Wednesday, February 12, 2014

( The Lying Corrupt Phony Fake News Media ) Patcnews February 12, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The Lying Corrupt Phony Fake News Media CNN The Obama Regime News Network © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

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CNN: Michelle Obama's 'Dress Probably Cost Around $12,000'

8:01 AM, Feb 12, 2014 • By DANIEL HALPER 

The dress first lady Michelle Obama wore at last night's state dinner was the topic of discussion last night on CNN:

One guest thought the cost of the dress was close to $10,000. "Well, first of all, I love the dress on her because I think it's so elegant and so simple. I mean, that shape is what we call the princess shape. It's got that sort of poof at the bottom that's very sort of billowy at the same time. It's strapless. I think we want to call that French blue, maybe," said a guest.
"Some people might call it periwinkle and it's got this sort of jet bodice and everything, and I think it's realy pretty. But a dress like that from Mrs. Herrera could potentially run up to almost $10,000."
Another guest on CNN last night thought the cost was about $12,000. "Well, by the way, I think that dress probably cost around $12,000. But that's just my guess," said Sally Quinn.
"FLOTUS was wearing a black and liberty blue Carolina Herrera gown," the pool reporter said.



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