Tuesday, March 26, 2013

( Playboy: Women OF Starbucks With Jessica's Law And Fake News Media ) Patcnews March 26, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Playboy: Women OF Starbucks With Jessica's Law And Fake News Media © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

           Playboy: Women OF Starbucks

Playboy: Women OF Starbucks

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8 Playmate scandals revealed


Playboy Playmate scandals revealed

Life for Hugh Hefner's coveted Playboy Playmates isn't always picture-perfect. Here are some examples of the once-shining stars that fell hard through scandal and tragedy.
The late Hugh Hefner lauded Playboy for promoting progressive causes, including sexual liberation, freedom of speech and transcendence from religious repression — but life for his coveted Playmates wasn't always picture-perfect.
Here are the once shining stars that fell hard by scandal and tragedy:
Dani Mathers
There’s an established concept that whatever you post online lasts forever. Mathers, the 2015 Playmate of the Year, clearly forgot about this rule when she posted a photo of a 71-year-old naked woman in an LA Fitness shower on her Snapchat story with the caption, “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either.”

The fallout from her notorious Snapchat post has cost Mathers dearly. (Reuters)

Although Mathers quickly deleted the post and issued an apology soon after initial negative reactions, the story exploded and the social media mob consumed her alive.
Aside from her thoroughly tainted reputation as a body-shamer, other elements of the fallout include a ban from all LA Fitness locations, three years of probation and relentless death threats.
Stephanie Adams
It was an unquestionable tragedy when Adams brought her 7-year-old son along for the fatal 25-story plunge from her penthouse room in Manhattan’s Gotham hotel in May 2018. She was 46-years-old.

Stephanie Adams tragically took her own life as well as the life of her 7-year-old son. (Getty)

In the background of her fateful decision, the Miss November 1992 was plagued with personal woes, particularly a toxic relationship with her ex-husband from whom she was seeking child support.
The final straw came two days before her death when she was in court with Nicolai and asked the judge if she could bring Vincent to Europe, where her boyfriend reportedly lived. The judge sided with Nicolai, who opposed the getaway and ordered her to turn over Vincent’s passport. Adams did not leave a note before pushing Vincent from atop the Midtown hotel and leaping after him.
Dorothy Stratten
Like any other Playmate, 20-year-old Stratten had the looks and the charm, but her ambition to make it big in Hollywood set her apart. Nothing could come of it, however, because her life was cut short when her estranged husband, Paul Snider, shot and killed her in 1980. Snider also shot himself.

While Stratten only landed a few movie roles, she was the treasure of both filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich, with whom she had a romantic relationship with at the time of her death.
“[Playboy] thought she was going to be the biggest thing they ever had,” said Dave Wilder, Stratten’s agent, in the Pulitzer Prize-winning feature on her death by Teresa Carpenter called “Death of a Playmate.”
Carpenter personified Snider’s predisposition to kill Stratten eloquently: “One of the tacit tenets of Playboy philosophy — that women can be possessed — had found a fervent adherent in Paul Snider.” She was Playmate of the Year in 1980 – the same year she died.
Cassandra Lynn
When he first heard that his wife died after a night of binge drinking and cocaine use, Gary Hensley couldn’t help but feel angry. “What am I going to do? How am I going to raise the kids?” Hensley asked.
The circumstances of Lynn’s death in 2014 had little detail until Hensley’s 2015 feature in the Washington Post. Hensley immediately went from stepdad to single dad as Lynn left him to raise two children who were not his biologically.
The fact that Lynn was with the man she’d been having an affair with “for a while” the night she died did not make coping any easier. Although Hensley seemed fairly adjusted to his newfound title, “Dad,” his emotions were still raw.
“I feel like there’s this expectation, especially at 37, that you’re going to, at some point, not miss her anymore,” Hensley said. “And I don’t think that’s the case. I’ll always miss her.”
Anna Nicole Smith
Eyebrows were raised in 1994 when a then 26-year-old Anna Nicole Smith married 89-year-old J. Howard Marshall, a billionaire as a result of his 16 percent stake in private conglomerate Koch Industries.
Smith died only five months after her daughter was born. (2012 Getty Images)
The relationship was highly publicized, mainly because of speculation that she married him for his money, but Smith vehemently defended their courtship as genuine.
When Marshall died the following year, a legal battle ensued for her claim of his estate against her stepson, E. Pierce Marshall. The case eventually led to two separate Supreme Court decisions supporting the ultimate ruling in 2010 that Smith had no right to her purported inheritance, which was originally valued at half-a-billion dollars.
Even if Smith was awarded the money, she never would’ve seen it, however. In 2007, at 39-years-old, she died from a prescription drug overdose. Smith’s passing came just five months after the death of her son from her first marriage, Daniel, which was also the result of an overdose.
Daniel’s death reportedly hit Smith very hard, especially because it happened three days after the birth of her second child, Daniellynn.
Yvette Vickers
Besides being featured as the centerfold in the July 1959 issue, Vickers was known for starring in cult sci-fi B films “Attack of the 50 Foot Woman” and “Attack of The Giant Leeches.

Yvette Vickers as Honey Parker in Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. (YouTube)
She made headlines for a final time in 2011 when a neighbor found her mummified body in her Los Angeles home.
"We've all been crying about this,” said the neighbor. “Nobody should be left alone like that." Police speculated she had been dead for around a year when they found her.
Crystal Harris
Like the broader modeling industry, the Playboy Mansion had significant turnover. In 2009, Harris moved into Hefner’s mansion to fill the void left by Hefner’s three previous high-profile girlfriends featured in reality television series, “The Girls Next Door.”
Harris married Hefner after originally backing out of the wedding. (AP)
Two years later, Harris was set to become his third wife but five days before the July 2011 wedding, Harris got cold feet.
"The wedding is off. Crystal has had a change of heart," Hefner tweeted.
The pair later reconciled and married on 2012 New Years Eve.
Victoria Vetri
Vetri’s Playboy days were a distant memory when she was charged with attempted murder in 2010 for shooting her husband, Bruce Rathgeb, in the back from close range.

 Vetri career spanned until a few years after Tate's death. (Vetri in "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth.")

In her heyday, the 1968 Playmate of the Year was best friends with actress Sharon Tate, the most notorious victim of Charles Manson’s cult killing spree in 1969. After the murder, renowned filmmaker Roman Polanski, Tate’s widower, was worried for Vetri’s safety and gave her a gun to protect herself from the elusive Manson family.
Vetri was supposed to be at the Tate residence the night of the massacre but was not and therefore suffered life-consuming guilt as a result.
Vetri used that very gun Polanski gave her 31 years later to shoot Rathgeb, who survived to share his now ex-wife’s fascinating story of calamitous delusion.
“She thought I was Charles Manson,” Rathgeb said in an interview with the Daily Mail. The now 73-year-old Vetri was convicted of attempted voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to 9 years in prison. She could be released as early as May next year.

With: Michael Brown, Former FEMA Director

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March 04, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Watch "The O'Reilly Factor" weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!
O'REILLY: "Factor follow-up" segment tonight. As you know, we are on a campaign to get all 50 states to pass Jessica's Law which mandates tough mandatory prison sentences for first-time child rapist.
Colorado one of the six states doesn't have Jessica's Law. In fact, the full legislature won't even be allowed to vote on it because one man, one man, Speaker of the House Mark Ferrandino. Jesse Watters caught up with him a few days ago.
WATTERS: You're not protecting the kids from sexual predators in passing Jessica's Law. Why is that?
FERRANDINO: Well, no DA's. The DA has actually opposed Jessica's Law. So have victim rights groups in Colorado. In 2009, the DA has come out in opposition to the bill. They haven't supported it still. We have very strong laws.
WATTERS: You actually don't have strong laws because let me give you a few examples. 800 times a guy just sexually assaulted a seventh grader and just got one year of work release. Ok? Another guy.
FERRANDINO: I can't speak.
WATTERS: Another guy molested --
FERRANDINO: Excuse me.
WATTERS: -- 10 kids at a day care center and only got two years in prison.
FERRANDINO: I don't know your specific cases you are citing.
WATTERS: Are you ok with those sentences?
FERRANDINO: Those sentences aren't right if that's what -- I have to look at the details of those cases. But, the cases in Colorado and from all the DA's I've talked to. All the people in criminal justice think that the laws we have are strong enough and are tougher than Jessica's Law.
WATTERS: Well how come just recently a 41-year-old soccer coach repeatedly raped a 13-year-old girl and only got two years in prison?
FERRANDINO: Specifically, I still do not know the specifics of the cases you are talking about.
WATTERS: 44 other states --
FERRANDINO: -- I'm sorry.
WATTERS: Passed Jessica's Law. 44 other states have Jessica's Law and you guys think you are smarter? Is that true?
FERRANDINO: No. I think we know what's in Colorado's best interest.
O'REILLY: Joining us now from Denver, radio talk show host Michael Brown, former director of FEMA for the Bush administration. Mr. Brown, what do you think is really going on here? What's the -- you know, this guy, if he cared about Jessica's Law, he would have researched it, Ferrandino, he doesn't know anything. He doesn't know about all of these poor sentences for these child rapists. He doesn't know, he doesn't know, he doesn't know. It's his job to know because he torpedoed the law. So what's really going on here?
MICHAEL BROWN, FORMER FEMA DIRECTOR: Well, I think, Bill, first of all, that was a -- that was a great interview by Jesse. And I think what you're witnessing in Colorado is this progressive mentality that says evil does not exist. And if evil does exist, well, then we can have a victim's rights group that can work on these people and we can change them and we can bring them to see the error of their ways which I think most studies prove just doesn't happen.
They are being driven by this insanity that everybody just needs to be, you know, coddled, everybody needs to get therapy, and everybody will be ok. It's total insanity what's happening in this state.
Let me have one quick point.
O'REILLY: Now -- go ahead.
BROWN: Can I add one thing?
BROWN: He talked about, for example, how district attorneys are all opposed to this bill. Well, you know, for example right now we have a big gun debate going on. District attorneys are opposed to those bills. So it's this selective use of people that are for or against something.
O'REILLY: Well, I mean, let's put it to a vote. I mean, this -- this guy Ferrandino, he wouldn't even put up to the floor of the legislature to vote on it.
BROWN: That's exactly right.
O'REILLY: He put it into a committee that he knew was going to kill it, yet the same guy that you are looking at, he's with gay marriage, he's a big gay marriage guy. He's big marijuana legalizer. There he is.
And when I worked in Colorado more than 30 years ago Jessica's Law would have passed like that when I was there. It wasn't even close. All right but now as you said you have this influx of people from the outside who want to impose a secular paradise much like they have in Boulder, Colorado where the university is. And that's infected the entire state.
BROWN: It has infected -- well, actually, let me narrow that down. It's infected the entire power structure. I think most of the state, if you get outside Denver. The average Coloradan would say this is insane what's happening. And they would say let's vote for it.
But the power structure within the front-range along the Denver- Boulder axis, that is exactly what's going on. And to not even put it up for a debate. Look I criticize Republicans last year on the civil union's bill because they wouldn't bring that for a debate. They sent it to a kill committee. And now he is doing exactly the same thing. At least let the representatives of the people vote on this bill.
O'REILLY: That's right. That's right. And Hickenlooper, the governor, I think he would sign it but he is a weasel, too. So we're not even sure that he would. But I think he would if it ever, if it passed.
All right, keep an eye on it, Mr. Brown. And we certainly will. And good work by Watters.
When we come right back, there will be plenty more ahead.

8 Playmate scandals revealed



Playboy Playmate scandals revealed

Life for Hugh Hefner's coveted Playboy Playmates isn't always picture-perfect. Here are some examples of the once-shining stars that fell hard through scandal and tragedy.
The late Hugh Hefner lauded Playboy for promoting progressive causes, including sexual liberation, freedom of speech and transcendence from religious repression — but life for his coveted Playmates wasn't always picture-perfect.
Here are the once shining stars that fell hard by scandal and tragedy:
Dani Mathers
There’s an established concept that whatever you post online lasts forever. Mathers, the 2015 Playmate of the Year, clearly forgot about this rule when she posted a photo of a 71-year-old naked woman in an LA Fitness shower on her Snapchat story with the caption, “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either.

Starbucks CEO: No tolerance for traditional marriage supporters

At the Starbucks annual shareholders meeting on Wednesday, CEO Howard Schultz sent a clear message to anyone who supports traditional marriage over gay marriage: we don't want your business. After saying Starbucks wants to "embrace diversity of all kinds," he told a shareholder who supports traditional marriage that he should sell his shares and invest in some other company.
According to a report by Forbes, Schultz seemed a bit intolerant of any Starbucks shareholders who opposed gay marriage for moral or religious reasons. During the meeting, shareholder Tom Strobhar (who founded the Corporate Morality Action Center) pointed out that after the company voiced its support for a referendum backing gay marriage in Washington state, a boycott by traditional marriage supporters caused a drop in sales revenue. Schultz told him "You can sell your shares in Starbucks and buy shares in another company" if he did not agree with the company's pro-gay marriage stand.
Despite strong opposition from the religious and political right, support for gay marriage in America has risen in recent years. The rise of support for gay marriage has also seen a rise of intolerance for those who oppose it. Many who joined the boycott of Starbucks last year were dismissed as bigots, even though the boycott did cause revenue to drop. A website, DumpStarbucks.com, has earned tens of thousands of supporters who refuse to buy from the coffee chain in response.
Victor Medina writes for Yahoo News and his political blog WhenLiberalsAttack.com. His other writing credits include The Dallas Morning News and SportsIllustrated.com. He has served as a Dallas County election judge and on the Board of Directors of The Sixth Floor Museum. You can follow him on his blog, VictorMedina.com or on Twitter at @mrvictormedina. He can be reached by email at vic@victormedina.com. Click here to receive a weekly email update from WhenLiberalsAttack.com. To be notified of future stories by Victor Medina, click the SIGN UP or SUBSCRIBE button at the top of this page.


, Republican Examiner

Victor Medina writes for Yahoo News and his political blog WhenLiberalsAttack. His other writing credits include The Dallas Morning News and SportsIllustrated.com. He has served as a Dallas County Election Judge and as a board member of The Sixth Floor Museum. You can follow him on his blog,...

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