Wednesday, May 28, 2014

[ (Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). ] Patcnews May 28, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Welocmes Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Ted Cruz Exposes Amnesty Bill: $5000 Penalty For Hiring Citizens Over Legalized Aliens

We can't possibly expect our Senators to read a 1200 page bill before voting on it. Can we? Well Thank God Ted Cruz read it. Not only did Cruz read it but he schooled anyone who would listen from the Senate floor on Tuesday. Cruz found a loophole that actually penalizes an employer $5000 for hiring a citizen over a legalized alien. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up. Senator Cruz was quoted as saying:
"I filed an amendment that would have corrected one of the most egregious aspects of the gang of eight bill as it intersects with Obamacare legislation, namely a penalty imposed on U.S. employers for hiring U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents. This bill says if an employer hires a citizen or a legal immigrant, the IRS can impose a $5,000 penalty on that employer. But if the employer instead hires someone with RPI status, that penalty will go away. That is utterly and completely indefensible."
"Nobody in this body wants to see African-American unemployment go up. Nobody wants to see Hispanic unemployment go up, youth unemployment go up, union household unemployment go up, legal immigrant unemployment go up. Yet every one of those will happen if this Gang of Eight bill passes without fixing this problem. If that happens, all 100 members of the U.S. Senate will be accountable to our constituents for explaining why we voted to put a federal penalty on hiring U.S. citizens and hiring legal immigrants. I hope this body will choose to pass my amendment and fix this grave defect in the Gang of Eight legislation."
It would be very interesting to know whose hand was responsible for slipping this into the bill but it surely won't be the only surprise that comes from a 1200 page bill that has not been scrutinized by the majority of those who voted to pass it.
John Hayward reports:
Cruz already weathered a few hilariously botched attempts to "fact-check" his claim into oblivion, which ended with the "fact checkers" admitting he was right about the problem, but questioning whether employers would respond to this incentive on the scale he envisions.  (That, of course, is a difference of opinion, not a fact check.)
For added fun, the Weekly Standard collared five of the Democrat senators who voted to cut off debate on the immigration bill, and asked for their take on the problem Cruz describes.  None of them knew if the loophole had been addressed yet.  Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) babbled something incoherent that had nothing to do with the question; Tom Carper (D-DE) snarled that he was too busy to answer the question; and Max "Train Wreck" Baucus, the author of ObamaCare, mumbled: "We're trying to solve that right now… I don't know if that's been solved."
America, what in the hell are these Senators trying to sell us? I don't even know where to begin with this story so I believe I will stop while I am ahead. Senator Cruz sums up the problem really well in the video. I will defer to the expert.
As my friend Jessica Smith told me yesterday when she passed this on, "Are you ready for your head to explode?" I think it already has Jessica.
This is unreal, unbelievable and unforgivable.
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Ted Cruz, Tea Party Dominate Texas Republican Primary Politics

HOUSTON, Texas—The clear winner in the 2014 Republican Primary and
runoff election is the grassroots effort spawned by the Tea Party, no
matter what candidates win. Every candidate on the ballot has shaped
their campaign around illustrating their support of the Tea Party
principles of limited government, reducing taxes and fiscal

The other big winner in this Primary election is Senator Ted Cruz
(R-TX). His election in 2012 ignited Tea Party activists across Texas
who have worked for the past two years to find viable candidates and
support them through this long election process. Nearly every candidate
on the ballot has tried to find some way of connecting themselves to Ted
Cruz and the Tea Party movement by using quotes from or pictures with
the prominent junior senator from Texas.

The Dallas Morning News reported,
“In virtually every Republican matchup, candidates have espoused the
movement’s talking points, attended groups’ forums, and adopted their
issues.”  The Houston Chronicle also picked up this theme and reported,
“Though the tea party has sputtered this year in elections around the
country, Texas' conservative insurgents are the front-runners in
Republican primary runoffs for major statewide offices and positioned to
bolster their ranks in the Legislature.”

In the race to be the next Lt. Governor of Texas, both the incumbent,
David Dewhurst and his challenger, State Senator Dan Patrick, have
claimed Tea Party support in their speeches and advertisements. Both
candidates have also succeeded in gaining support from the various
grassroots groups across Texas.

The same is true in the race to succeed Greg Abbott as the next
Attorney General of Texas. State Senator Ken Paxton has been a clear
leader in the Tea Party movement since its inception in 2009 while his
opponent, former AFL-CIO union group lobbyist and State Representative
Dan Branch has struggled to attempt to show Tea Party support.

Reuters reports,
“Republican politics in Texas has become a race to the right,"
Republican strategist Bill Miller said. "I do think the Republican Party
could be eclipsed by the Tea Party here."

State Senate District 10 candidate Konni Burton has leveraged her Tea
Party relationships to place herself in a strong position for victory
in this election. The Tea Party News Network reported,
“The other race within the state that signals the strength of the Tea
Party in Texas is the race to fill the state senate seat formerly
occupied by Wendy Davis, currently the Democrat gubernatorial nominee.
Konni Burton, a Republican and Tea Party leader from Fort Worth, has
been endorsed by Ted Cruz in the race for that vacated seat.”

The exception to the potential Tea Party Texas takeover may be the
race for the Congressional seat that has been held by Ralph Hall for
thirty-six years. According to
a report by Reuters, “Congressman Ralph Hall, a 91-year-old lawmaker
running for an 18th term, is favored over his Tea Party-backed
challenger, John Ratcliffe, a former U.S. Attorney.” Reuters stated
Ratcliffe, age 48, has attempted to use Hall’s age against him. Much
like Ronald Reagan who refused to use his opponent’s youth and
inexperience against him, Hall has joked about his wrinkles he earned
from battling liberal policies.“ Hall said, "By gosh, I've got room for a
few more wrinkles."

The full extent of the Texas takeover by Tea Party politics may
become clear quickly after the polls close at 7 p.m. (CDT). Breitbart
Texas will provide extensive coverage and analysis of election results
as they become available.


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