both men fell well shy of the majority necessary to win without a runoff.
As he did in May, Kingston ran up huge margins across southeast Georgia, where he's represented Georgia's 1st Congressional District since 1993. In his home Chatham County, he won 86 percent, with about 12,500 more votes than Perdue. But Perdue erased Kingston's home base advantage by running more consistently around the rest of the state, particularly in the heavily populated Atlanta and its suburbs. Perdue won Fulton County and all the surrounding counties that make up the metropolitan area.
With the win, Perdue overcame a Kingston coalition that spanned the internal GOP struggle between tea party conservatives and traditional GOP powers. Kingston ran with the endorsement and more than $2.3 million in advertising support from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a titan of the Washington establishment. But he also garnered backing from tea party leaders and Karen Handel, the tea party favorite who finished third in the May primary.
Kingston, 59, ran as an 11-term congressman in a year when voters have expressed widespread dissatisfaction with the nation's direction, arguing that his record proves his conservative credentials. He pitched his range of endorsements as proof of his appeal across ideological barriers.
Yet the returns suggest that wasn't enough to trump a political reality: Americans typically love their congressman but loathe Congress as a whole.
Kingston said leading up to the runoff vote that he would back Perdue in November if he won the nomination, saying that the higher priority is displacing Nevada Sen. Harry Reid as majority leader. Republicans need six more seats to win Senate control and cannot afford to lose retiring Sen. Saxby Chambliss' seat.
"David Perdue is a strong leader with a proven business record, who will come to Washington with fresh ideas and a passion for solutions," Chambliss said in a statement late Tuesday. "Georgia deserves a representative who will work to solve our fiscal crisis and put our country back on track."
National Democrats view Nunn, the 47-year-old daughter of former Sen. Sam Nunn, as one of their best opportunities to pick up a GOP-held seat. She's raised more than $9 million and reported $2.3 million left to spend earlier this month. Perdue reported less than $800,000, but his personal wealth ensures that his campaign doesn't have to worry about money.
Perdue's win could require a strategic shift for the new Republican nominee and his Democratic opponent, since they now can't simply run against the sitting Congress and its discord.
Nunn, an Atlanta nonprofit executive, uses her father, an old-guard Southern Democrat who served four terms, as an example of what kind of senator she'd be. She also eagerly highlights her tenure as executive of Republican former President George H.W. Bush's foundation.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

David Perdue narrowly beat 11-term Rep. Jack Kingston in a Republican runoff election for Georgia's U.S. Senate nomination.

He reacted Wednesday morning on Fox and Friends, saying his Democrat opponent Michelle Nunn
will have to defend six years of failed policies by President Obama and
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV). A recent poll showed Nunn leading Perdue by six

Perdue believes he will come out on top in November by "prosecuting
that failed record." He said he wants to see a GOP alternative put forth
to repeal and replace ObamaCare, which he described as an "insidious,
failed law."

Watch the interview above.

Read more on the race below from

With 96 percent of the precincts reporting, Perdue led Kingston by approximately 8,300 votes. 

Perdue's victory validates the former corporate CEO's campaign as an
outsider. The former CEO of Reebok, Dollar General and the failed
textile firm Pillowtex, Perdue offered his private sector record and
tremendous wealth as proof that he can help solve the nation's ills in a
Congress largely devoid of experienced business titans. He spent more
than $3 million of his own money blasting Kingston -- and other primary
rivals before that -- as a career politician, including one ad depicting
his rivals as crying babies.

"If we want to change Washington, then we've got to change the people we send to Washington," he would say as he met voters.

Perdue also received more votes than Kingston in the initial May
primary, but both men fell well shy of the majority necessary to win
without a runoff.

As he did in May, Kingston ran up huge margins across southeast
Georgia, where he's represented Georgia's 1st Congressional District
since 1993. In his home Chatham County, he won 86 percent, with about
12,500 more votes than Perdue. But Perdue erased Kingston's home base
advantage by running more consistently around the rest of the state,
particularly in the heavily populated Atlanta and its suburbs. Perdue
won Fulton County and all the surrounding counties that make up the
metropolitan area.

With the win, Perdue overcame a Kingston coalition that spanned the
internal GOP struggle between tea party conservatives and traditional
GOP powers. Kingston ran with the endorsement and more than $2.3 million
in advertising support from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a titan of
the Washington establishment. But he also garnered backing from tea
party leaders and Karen Handel, the tea party favorite who finished
third in the May primary.

Kingston, 59, ran as an 11-term congressman in a year when voters have
expressed widespread dissatisfaction with the nation's direction,
arguing that his record proves his conservative credentials. He pitched
his range of endorsements as proof of his appeal across ideological

Yet the returns suggest that wasn't enough to trump a political
reality: Americans typically love their congressman but loathe Congress
as a whole.

Kingston said leading up to the runoff vote that he would back Perdue
in November if he won the nomination, saying that the higher priority is
displacing Nevada Sen. Harry Reid as majority leader. Republicans need
six more seats to win Senate control and cannot afford to lose retiring
Sen. Saxby Chambliss' seat.

"David Perdue is a strong leader with a proven business record, who
will come to Washington with fresh ideas and a passion for solutions,"
Chambliss said in a statement late Tuesday. "Georgia deserves a
representative who will work to solve our fiscal crisis and put our
country back on track."

National Democrats view Nunn, the 47-year-old daughter of former Sen.
Sam Nunn, as one of their best opportunities to pick up a GOP-held seat.
She's raised more than $9 million and reported $2.3 million left to
spend earlier this month. Perdue reported less than $800,000, but his
personal wealth ensures that his campaign doesn't have to worry about

Perdue's win could require a strategic shift for the new Republican
nominee and his Democratic opponent, since they now can't simply run
against the sitting Congress and its discord.

Nunn, an Atlanta nonprofit executive, uses her father, an old-guard
Southern Democrat who served four terms, as an example of what kind of
senator she'd be. She also eagerly highlights her tenure as executive of
Republican former President George H.W. Bush's foundation.


Content and Programming Copyright 2014 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2014 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network