Sunday, December 30, 2012

( impeach the obama regime ) Patcnews December 30, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Urgent Announcement: Demand Congressional Investigation NOW! © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

                                                impeach the obama regime
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The huffington Post Reports Obama's birth certificate is fake
Sheriff Joe Arpaio suggests Obama's birth certificate is a forgery 

Arizona Electors Barack Obama
 The huffington Post Reports Obama's birth certificate is fake: Read more here
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) doesn't support comments by threeGOP presidential electors in the state questioning President Barack Obama's citizenship. (AP/Charles Dharapak)
The chairman of the Arizona Republican Party and two other Arizona members of the Electoral College on Monday questioned President Barack Obama's birth certificate during the formal casting of the state's electoral votes.
Arizona GOP Chairman Tom Morrissey said during the state's Electoral College meeting that Obama did not produce a "legitimate" birth certificate, KNAU reports. Morrissey's comments came as presidential electors nationwide formally elected Obama over Republican Mitt Romney.
"I'm not satisfied with what I've seen," Morrissey said during the meeting. "I think for somebody in the president's position to not have produced a document that looks more legitimate, I have a problem with that."
Morrissey was joined in doubting Obama's citizenship by two other Arizona electors, Gila County Republican Party Chairman Don Ascoli and former Graham County Republican Chairman John D. Rhodes, the Associated Press reports. Ascoli questioned whether Obama had been"properly vetted as a legitimate candidate for president."
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R), who has vetoed bills to require presidential candidates to show a birth certificate to Arizona's secretary of state, said she disagreed with the trio's stance. Secretary of State Ken Bennett (R), the presiding officer of the Arizona Electoral College, also said he disagreed with what the three said. In May, Bennett had threatened to block Obama from appearing on the Arizona ballot unless he produced a birth certificate that met Bennett's satisfaction. Bennett later said he would not not place Obama on the state's presidential ballot.
The comments of the Arizona Republicans comes a week after birther queen Orly Taitz filed a lawsuit in federal court in Arizona against Vice President Joe Biden and Congress to block Biden from counting the electoral vote. Taitz, who has filed a series of lawsuits questioning Obama's eligibility, seeks to prevent Biden from performing his constitutional duty of opening the envelopes containing the electoral votes from each state and the District of Columbia before a joint session of Congress in January.
Taitz also wants to block California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and California Secretary of State Debra Bowen (D) from signing California's Electoral College paperwork and mailing it to Biden and a federal judge. Taitz is joined in her lawsuit by federal prison inmate Keith Judd, who received 41 percent of the vote against Obama in the May Democratic presidential primary in West Virginia. Taitz contends that Judd would have been the Democratic presidential nominee if Obama had been ruled ineligible. In her court filing, Taitz claimed that Obama was a citizen of Indonesia and that he produced falsified documents to run for president.

Obama’s birth certificate is Fake This is from CBS News

CBS News/ March 1, 2012, 4:35 PM 
Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, announced Thursday that his six-month investigation had found that "probable cause exists indicating that forgery and fraud may have been committed" in the release of President Obama's long-form birth certificate.
The publicity-hungry Arpaio, a strong opponent of illegal immigration who calls himself "America's Toughest Sheriff," said the evidence gathered by his investigators suggests Mr. Obama's birth certificate and selective service registration card are fakes.
"Based on all of the evidence, I cannot in good faith report to you these documents are authentic," Arpaio said at a press conference in Phoenix, adding that his "investigators believe that the long form birth certificate was manufactured electronically and that it did not originate in the paper format as presented by the White House."
The 79-year-old Arpaio, who has been accused by the Justice Department of racial profiling and who is being probed by a federal grand jury over potential abuse of power, said he told his investigators to examine the president's documents with "no preconceived notions," adding that he "felt that this investigation could clear President Obama's name and put people's minds at ease."
Arpaio became Maricopa County sheriff in 1993, and has been elected five times. He said the investigation, undertaken by his five-member volunteer "Cold Case Posse" at the request of an Arizona Tea Party group, did not involve any cost to taxpayers.

Arpaio's press conference puts him in league with the "birthers," the conspiracy theorists who claim - against overwhelming evidence - that Mr. Obama was not born in the United States and thus is not eligible to be president. (Many "birthers" believe the president was born in Kenya.) The White House's decision to release the president's long-form birth certificate in April has quieted such claims, though it did not extinguished them.
"We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers," Mr. Obama said at the time. "We've got some enormous challenges out there. There are a lot of folks out there still looking for work...We do not have time for this kind of silliness."
Mike Zullo, the lead investigator for Arpaio, on Thursday presented a series of videos that he said showed that the president's documents were likely forgeries. He suggested the investigation showed that Mr. Obama's long-form birth certificate, which was released electronically, "never existed in paper form," and said the evidence had led him to recommend to Arpaio "a full-blown criminal investigation."
Zullo also said his team came to the conclusion that the Hawaii Department of Health and Hawaiian officials "may have intentionally obscured 1961 birth records and procedures" to keep them from being adequately examined.
Arpaio said last month he had briefed GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum on his investigation, and that Santorum said he "had no problems with what I told him that I may be doing."
Also present at the news conference was Jerome Corsi, author of the book Where's the Birth Certificate?, which was published last May. Corsi writes for the website WorldNetDaily, the far-right website that has long pushed the notion that the president was not born in the United States. WorldNetDaily livestreamed Arpaio's press conference and teased it with a story that complained that mainstream media reporters have "mostly have giggled when talk turns to the serious question of just what the U.S. Constitution requires of presidents."
"This was not a politically motivated inquiry," Corsi said Thursday. "It is an inquiry for truth."

Arpaio's biography on the Maricopa County sheriff's website notes that he oversees chain gangs, "started the nation's largest Tent City for convicted inmates," makes all inmates wear pink underwear, posts mug shots of all those arrested in the county and has reduced crime using "hard-hitting enforcement methods."
"No wonder Sheriff Arpaio has been profiled in over 4500 U.S. and foreign newspapers, magazines, and TV news programs," the bio reads.
The Justice Department said in December that Arpaio has engaged in "a pattern or practice of misconduct that violates the Constitution and federal law," and a federal grand jury is investigating his office for abuse of power over its anti-public corruption investigations. Arpaio has also been criticized for allegedly inadequately investigating hundreds of sex crimes cases.
UPDATE: Here's a link to the report from Arpaio's investigation.
UPDATE #2: On Friday, Corsi and Zullo announced the publication of the $9.99 eBook "A Question of Eligibility," subtitled "A Law Enforcement Investigation Into Barack Obama's Birth Certificate And His Eligibility To Be President." The introduction to the book is written by Arpaio.

Hail to the pharaoh of Chicago
the obama regime is the mater controlling FB nice right ???

 October 27, 2012

  Obama's 1961 Birth Announcements Fake

By Shawn Glasco
What a long, strange journey it has been for the records of Barack Obama's birth.
Couldn't the Obama camp just "release a copy of his birth certificate"?
So asked Jim Geraghty of the National Review on June 9, 2008.  Geraghty posed this question in response to an item in Politifact, the Tampa Bay Times fact-checking service, which seemed to dispel internet rumors that Obama's full name was in fact "Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama."
Politifact researchers could find no public record of Obama's with the name "Muhammed" in it.  But that was not all they failed to find.  They also proved unable "to obtain a copy of Obama's birth certificate," finally conceding that Obama's "campaign would not release it and the state of Hawaii does not make such records public."
On June 12, 2008, just three days after Geraghty's inquiry, a simple-looking Obama birth certificate mysteriously appeared on the website Daily Kos.  The website's founder Markos Moulitsas, author of the Saul Alinsky-inspired Taking On the System: Rules for Radical Change in a Digital Era, emphatically stated, "[H]ere is Obama's birth certificate." 

Moulitsas noted that the edges of the scan were trimmed, so any attempts to "debunk" the birth certificate based on its dimensions would be futile, and the precise date and time of Obama's birth was an added "bonus" with which "astrologers" could work their calculations.  Moulitsas boldly concluded that "the latest batch of crazy internet rumors" are now "debunked."
On the same day of the Daily Kos posting, PolitiFact received in their e-mail a copy of the same birth certificate from the previously unhelpful Obama campaign.  Any and all pesky "Muhammed" middle name rumors were officially squelched.
On June 28, 2008, Honolulu resident Thelma Lefforge Young passed away.  Mrs. Lefforge's address of 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy would soon appear on the web in a August 13, 1961 Honolulu Sunday Advertiser birth announcement: 'Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy., son, August 4.'
Best evidence (hat tip: Butterdezillion) is that an image of the August 13 Honolulu Sunday Advertiser (with twenty-five birth listings) was first posted on the web sometime around July 23, 2008 by a documentary filmmaker named Lori Starfelt on a TexasDarlin blog.  Starfelt's heroes include Malcolm X, and her political writings include "More Americans Killed By Right Wing Terrorists In The 90s Than Foreign Terrorists."  Starfelt claimed that while working on a film titled The Audacity of Democracy, she received her copy from a nameless research librarian at the Hawaii State Library.  Starfelt's film was eventually released in 2009 to little or no fanfare.
In addition, Starfelt said she "talked" to Department of Vital Records and the Honolulu Advertiser.  She learned that in 1961, hospitals would take their birth records to Vital Records, which would post a sheet at the end of the week for the Honolulu Advertiser to pick up. The Advertiser would then "routinely" print this information in their Sunday edition.
Starfelt calculated that since Obama was born on Friday, August 4, 1961, and since hospitals didn't take birth certificate information for the first few days after a birth, Obama's birth records would then be taken to Vital Records on the following Friday (August 11, 1961).  Hence, Obama's birth announcement appeared in the 8/13 Honolulu Sunday Advertiser.
In fact, however, a ten-day sample of birth lists from the August 1961 Honolulu Advertiser, collected by blogger "Ladyforest," shows that births were posted not just on Sunday, but throughout the week.
8/8 Tuesday - 50 births
8/9 Wednesday - 76 births
8/10 Thursday - 82 births
8/11 Friday - 0 births
8/12 Saturday - 0 births
8/13 Sunday - 25 births - Obama's birth announcement
8/14 Monday - 49 births
8/15 Tuesday - 0 (?) births
8/16 Wednesday - 67 births
8/17 Thursday - 203 births

Starfelt's credibility, and thus the credibility of the Advertiser birth announcement, immediately comes into question.  Did Starfelt make up the story about births being posted at the end of the week by the Advertiser, or was she misinformed by the Advertiser, the Hawaii Department of Vital Records, or both?  There is another confusing detail.  The Nordyke twins were born on Saturday, August 5, 1961, in the same hospital Obama was reported to be born in, but their birth announcement appears in the Wednesday, August 16 Advertiser.
Starfelt unfortunately passed away on March 16, 2011, just when the Donald Trump/birth certificate debate was beginning to heat up.  Starfelt's memorial service was held in May 2011 at The Unitarian Universalist Church in Studio City, California.  Coincidently, Obama's grandparents, Madeline and Stanley Dunham, were members of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Seattle and Madeline Payne-Dunham's memorial service was held in 2008 at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Hawaii.
At about the same time as Starfelt's July 2008 posting, a blogger named "Infidel Granny" posted the same birth announcement image on an AtlasShrugs blog.  Infidel Granny claimed to have received her copy in an e-mail from the same nameless research librarian who helped Starfelt from the Hawaii State Library.  Infidel Granny briefly resurfaced in 2009 in an AtlasShrugs blog, where she opined, "I sure hope you don't think I had anything to do with a forgery."
The origin of the second birth announcement is even more murky.  The best evidence (hat tip: Butterdezillion) is that sometime around August 13, 2008, a Honolulu resident named "Koa" posted the August 14, 1961 Honolulu Star-Bulletin birth announcement on TexasDarlin apparently after she found it herself in the Hawaii State Library.  The first twenty-five births in the August 14 Honolulu Star-Bulletin announcements match exactly in the same order as the twenty-five births from the August 13 Advertiser.
Were identical birth lists between the two papers common?  Hawaii Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo confirmed, in fact, that both 1961 newspapers received vital statistics from the Health Department, who in turn had received its "information directly from hospitals."
A ten-day sample collected from blogger "Ladyforest" from the August 1961 Honolulu Star-Bulletin shows births posted with no apparent connection to the ten-day sample from August 1961 Honolulu Advertiser shown above.  Hence, spokeswoman Okubo is discredited.
8/8 Tuesday - 56 births
8/9 Wednesday - 4 births
8/10 Thursday - 0 births
8/11 Friday - 0 births
8/12 Saturday - 17 births
8/13 Sunday - 21 births
8/14 Monday - 58 births - Obama's birth announcement
8/15 Tuesday - 0(?) births
8/16 Wednesday - 18 births
8/17 Thursday - 129 births

The Honolulu Advertiser added that "birth announcements from the public ran elsewhere in both papers and usually included information such as the newborn's name, weight and time of birth."
Where "elsewhere" is located is a mystery.  No samples collected of the August 1961 newspapers show the newborn's name, weight, or time of birth.
PolitiFact's Robert Farley added that a reporter named Will Hoover checked with newspaper officials and "confirmed those notices came from the state Department of Health," with Hoover explaining, "That's not the kind of stuff a family member calls in and says, 'Hey, can you put this in?'"  Farley then pondered, "Take a second and think about that. In order to phony those notices up, it would have required the complicity of the state Health Department and two independent newspapers -- on the off chance this unnamed child might want to one day be president of the United States."
Just how independent were the two newspapers?  On June 1, 1962, less than a year after Obama's birth, joint operations began between the two newspapers under a company called the Hawaii Newspaper Agency, and then, after occupying the same building for almost fifty years, on June 6, 2010, both newspapers merged into one newspaper called the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.  Farley should take a second and question the "complicity" of the Hawaii Health Department and two vaguely independent newspapers to "phony up" August 1961 microfilms in the summer of 2008.
Samples from the two, at the time, "independent" Hawaii newspapers in August 1961 show that most births announcements fell in an eight-day range about a week behind the date of the papers publication.  For example, the Monday, August 7 Honolulu Star-Bulletin births range from July 24 to July 31, August 14 Star-Bulletin births range from July 31 to August 7, and August 16 Advertiser births range from August 3 to 10.
All seventy-four births from the August 13 and 14 Honolulu Advertiser can be found in the seventy-five births from the August 12 and 14 Honolulu Star-Bulletin, and vice versa, in an unbelievably confusing and mishmash manner.  For no apparent reason, the identical birth lists were broken up into smaller blocks ranging from two to twenty-five names, and then these smaller blocks of names were randomly jumbled together with the birth names within the smaller blocks, without exception, remaining in the same order:
1. The August 13 Honolulu Advertiser contains 25 births (#22 Obama) matching exactly in order the first 25 births (out of 58) in the August 14 Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
2. The August 14 Honolulu Advertiser contains 49 births, which can be separated into seven blocks found in the August 12 and August 14 Honolulu Star-Bulletin:
(1) 1-19 match August 14 Star-Bulletin # 3 (35-54)
(2) 20-21 match August 12 Star-Bulletin # 4 (16-17)
(3) 22-26 match August 12 Star-Bulletin # 3 (11-15)
(4) 27-29 match August 12 Star-Bulletin # 1 (1-3)
(5) 30-33 match August 14 Star-Bulletin # 4 (55-58)
(6) 34-42 match August 14 Star-Bulletin # 2 (26-34)
(7) 43-49 match August 12 Star-Bulletin # 2 (4-10)

3. Conversely, the August 12 Honolulu Star-Bulletin contains seventeen births which can be separated into four blocks found in the August 14 Advertiser:
(1) 1-3 match August 14 Advertiser # 4 (27-29)
(2) 4-10 match August 14 Advertiser # 7 (43-49)
(3) 11-15 match August 14 Advertiser # 3 (22-26)
(4) 16-17 match August 14 Advertiser # 2 (20-21)

4. The August 13 Honolulu Star-Bulletin contains twenty-one births with no matches to either the August 13 or August 14 Honolulu Advertiser and, curiously, no birth dates after July 31.  At least three of the birth announcements can be found in the August 17 Honolulu Advertiser.
5. The August 14 Honolulu Star-Bulletin contains 58 births (#22 Obama) which can be separated into 4 blocks found in the August 13 and 14 Advertiser:
(1) 1-25 match August 13 Advertiser # 1 (1-25)
(2) 26-34 match August 14 Advertiser # 6 (34-42)
(3) 35-53 match August 14 Advertiser # 1 (1-19)
(4) 54-58 match August 14 Advertiser # 5 (30-33)

A few questions need to be asked.  Why were blocks of identical names between the two newspapers jumbled together in a hodgepodge manner when identical birth lists were given to the newspapers by Hawaii Vital Records?  Did someone from the Hawaii Newspaper Agency in the summer of 2008 intentionally cut and paste blocks in a random fashion in order to sow confusion into "phonied up" August 12, 13, 14, 1961 microfilms?
In the August 14 Advertiser (#22 Obama), birth announcements #56 and #57 repeat for "Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Kamalu Jr., 3427-A McCorriston Street, son. August 6."
A few more questions need to be asked.  Why is there a repeating birth announcement?  Why does the birth announcement repeat in only one of the birth lists when, once again, identical birth lists were given to the newspapers by Hawaii Vital Records?
As noted, the twenty-five births from the August 13 Advertiser match exactly in the same order the first twenty-five births of the August 14 Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
In the August 13 Advertiser, the announcements seem to be listed randomly until the thirteenth posting -- "Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walker, daughter, Aug 7."  From there, the births clump together in descending order by date of birth, all August: 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4.  The pattern continues through the twenty-second posting -- "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, son, Aug 4" -- and ends with the twenty-fifth and final listing, "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wong, son, Aug 4."
The August 14 Star-Bulletin (#22 Obama) birth list likewise begins randomly with the descending pattern starting with the thirteenth posting -- "Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walker, daughter, Aug 7" -- but then runs longer to the thirty-fourth posting, "Mr. and Mr. Raymond, son born on Aug 3" -- i.e., August 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.  After #34, the births appear to be randomly listed with a tendency to sometimes be clumped together by date of birth.
Even more questions need to be asked.  Why does a descending pattern suddenly appear in a birth list otherwise randomly ordered in both papers?  Why does the same descending pattern found in the August 13 Advertiser birth list run from entry #13 to entry # 25 and then from #13 to #34 (out of 58) in the August 14 Star-Bulletin birth list?  What are the odds that an orderly descending pattern involving twenty-two names would naturally emerge in an otherwise random list?
Assuming an eight-day range (August 1-8) and a pattern beginning on August 7, the only two dates which continue a descending pattern are 7 and 6.  The chances that a 7 or 6 would be picked from the dates (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) is 2/8, or 1/4.  If a 6 was picked, then the chances that a 6 or 5 would be picked, continuing the descending pattern, are 2/8, or 1/4, and so on.  The odds, then, that a continuous pattern starting on August 7 would run for twelve more dates is (1/4)^12 = 1 in 16,777,216.  The odds the pattern would run for another nine dates (for a total of twenty-one) in the second birth announcement is (1/4)^12 x (1/4)^9 = (1/4)^21 = 1 in 4,400,000,000,000.
A comparison of the August 1961 Sunday Advertiser and the corresponding next Monday's Advertiser and Star-Bulletin (i.e., August 6 and 7, August 20 and 21, August 27 and 28) would show if it was a normal occurrence for birth lists (1) to incorporate a jumbled mishmash of blocks of identical names, (2) to contain repeating names, and (3) to contain orderly descending patterns.
A partial list of thirty-nine births from the Monday August 7 Star-Bulletin microfilm contains no repeating names and no continuous descending patterns longer than two births.
Despite the confusion and uncertainty surrounding the two newspaper birth announcements, FOX news anchor Bill O'Reilly stated that although he is "very busy," he has in fact himself "looked into the birth certificate" and "found out there were two separate birth announcements made in Honolulu newspapers on the day Barack Obama was born."  Huh?
O'Reilly then estimated off the top of his head the "odds" that someone was "conspiritorializing" the birth of a "little mixed-race baby" and "planted" two newspaper birth announcements in 1961 are about "29 gazillion to one."  Someday, when O'Reilly isn't too busy, he might try calculating the odds that, during the summer of 2008, a fake birth certificate was planted on a Saul Alinsky-inspired website, and two fake 1961 newspaper birth announcements were planted on the web by a complicit Hawaii Health Department, two "independent" newspapers, two anonymous bloggers, and by an unknown filmmaker who believed that more Americans were killed in the 1990s by right-wing terrorists than by foreign terrorists.

Now Let celebrate and Have a good time on Tax Payers Dollars
Billary Clinton was in love with Arafat she Loves Terrorists Photos don't lie
Bill Clinton meets with Arafat and other Terrorists leaders 1994 WH 


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( the obama regime on Gun Control ) Patcnews December 30, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Ted Nugent Speaks out Against obama and Gun Control © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Ted Nugent Ted Nugent Bitch Slaps Roseanne Barr Verbally

Wayne Lapierre NRA CEO Press Statement The Only Thing that Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A GUN  

NRA chief: If putting armed police in schools is crazy, 'then call me crazy'

After a controversial press conference last week, NRA head Wayne LaPierre made an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press" saying the American people would be "crazy" to not put armed guards in schools. Meanwhile, Newtown, Conn., continues coping with the death of 26 people during the tragic shooting. NBC's Ron Mott report.
Updated 10:50 a.m. ET: On NBC’s Meet the Press, National Rifle Association chief Wayne LaPierre on Sunday refused to support new gun control legislation and maintained his support for putting armed guards and police in schools in response to the Dec. 14 school shootings in Newtown, Conn.
See the Meet The Press page
“If it’s crazy to call for putting police in and securing our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy,” LaPierre told NBC’s David Gregory. “I think the American people think it’s crazy not to do it. It’s the one thing that would keep people safe and the NRA is going try to do that.”
 He added that the United States is now spending $2 billion to train police officers in Iraq and asked why federal funds could not be spent to train school guards to protect schools in the United States.

 Asked about restricting the size of ammunition magazine or clips, LaPierre said, “I don’t believe that’s going to make one difference. There are so many different ways to evade that, even if you had that. You had that for 10 years when (Sen.) Dianne Feinstein passed that ban in ’94. It was on the books. Columbine occurred right in the middle of it – it didn’t make any difference.”

For the first time since the Connecticut shootings, NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre answers questions from NBC's David Gregory about his organization's stance on gun violence in America.
Feinstein, D-Calif., was the author of the 1994 ban on certain types of semiautomatic firearms which expired in 2004. She has announced that she will introduce new legislation early next year. Semiautomatic firearms, including semiautomatic weapons sometimes called “assault weapons,” fire one round per pull of the trigger.
“I know there’s a media machine in this country that wants to blame guns every time something happens,” LaPierre said, but he insisted that an armed guard might have been able to stop Adam Lanza, the killer in Connecticut.
“If I’m a mom or a dad and I’m dropping my child off at school I’d feel a whole lot safer” if there were trained armed security guards or police protecting the school from people such as Lanza, LaPierre said, although he conceded that “nothing is perfect” as a deterrent against crime.
LaPierre also said, “We have a mental health system in this country that has completely and totally collapsed. We have no national database of these lunatics” and complained that de-institutionalization of the mentally ill had put too many dangerous people on the streets of America. “We have a completely cracked mentally ill system that’s got these monsters walking the streets,” LaPierre said. And he said many states do not put their records of those adjudicated to be mentally ill into the national instant check system that is designed to screen out convicted criminals and the mentally ill from buying guns.
The NRA CEO also argued that the federal government had invested far too little effort into enforcing the longstanding federal law that makes it illegal for convicted felons to possess guns. The federal effort to enforce existing restrictions on gun possession, he said, is “pitiful.”

On Meet the Press, NRA chief Wayne LaPierre forcefully defended his call for armed officers in every school. NBC's Peter Alexander reports.
He said, “If you want to control violent criminals, take them off the street.”
But he firmly opposed curbs on private gun sales and contended that the advocates of stringent restrictions on such sales want to put “every gun sale under the thumb of the federal government.”
LaPierre called Feinstein’s bill “a phony piece of legislation” which he predicted would not become law.

After a week of silence following the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School the NRA responded, saying armed guns in schools is the answer. "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," said Wayne LaPierre, NRA's executive vice president. NBC's John Harwood reports.
President Barack Obama has tasked Vice President Joe Biden with the job of consulting with members of the Cabinet and outside organizations to come up with legislative proposals by next month.
When asked about this initiative, LaPierre said, “if it’s a panel that’s just going to be made up of a bunch of people that for the past 20 years has been trying to destroy the Second Amendment, I’m not interested in sitting on that panel…. The NRA is not going to let people lose the Second Amendment in this country.”

Following LaPierre on Meet the Press, Sen. Charles Schumer, D- N.Y., said that the NRA leader is “so extreme and so tone deaf that he actually helps the cause of us passing sensible gun legislation in the Congress…. He is so doctrinaire and so adamant that I believe gun owners turn against him as well.”

Schumer said that LaPierre believes “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is good gun with a gun. What about trying to stop the bad guy from getting the gun in the first place? That’s common sense. Most Americans agree with it.”
But Sen. Lindsey Graham, R- S.C., said killers such as Lanza were “non-traditional criminals… people who are not wired right for some reason. And I don’t know if there’s anything Lindsey Graham can do in the Senate to stop mass murder from somebody that’s hell bent on doing crazy things” -- apart from better security in schools. The South Carolina Republican also called for getting “mass murders off the streets before they act, by better mental health detection.”

After a week of calls for tighter gun restrictions, the National Rifle Association called for putting more armed security officers in the nation's schools and expressed concerns about violence portrayed in video games, movies and music. NBC's Pete Williams reports.
Graham said that while he was out Christmas shopping in South Carolina this weekend, people “have come up to me (and said) ‘Please don’t let the government take my guns away.’ And I’m going to stand against the assault (weapons) ban because it didn’t work before and it won’t work in the future.”

LaPierre’s appearance on Meet the Press followed the strong reaction over his defiant stand during a Friday press briefing about the NRA’s response to the Connecticut school shootings.
Amid a national debate over what security measures school administrators should take to ensure the safety of students, gun-control advocates reacted with disbelief Friday to LaPierre’s call for armed guards in every school and his blaming of Hollywood films, video games, and popular music for school shootings such as the one in Connecticut.

How firmly the NRA’s allies in Congress will oppose any new legislative initiatives from Obama, Feinstein or others remains an open question.
In a test of the NRA’s legislative influence, the House of Representatives late last year passed the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, which has not yet been acted on by the Senate.

In the House vote, 229 Republicans and 43 Democrats voted for the NRA-backed bill.
The House bill allows a person with a photo identification card and a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm in one state to carry a concealed handgun in another state in accordance with the restrictions of that second state.

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( Brent Bozell ) Patcnews December 30, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Brent Bozell © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

What Rights does the liberal Press have telling you can't smoke in America or telling you can't carry guns in America ???

John Gaultier If a man grew up with communist Grandparents and a leftist Mother, who "married" a Muslim Socialist from Kenya, ( Maybe!! But no proof!! ) and was mentored by a Black Communist agitator on the FBI list in his teens ( Frank Marshal Davis) was promoted and helped by James Bowman a Communist Sympathizer ( Valerie Jarretts Father) , who lived in Indonesia as a Muslim in his younger years, then came to America and was financed through College by Khalid Mansour (a PRO PALESTINIAN ANTI ISRAELI BIGOT) paid for by the Saudi Government and then joined the Church of Black Liberation Theology run by Reverend Jeremiah Wright for 20 years and also became a Radical follower of Saul Alinsky... and befriended Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorn.. (the Weather Underground Bombers) ...and then became the Lawyer for Acorn and then when he ran for elected office was endorsed by the Communist Party of America in his first run...who made Valerie Jarrett who was Born in Shiraz, Iran his closest adviser...and openly announced that he wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM THE UNITED STATES...."


Content and Programming Copyright 2014 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2014 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

( The Marlboro Racing Report ) Patcnews: December 30, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The liberal Press is now attacking Marlboro © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Mr. Patriot Conservative:  The Liberal  Press in America wants to put another gun ban for Gun owners in America.  The liberal  Press is now attacking Marlboro as well. this is a violation under the Constitution. Does the Press have  right  to ban guns in America ? And why does the liberal press want to ban smoking in America?  This does not make since to me.

The liberal Communist Press Wants Ban the Constitution as Well As Guns... Thanks to the obama regime you can't Say Marlboro on TV.

What rights does the liberal Press have telling you can't smoke in America or telling you can't carry guns in America ???


Content and Programming Copyright 2014 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2014 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network