Tuesday, June 14, 2022

( Today Is Flag Day ) Patcnews June 14, 2022 The Patriot Constitutional Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Flag Day In America © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

Today Is Flag Day...

God Show Me Today How Much Suffering There Is In America...
Folks God Not Happy With The Biden Regime Administration In America....
God Show Me Today How Bad Our Crisis Chaos Is In America Now...
America Is One Nation Under God Land OF The Free Home OF The Brave Full Love With Freedom And Liberty In God We Trust...
Old Glory Is Drooping In The Wind God Does Have Feels Our
Beautiful American Flag Not Waving The Full Colors In The Wind....
America Is Sad and It's Hurting So Much And I See First Hand Folks.
God Is Sad For Our Beautiful Flag And For Our Beautiful Country It's Very Sad Now Folks...
Old Glory Is Drooping The Colors In The Wind Now Folks...
Now You Know God Is Real And Yes God Does Have Feels Too
I Pray That More People Will Share This And Vote For Only Real
Constitutional Conservative Candidates This November 8, 2022
America Is Hurting And America Does In-Fact Feel Sadness From God....
I Love You America Protect From Evilness In Our World I ask This In The Sweet Name OF Your Son Jesus...





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