Wednesday, May 28, 2014

( Mia Love ) Patcnews May 28, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Mia Love - I'll represent Utah's values to Washington © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Mia Love explains why she voted for John Boehner as House speaker

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Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, shocked some conservatives Tuesday when the first vote she cast as a new congresswoman was to keep Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, as House speaker.
Twitter erupted, with several people claiming to be in her district saying they had lost faith in their previous hero, and that she had shown her true self. Remember, this was not a vote on legislation, it was a vote for the speaker of the House.
Love, in a email to the Washington Examiner, provided some insight into why she chose to keep Boehner as GOP leader.
“There were no qualified or notable campaigns for speaker within the Republican Party other than John Boehner,” Love said. “Casting a vote for a candidate who has not actively campaigned and does not have the support to be speaker is an indirect vote for Nancy Pelosi, and I will not vote for Nancy Pelosi.”
Love also reminded voters that she is playing the long game when it comes to fighting for conservative principles.
“There will be a time and a place for me to stand as a lone voice of dissension, but the vote for the speaker, is not that place,” Love said. “For me to be an effective congressman over the next two years it is important for me to be on the side of the elected speaker.”
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Where are they?

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  • President Barack Obama meets with his Rural Council to discuss ongoing efforts in response to the drought, meets with cabinet members, then attends campaign event in Washington.
Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to you inbox. [Trib]
-- Matt Canham and Andreas Rivera and


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