Wednesday, July 23, 2014

( Megyn Kelly Fox News on The Irs Scandal ) Patcnews July 23, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Megyn Kelly Fox News Just When You Thought The Irs Scandal Couldn't Get Any Worse! Rep. Trey Gowdy Questions Irs Commissioner John Koskinen 7/23/14 Irs Hearing IRS Investigation © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


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[Watch] Megyn Kelly on the “Backflips” and Contradictions of IRS Commissioner Koskinen

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Megyn Kelly points out in her opening that there are many previous IRS testimonies, including some by the Commissioner who was once again before the House, which are now contradicted by recent revelations.
She points to new information which indicates that backup tapes may exist for the missing Lois Lerner emails. Koskinen testified a month ago that none existed. He said at that time, “We confirmed that backup tapes from 2011 no longer existed because they have been recycled, pursuant to IRS normal policy.”
Her guest Karl Rove says it is even worse than that, because when Koskinen “learned” that the tapes may in fact exist, he did nothing to correct the record.
The notorious hard drive that was supposedly recycled because it was completely destroyed has also now been revealed to have been only scratched and that the data was recoverable. Those conflicting statements were made under oath. The claims of Koskinen are disputed by individuals working in the IRS IT department who also say the data would have been recoverable. 
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