Tuesday, December 18, 2012

( Rush Limbaugh ) Patcnews: The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Rush Limbaugh © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

 Rush Limbaugh: obama wants raise tax rates on the the supper rich this will hurt the middle class your taxes will go up. The fiscal cliff tax rates is destroying the American dream and John Boehner  and the rest of the liberal  republicans are doing nothing to help create Jobs in America.

Saving USA Fiscally

All business shifts the corporate tax to the consumer in the product price. Tax them high enough and you make the business not competitive, like our embedding of all our federal production are, including your own taxes paid, which means you put any tax on the production side of a product and you will pay that tax again, with no benefit to anyone, except importers who avoid the federal production taxes.

 Best to tax imports equally with domestic goods and level the playing field, don't you think? Read this through and it will dawn on you how we have been allowing our cashflow(net pay) to be the actual tax payer, as even the employee taxes are passed on into the price of goods made in America.  So paying wage taxes and buying American brings the average taxes paid to about 44% of our gross pay.

Here is why we are fiscally failing and how the proposed flat tax by the Washington establishment will not fix our future:

The reason our Nation is failing fiscally is because we left in place a production tax structure meant for closed borders to trade.  When we went to free trade, we left the production tax in the price of our own product, whereas we should have switched to the consumption tax meant for open borders where the imports share the tax burden as well as domestic goods.  If we change to FairTax, American manufacturing will appreciate a 17% advantage to imports with wage earners bringing home gross pay and free to volunteer where they pay their federal tax by which consumption they deem needed.

In reading the below, keep in mind that 22% of the price of domestic products is hidden Federal taxes. Even a loaf of bread contains these embedded taxes, if not imported. In a closed border,  it would not matter to keep our current tax structure, as the Nationalist GOP wants such as leadership of group Freedomworks in a plan they call flat tax, but we have freetrade which handicaps American Industry.  Thus we need an open border tax structure as explained below.

Where did we go wrong:

Before W.W.II this Nation was a closed market to imports. The framers of our current tax structure did so under the Americans consuming only domestic manufacturing, I imagine using the production tax system was a convenience since the bookwork was already in place and under management control. Then we opened our trade to Japan, making for free trade. This gave the American consumer a boost to their cashflow, making for more spending in other areas and though we lost a few jobs, the increased cashflow produced many more jobs.

President Reagan then introduced free trade to the world and opened our border to duty free import. No thought was given to the production tax structure in place and the new surge of cheap goods made for even greater prosperity to the American consumer, while again eliminating some jobs, but at the same time we had new technology introducing new avenues of employment, thus the excise production tax on domestic production had minimal effect. During the period after, companies were being cannibalized for short term profit as their competition from imports was cutting into the profit margin and causing little advantage to stay in business. These companies were closed, jobs being eliminated, as the scavenger Companies bought them up and sold them for parts or took the parts overseas to open up manufacturing to import and feed the open accounts of buyers of the closed companies products, in a duty free, production tax free advantage and at a high markup profit.
The slow demise of manufacturing in America has grown and the need of social programs from the Federal Government to prop up the American dream continued to grow, expanding deficit spending and hidden inflation. This perpetuated the domestic excise production tax, furthering the handicap of American manufacturing. The need for additional income into Families also grew, demanding more then two spouses could produce to keep up with the standard of living and regulations and license fees, insurance costs, to a point where a majority of Americans are now in a fiscal struggle living paycheck to paycheck, if working. Jobs have become hard to find, many being entry level service jobs without any ability to advance or receive adequate wage. Jobs are at a premium, even with a low reported unemployment level, which does not report and hides many who have slipped from the employment rolls due to years of job seeking frustration, especially in the urban and rural areas.

Now we find ourselves being tempted into becoming what we fought for years with our own blood to push back, fascism, Communism and the Tyranny of Government, with the promise of fiscal security. The American Dream is on life support in need of a true free market, one of which fair trade exists. The cost advantage of foreign imports over domestic by continuing with a production tax is about 22%, the amount of hidden tax in domestic goods.
Time is of essence, that this very hour, this Nation is about to fall. The World Government proponents are about to make their final push for world dominance through one world currency. The Marxist of the world have moved into leadership positions in coalition with the One World Shadow known as RHINOs, the pawns of the One World Government advocates. The old media has joined or is owned by both powers and is a major instrument of this Coalition and is making for a unique threat to the U.S. Constitution.
The only way to prevent the above from fulfilling their mission to dominate this Nation and the World is to offer change to the American worker and Family a grand demand for their employment, jobs, jobs, jobs. Only then will the chain of despair be broken. The Conservative Movement must center all it's will on fixing the failing tax and trade structure of this Nation. We must lay down the plank of the Fair Tax Plan WWW.fairtax.org to the Democrat and Republican Grassroots and educate them across into a Party totally centered on the character and values of the Founding Fathers, presiding under the Constitution as written through the demand on the Judiciary to be of good behavior as instructed in the Constitution and defined by Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist #78 Document. http://www.constitution.org/fed/federa78.htm
The Fair Tax is the Salvation of the United States of America and it's Constitution of liberty and Freedom of We the People. Make it so:

Operation FairTax — It is time for FairTax to lead..


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