Sunday, December 30, 2012

( The Marlboro Racing Report ) Patcnews: December 30, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The liberal Press is now attacking Marlboro © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Mr. Patriot Conservative:  The Liberal  Press in America wants to put another gun ban for Gun owners in America.  The liberal  Press is now attacking Marlboro as well. this is a violation under the Constitution. Does the Press have  right  to ban guns in America ? And why does the liberal press want to ban smoking in America?  This does not make since to me.

The liberal Communist Press Wants Ban the Constitution as Well As Guns... Thanks to the obama regime you can't Say Marlboro on TV.

What rights does the liberal Press have telling you can't smoke in America or telling you can't carry guns in America ???


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