Tuesday, February 11, 2014

( Ice And Snow Strom 2014 ) Patcnews February 11, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Ice Winter Storm of 2014 © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

There’s tone deaf, and then there’s TONE DEAF.  President Barack Obama, fresh off his multi week golf vacation in Hawaii, is now flying out to California to stay at the ultra exclusive Sunnyland Estate, hideout of shadowy corporate and political puppet masters, to have a quick sit down with King Abdullah of Jordan.  The trip is on YOU the taxpayer of course, as Obama will stop in for about an hour to share some teleprompted words on the need to fight Global Warming/Climate Change, and promise federal aid to assist the current California drought.  He will do so as nearly half the country is shoveling itself out of one of the worst winter storms in several years.  Perhaps that’s the new agenda for the global warmers – simply ignore the cold all around them, and find a place that’s warm to cry out the dangers of global warming.  They really do think Americans are just that dumb.

There’s tone deaf, and then there’s TONE DEAF.  The Obama regime, off for his week golf vacation in Hawaii, is now flying out to California to stay at the ultra exclusive Sunnyland Estate, hideout of shadowy corporate and political puppet masters, to have a quick sit down with King Abdullah of Jordan.  The trip is on YOU the taxpayer of course, as Obama will stop in for about an hour to share some teleprompted words on the need to fight Global Warming/Climate Change, and promise federal aid to assist the current California drought.  He will do so as nearly half the country is shoveling itself out of one of the worst winter storms in several years.  Perhaps that’s the new agenda for the global warmers – simply ignore the cold all around them, and find a place that’s warm to cry out the dangers of global warming.  They really do think Americans are just that dumb.


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