Sunday, December 30, 2012

( Brent Bozell ) Patcnews December 30, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Brent Bozell © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

What Rights does the liberal Press have telling you can't smoke in America or telling you can't carry guns in America ???

John Gaultier If a man grew up with communist Grandparents and a leftist Mother, who "married" a Muslim Socialist from Kenya, ( Maybe!! But no proof!! ) and was mentored by a Black Communist agitator on the FBI list in his teens ( Frank Marshal Davis) was promoted and helped by James Bowman a Communist Sympathizer ( Valerie Jarretts Father) , who lived in Indonesia as a Muslim in his younger years, then came to America and was financed through College by Khalid Mansour (a PRO PALESTINIAN ANTI ISRAELI BIGOT) paid for by the Saudi Government and then joined the Church of Black Liberation Theology run by Reverend Jeremiah Wright for 20 years and also became a Radical follower of Saul Alinsky... and befriended Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorn.. (the Weather Underground Bombers) ...and then became the Lawyer for Acorn and then when he ran for elected office was endorsed by the Communist Party of America in his first run...who made Valerie Jarrett who was Born in Shiraz, Iran his closest adviser...and openly announced that he wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM THE UNITED STATES...."


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