Thursday, March 28, 2013

( Sanctuary in the San Juans Washington ) Patcnews March 28, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Sanctuary in the San Juans Washington State © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


Updated: March 27, 2013 5:26 p.m.

Former Commissioner passes away



Former Commissioner passes away

Obituary: Barbara Nunn McCarthy

Fox and Barbara McCarthy in 2009

Barbara Nunn McCarthy, 73, of Conyers died peacefully at home on Tuesday, March 26, surrounded by family. She sucumbed to the breast cancer that she had successfully beaten for over a decade.
Born in Commerce, GA to Charlotte and Barney Nunn, Barbara went on to graduate from Marietta High School in 1958. In 1963 she graduated from Howard College, now Samford University, in Birmingham, AL, and began working for the Extension Service in Syracuse, NY in 1963. After having three children, she completed her Masters in Home Economics from the University of Georgia in 1973.
Barbara McCarthy continued her career with the University of Georgia Extension Service in Paulding County, 1973-83, and Rockdale County, 1983-97. She was awarded the 1996 Extension Home Economist of the Year by the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences as well as dozens of other state and regional awards. After retiring, she served as a Rockdale County Commissioner Post 2, from 1999 to 2002, where her accomplishments included championing the county's tree ordinance, working closely with the Hospital Authority to re-establish its stewardship of the hospital, and coordinated with Conyers businesses when replacing the 100 year old sewer system.
She married Fox McCarthy in July 1984, at Big Canoe in the north Georgia Mountains and they enjoyed 28 happy years together. From 1991-2010, Barbara and Fox co-owned Fox Hollow Nursery, specializing in large Japanese maples.
Fox McCarthy called her his angel. "I am so fortunate to have had her as my wife."
The two met at a singles event for those 50 and older and it was love at first sight for Fox. "I saw her come in and said, 'Oh, my," he recalled.
He said she was always smiling and never brought home bitterness or gossip throughout her community work and activities. He remembered one time when she was working on a smoke-free initiative for Rockdale and was called choice names by a tavern owner. "She came home smiling and never took it personally," he said.
Barbara McCarthy was a great advocate for her community. "We do these things, not out of sense of obligation, but with a sense of pride," she would say. "After all, it's our hometown, too." She dedicated her life to service with involvement in many organizations including:

· ACS Relay for Life, Team Captain and survivor
· American Heart Association, Volunteer 1992-97
· Drug-Free Schools and Community Advisory Council, 1990-93
· United Way Advisory Board, 1990-1994; Gov/Community Relations Comm, 1995-2002
· Lakeview Community Action Committee, 1993-2000
· Rockdale Community Resource Development Council, 1983-97
· Rockdale 2000, Literacy Task Force, Member, 1993-1997; Treasurer, 1994-96
· Commission on Children and Youth, Technical Advisory Committee, 1994-97
· Conyers/Rockdale Council on Arts, Board of Directors, 2000-2003
· C.E. Steele Community Center, Board of Directors
· Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer, Rockdale Board of Directors, 1995-97; Sec/Treas ‘95-97
· Healing Hands, Inc., Board of Directors, 1995-1998
· Trinity Baptist Church, Personnel Committee
· Rockdale Retired Educators Association, Member
· Rockdale County Hospital Authority, Sec/Treas
· Rockdale Medical Center Board, Vice Chair
· Conyers/Rockdale Chamber of Commerce, Member
· Rockdale Historical Society, Member
· Conyers/Rockdale Chamber of Commerce, Member
· Spearheaded Rockdale initiative for Smoke-free Environments, which served as a model for the rest of the state, 2004-2005
· Alliance for a Healthy Rockdale, President 2005-2006
· Rockdale Coalition for Children and Families, Board of Directors, 1999-2002
· Conyers Rotary Club, President 2006-2007

Despite the many accolades and titles that came her way, Barbara kept her feet firmly planted on the ground. Fox described one misprinted award that she kept on her wall; the award was for a "Barbara Nut McCarthy."
"She came home and started laughing and laughing," he said. She called it her "humility award."
She is survived by husband, Fox McCarthy, Conyers; sons, Alan Holder, Phoenix, AZ and Kenneth Holder, Larkspur, CA; daughter, Alicia Beamer, Tupelo, MS; brother, Charles Nunn, Marietta; sister, Carolyn Sutton, Chattanooga, TN; granddaughters, Samantha Holder and Rachel Holder, Carrboro, NC, and Kaylen Holder, Larkspur, CA, grandsons, Brian Holder, Carrboro, NC, Ian Holder, Phoenix, AZ, Sean Holder, Larkspur, CA, niece and nephew, Paige Kincer and Michael Sutton, Chattanooga, TN.
Her life and memory will be celebrated with a memorial service on Saturday, April 6, 1 p.m. at the Conyers First United Methodist Church, 921 N Main St NE, Conyers. A family reception will be immediately following in the reception hall downstairs.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Relay for Life at Trinity Baptist Church, 301 Honey Creek Road, Conyers, GA 30094 or

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Sanctuary in the San Juans presents

Dawn Macaskill, a world class intuitive counselor and healer has been offering healing interaction with her horses to children and adults of fragile health for over 20 years with remarkable and heart warming results.  (For full information on Dawn's background and education please check the section entitled 'Dawn's Bio' that follows this summary.)
Last year Dawn established Sanctuary in the San Juans, a Washington State non profit charitable organization to establish a healing center that offers healing interaction with horses to the public.   Sanctuary will also offer animal communication workshops, natural horsemanship clinics, sound healing events, earth healing events (storm and disaster intervention), and rejuvenating private vacations in a natural 'green' setting. 
One can't imagine what this medicine horse experience means to a child in need unless you have seen it with your own eyes.  One little girl sat on a rock by the barn where Dawn's mare, Dream, was boarding for 5 hours one day, just to get a chance to see Dream one more time before she had to leave camp.  Another child (Olivia in the picture attachments) dreams of Dream almost every night since her first ride for her 3rd birthday last September.  Another child got her mom to buy white horse wallpaper for her bedroom so she could 'sleep with Dream'.  The list goes on and on.   Dawn's horses have a knack for touching the soul and making eyes sparkle.
Dawn has never charged a fee for her medicine horse offerings.  Love is the heart of the work and Dawn believes that love is priceless.  That is one reason why she has chosen a charity format.  Another reason for gifting this experience is that individuals struggling to regain health have limited finances that have already been strained in their quest for wellness.
Sanctuary is currently fund raising to help with operating expenses and to purchase the farm they have found for the Medicine Horse Center.  All contributions are very gratefully received! 
Contributions can be received by mail, checks made payable to Sanctuary in the San Juans, c/o Dawn Macaskill, P.O. Box 903, Eastsound, WA 98245, or by to the Account of 
Equine Therapy with Laugh & Dream & Star and Dawn
We will hold a monthly open house on the first Saturday of the month.  The public is welcome to drop in then without an appointment.
Healing sessions with the horses and overnight accommodation are arranged in advance by telephone and or internet request.
We pray for miracles.  We expect miracles.  We have witnessed miracles.
What actually happens during a healing interaction visit depends a lot on the comfort level of the individual and the goal they are wishing to achieve.  For the most part, visitors will interact with the horses under Dawn's supervision.  They will be able to 'talk' with the horses with Dawn as translator.  Some will be led around for a little ride or be allowed to sit on the horses.  Almost every one wants to feed the horses and they will be allowed to offer a small piece of carrot or apple provided by Dawn.  Non flash picture taking will be permitted with advance notice.
Visits are tailor made to the needs of the individual.  What is aimed for is giving others an experience of healing energy, of true grace and kindness.  The horses elicit the love and laughter that accompanies each session.
Introducing the Herd:
Dream of Freedom (Dream) is a beautiful gray Arabian mare with long white eye lashes.  Dream's gift is her love and her gentle spirit.  When she hugs, she curves her neck and head around the body of the individual and gives them a love that is so tender, it is completely disarming.  When children or adults come who are nervous around horses, Dawn usually introduces them to Dream first.  Her beauty captures them, and then her gentleness attracts them to interact. 
If a child has a challenge to face, such as surgery, they come come and get the 'hug of courage' (see picture attachments) to help them through it with less anxiety.  Dream boarded at a local camp one year and became the favorite of hundreds of children.    Many fell deeply in love with her. 
Laugh It Off (Laugh or Boy) is a stunning half thoroughbred, half leopard appaloosa sport horse who carries the genetics of the original medicine horses (leopard appy's).  The children are facinated by his spots that are a beautiful buckskin color surrounded by a darker brown.  His white body and mane contrast with his black tail.
Laugh is that one in a million horse that everyone hopes to find some day.  He's highly intelligent, gentle, inquisitive, playful, friendly, funny, athletic, and a very powerful healer.  He is also the a great grandson of the world famous, Secretariat. His gift is his power and charisma.  He is young and very strong and Dawn tells people if they are half asleep when they arrive, thy won't be after meeting Laugh.  True to his name, he makes Dawn and everyone else laugh.  Dawn in taking advantage of this and presently is working out a comedy routine to perform with him to help promote the Center.
Star (aka Luke) is a gentle giant part percheron and part we're not quite sure, who we hope to adopt  He has the most soul full eyes.  They are so penetrating.  It's as if he can see right into your soul.  We will build a little staircase so tiny tots can climb up to sit on the back of this sweet being and "make a wish upon a star".   We expect these wishes to get answered quickly. 
Animal Communication Demonstrations and Workshops
For those seeking a deeper connection with their 4 legged friends, we offer coursework in animal communication:
level 1 - beginners - learn how to get simple yes/no answers from your pets to questions.  We'll discuss the 'Pet 10 Commandments' and how they apply to bonding and communication.
level 2 - intermediate - learn how to send images to your pet to help them understand.
level 3 - developing the skills to have intelligent conversations with your pets.  Is your horse or other pet a healer?  How to find out.
Natural Horsemanship Clinics and Offerings
The arena will generate an income stream through offering clinics and workshops by top performers, teachers, and trainers.  We will host one day, weekend, and 4 day events.
Use of the arena will be extended free of charge to the community's 4H and other equine youth groups to help them develop excellence in their area of interest.
Hay Production and Agricultural Research
Sanctuary's Medicine Horse Center will produce it's own hay for it's own horses and for sale.  We will endeavour to create a high yield strain of local hay that is organic.
Agriculural research will be pursued in the areas of non toxic fertilization and pest control.
The Cottage - private healing vacations
The Cottage is a separate home.  It will be brought up to 'green' standards so it can serve various functions including a rescue shelter for individuals with extreme environmental illness or damaged immune systems.
The Cottage will be an environmentally friendly rest place for our medicine horse visitors who need overnight accommodation.  We are offering our services to the Make-A-Wish foundation and expect these children and their families to need overnight accommodations.
The Cottage will also be available to rent to famous people seeking a private vacation location with good food (fresh organic produce daily), lots of room (22 acres) and a lake for swimming and boating.   
1980's to present:  Intuitive Consultant, Life Coach, and Spiritual Healer in private practice.  Seminar facilitator.  Guest on radio and TV talk shows.
Honors and Distinctions:
1992 - Bill Richards, CEO of Delos, Inc. hired 5 of the best psychics he could find to participate in a 'psychic think tank' which offered advice on developing nations policies.  Dawn was chosen as the Canadian team member.  She was joined by top rated psychics in the United States, Russia, Germany and England.
1990 - Awarded by Soka Gakkai  International for her efforts towards World Peace.
1968:  Laurentian Scholastic Award was given to Dawn for the high school student with the highest marks in the County.  (on two separate occasions)
1989:  Ordination, Church of antioch, Order of Sanctuary (a healing order), Orcas Island, WA with Bishop Robert Love.
1977:  Graduated Concordia University, Montreal, Canada with a B.A. magna cum laude.  Major in psychology with minors in philosophy and religious studies.
Numerous alternative healing therapy courses:  Reiki certificate, EFT, SE5 Radionics Research certificate.  Also, an advocate for emethy (electromagnetic energy therapy). 
Equine Related Training and Experience:
Horse Rescue - many successful placements - retired race horses and others in need of homes and care. 
Teen years and early adulthood - Trained with 'The Colonel', Colonel Michael Gutowski, Polish Olympic Equestrian Team.   Childhood lessons and training with Arthur J. Billingham, the man who developed the Canadian horse breed.  Trained over 20 two and three year olds for Mr. Billingham.
Current influences:  Dawn always rode in a natural style, often just a halter, hay strings and bareback.  She loved to feel the horse and was adept at communicating in a gentle and consistent fashion.  Horses responded to her well from the very beginning.  Dawn is now thrilled to see so many new 'natural' horsemanship leaders emerging and has been attending Parelli practioner workshops and studying the methods of others like Sus Kellog.
Show Experience:  Dawn's showing years were primarily in her teens where she distinguished herself in show jumping and English pleasure riding.   She later went on to train the ladies junior Quebec provincial show jumping champion, and countless other girls.  Dawn has taught riding both in the province of Quebec and Washington State at several equestrian centers and summer camp programs.
Medicine Horse Work:  Dawn has been helping children to interact with horses for over 30 years.   Having been diagnosed with a 'hopeless' 64 times the EPA mercury poisoning, Dawn attributes her success of beating the odds to her mare, Dream of Freedom, and the healing energy that sustained Dawn through over 23 surgeries in the past 15 years.  Not many expected Dawn to survive the treatment.  Dawn knows first hand how powerful the medicine horse healing can be and has countless stories of 'little miracles' involving herself and others.
Dawn's Equine Philosophy: 
"I am deeply moved by the beauty and nobility of the horse.  I am honoured to be of service to my horses and their visitors.  There is no greater gift than love ... no greater joy than healing."
"Horses always lead people to goodness.  I've always known that no matter what, as long as I followed my horses, my life would unfold in a beautiful and loving way...and it has."
"Some angels live in 4 legged bodies ... I've seen them shining through my horses' eyes."


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