Monday, June 2, 2014

( Sheriff Joe Arpaio ) Patcnews June 2, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Sheriff Joe Arpaio Launches HUGE Investigation To Arrest Obama For Fraud © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Sheriff Joe Launches HUGE Investigation To Arrest Obama For Fraud is conducting a poll about the President. Vote Now.

  Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is known for publicly questioning the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate, claims that he has enough evidence to make an arrest. Now, he claims his only goal is to figure out who is behind the forged document. 

In an interview with Chris Pareja on KMTV 15, Arpaio claims that it is his goal to take down anyone who has been involved in the process. Arpaio has started a group led by investigator Mike Zullo, which will be used to track down the origin of the certificate. The group claims that the long form birth certificate had over 20 different forgeries within it.

 Arpaio went on to explain that his investigation has shifted from Obama, and on to who within the Hawaiian government helped him commit the crime.

 “Nobody wants to touch it, but I’m still trying to find out who was behind it,” Arpaio claimed in the interview, “It’s a felony!

I’m locking people up every day for forged documents that are here illegally.”

What do you think? Should the public be paying more attention to the questionable documents?



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