Tuesday, July 29, 2014

( The U.S. Border Report ) Patcnews July 29, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The U.S. Border Report For Arizona Nevada California and Texas © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

My Patriotic Philosophy

“Your Future is My Future”
Politicians are here to serve the people, not the other way around. Abraham Lincoln once said, “To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.” It is time to set aside political posturing and selfish greed. America is at an important historical crossroad and it is important to feel and act upon the same patriotic instincts and passion that drove our Framers to adopt the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States was the work of many brilliant minds who put partisanship aside to create a standard upon which there would be cooperative statesmanship and compromise. I promise to uphold the Constitution at all times, for it is the supreme law of the United States of America.
I take the Pledge of Allegiance very seriously. It was written to create a vehicle for “intelligent patriotism” not only for love of country, but as an awareness of American ideals. The phrase “One nation, under God, indivisible…” was to stand as a strong affirmation of our national unity and must never be endangered by political correctness.
I believe “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”–The Declaration of Independence. I find it astonishing that I must reiterate to my fellow countrymen that these basic elements of the American way of life are part of my political soul, but unfortunately we now live in a time when many leaders and bureaucrats fail to understand the basic principles of America’s independence and freedom.
I have no desire to be a politician. My only desire is to be an activist and advocate for the people I represent. We have enough politicians, what we need are true Constitutional Conservatives at the helm leading and standing for “We the People.” I am passionate about Arizona and this great country we live in.
Your future is my future! I promise to lead with virtue, listen to your issues and act upon them to the best of my abilities. We will stand together as one and become the leading example of an Arizona District that is truly being run by the people, for the people!
I’m asking for your vote in the 2014 elections.
God bless you, God bless Arizona and the USA,
Darla Dawald


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House revives, approves border crisis bill – as Obama vows to ‘act alone’

The House late Friday revived and approved a Republican-authored border crisis bill after GOP leaders hurriedly resolved an internal battle that scuttled the vote a day earlier – but with the Senate on recess and the House soon to follow, there’s little chance of any bill reaching President Obama’s desk until the fall.
The president now is vowing to act unilaterally to address the illegal immigration issue.
The House legislation was approved on a 223-189 vote. The new version of the bill adds additional funding for the National Guard and includes policy changes meant to speed deportations of illegal immigrant children surging across the southern border.
However, a separate Senate bill died on a procedural vote a day earlier, and no more votes in that chamber are scheduled until early September.Even if the Senate were somehow to approve the House bill, Obama vowed Friday he would veto it.
In the absence of any legislation that all sides can agree on, the president threatened to act on his own to address immigration challenges, potentially during the five-week recess.
"I'm going to have to make some tough choices to meet the challenge, with or without Congress," Obama said Friday, speaking to reporters in the White House briefing room.
He later added: "I'm going to have to act alone, because we don't have enough resources."
But House leaders scrambled to corral the votes for the bill Friday out of a desire to pass something before the recess, if only to save face and put the pressure back on the Senate to act.
Chamber leaders faced a revolt on Thursday from conservative rank-and-file over a prior version of the bill, and were forced to pull it from the floor. But they delayed the recess and stayed Friday to cobble together the new version.
The new measure's price tag is now roughly $700 million, up from $659 million -- but still one-fifth of the $3.7 billion Obama requested, and a far cry from what the Senate considered.
Sources described the changes as relatively minor -- "adding a few periods," as one lawmaker put it -- but nevertheless changing some minds.
The new bill includes $70 million in National Guard money for both the states and federal government. It includes more than $400 million for the Department of Homeland Security to boost border security, and nearly $200 million for housing and "humanitarian assistance."
It would also tighten language tweaking a 2008 immigration law, for the purpose of speeding deportations of illegal immigrant children back to Central American countries.It would bar housing the children on military bases if doing so displaces service members or interferes with military activities.
Further, a separate measure was being revised that would prevent Obama from expanding a program that suspended deportations for some illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children.
The vote Friday allows Republicans to at least blunt Democratic criticism.
Democrats on Thursday used the collapse of that vote to hammer Republicans as doing nothing about the surge of illegal immigrant children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.
Senate Democrats, though, were not able to muster enough votes to pass their bill either.House Republicans insisted they were the only ones still trying to do something about the border crisis.
“When it comes to the humanitarian crisis on our southern border, President Obama has been completely AWOL,” a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said.
The disarray arose over what most view as an urgent humanitarian issue, the stream of tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing illegally into South Texas. Most are from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, where towns are beset by gang violence. They are seeking to reunite with family members and drawn by rumors that once here they would be allowed to stay.
Many Republicans blame the Obama administration policies for that perception, particularly a two-year-old program that has granted work permits and relief from deportation to more than 500,000 immigrants brought here illegally as kids. The Obama administration disputes that claim.
Conservatives want to repeal Obama's deportation relief program as part of any border package.
The scramble on Thursday took place as Boehner inaugurated a new leadership team on the very day that outgoing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, unexpectedly defeated in his primary race by a conservative upstart, was stepping down from his post.He was replaced by Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.


Texas to spend $1.3 million a week deploying 1,000 National Guard troops to patrol border amid immigration crisis

  • Surge in agents comes after rise in drug gangs and people smuggling
  • Governor Rick Perry claims cartels are taking advantage while agents are distracted by surge in immigrant children

Texas has sent up to 1,000 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border as it tries to crack down on drug and human trafficking, officials said Friday.
The surge, announced last month and recently implemented, will cost the state's Department for Public Safety an extra $1.3 million a week.
Governor Rick Perry, a potential Republican candidate in the 2016 presidential election, has blamed the Obama administration for not doing enough to halt a surge in children from Central America crossing the border.
Patrol: U.S. border agents detain immigrants on the Texas side of the U.S.-Mexico border. The state has increased patrols
Patrol: U.S. border agents detain immigrants on the Texas side of the U.S.-Mexico border. The state has increased patrols

Perry said the influx of children has diverted U.S. Border Patrol attention from cracking down on criminal syndicates.
'Mexican cartels and criminal elements are taking advantage of this situation by further exploiting these gaps along the border to commit heinous crimes that will further their business,' Tom Vinger, spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, said.

During the nine months ending June 30, more than 57,000 children, many of them from Central America, were detained at the U.S.-Mexico border, double last year's count, according to U.S. government data.
The White House and others have called the influx a humanitarian crisis. The Obama administration has requested an additional $3.7 billion from Congress to address the situation.
On Thursday, the department took media out to the Rio Grande to show how its fleet of gunboats is patrolling the waterway that divides Mexico and the U.S.
Patrol: Helicopters survey scrub near the border, where an extra 1,000 National Guard troops have been sent
Patrol: Helicopters survey scrub near the border, where an extra 1,000 National Guard troops have been sent

Search: A Customs and Border Protection team drives along the border. Texas has seen a surge in immigrants crossing recently

Search: A Customs and Border Protection team drives along the border. Texas has seen a surge in immigrants crossing recently

'We know the enemy, the cartel, on the other side they have cover, they have concealment, they have the element of surprise.
'But what we enjoy is superior training, superior tactics, speed and overwhelming firepower,' Department of Public Safety Lieutenant Charlie Goble told Reuters.
Perry has won praise for his moves among Republicans and criticism from Democrats who say he is spending millions on deployments that are more about politics than border protection.
Perry deploys troops to combat exploitation of illegals
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House to vote on slimmed-down bill for border

WASHINGTON (AP) _ House Republicans are heading toward a vote  Thursday on a slimmed-down bill to address the immigration crisis on the border by sending in National Guard troops and speeding unaccompanied migrant youths back to Central America. The bill will cost $659 million through the end of this fiscal year, far smaller than the $3.7 billion requested by President Barack Obama. Lawmakers leaving a meeting on the issue Tuesday morning said the bill appeared to enjoy widespread support, although some conservatives, said they remained opposed. Lawmakers said it was important to act this week before Congress adjourns for its annual August recess. Texas Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold predicted the legislation would pass with broad GOP support.

Read more: http://www.kfyi.com/articles/arizona-news-118695/house-to-vote-on-slimmeddown-bill-12614078#ixzz38senRxVU


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