Thursday, June 5, 2014

( Communist Harry Reid ) Patcnews June 5, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Communist Harry Reid: GOP playing politics with Bowe Bergdahl release © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


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[Watch] Hanoi Harry Reid Spinning Bergdahl Deal as Good For the Nation

by: Rick Wells
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Harry Reid is accusing Republicans of playing politics with the “victory” of Hussein Obama’s release of the Gitmo 5 in exchange for a deserter and possible enemy collaborator. In doing so, Reid never once mentions the threat that has been created by the irresponsible attempt to change the subject from the VA and to get some of the military back into at least tepid support for the regime.
Harry is clearly the one playing politics, trying to spin the nonsensical actions of Barack Obama into something positive. Reid’s delivery could use a little polishing up, though. Maybe he should at least skim the prepared statement before he gets out there on national media in the Senate chamber and stumbles through the simple text. Who knows, he might even be able to trick some people into thinking they are his own words.
Reid quotes Obama saying, “this is not a victory for him.” That’s true, although he expected it to be. It’s a victory for the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
Reid says that no American should be left behind, but this guy chose to stay behind. You’re wrong, Harry, he was just where he belonged. If that is the price that was required to repatriate him, see ya.

Harry Reid and the Democrats are engaging in some serious damage control efforts. Their actions demonstrate, in spite of what their words say, a recognition that this was a mistake, a huge mistake.
Rick Wells is a conservative author who believes an adherence the U.S. Constitution would solve many of today’s problems. “Like” him on Facebook and “Follow” him on Twitter.


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