Monday, October 26, 2020

( Amy Coney Barrett Is Now A Supreme Court Judge ) Patcnews Octobr 26, 2020 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Amy Coney Barrett Is Now A Supreme Court Judge © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews










































By voting to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett, today the Republican majority in the Senate delivered on our promise to the American people to confirm principled constitutionalists to the Supreme Court.



Sen. Cruz: Confirming Judge Barrett is a Great Victory for Every American Who Cherishes Our Fundamental Liberties

Releases statement following the Senate’s vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

October 26, 2020









WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today released the following statement on the Senate's vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States: 

"Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. Judge Barrett has impeccable credentials. She graduated number one in her class at Notre Dame Law School, she clerked for the great Justice Antonin Scalia and she's been a law professor at Notre Dame for 20 years. She's been one of the most respected federal appellate judges in the country, and somehow she manages to do all that while being a mom to seven kids.

"When President Trump nominated Judge Barrett, it was one of the most important decisions of his presidency. In making this nomination, the president was fulfilling the promise he made to the American people to nominate principled constitutionalists to the Supreme Court. Today, Senate Republicans voted to confirm Judge Barrett, and fulfilled our promise to confirm principled constitutionalists to the Supreme Court. Sadly, however, Senate Democrats tried every delay tactic they could to derail this process, including staging a boycott of the Senate Judiciary's vote on Judge Barrett's nomination. Fortunately, these delay tactics did not stall Judge Barrett's nomination.

"Justice Barrett's confirmation comes at a critical time for our country. Far too often, we are just one vote away from seeing our liberties - our freedom of speech, our religious liberty, our Second Amendment rights - trampled on at the Supreme Court. Confirming Justice Barrett to the Court is a great victory for every American who cares about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and our fundamental liberties."

READ: Sen. Cruz: The Republican Senate is Fulfilling Its Promise to Confirm Principled Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court

WATCH: Cruz on Meet the Press: Regardless of Dem Delay Tactics, the Senate Will Confirm Judge Barrett

READ: Sen. Cruz on Confirmation Hearing for Judge Barrett: ‘Democrats Surrendered'


WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the following statement on today's Judiciary Committee vote to proceed with the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be the next associate justice of the Supreme Court:

WATCH: Cruz Discusses Senate Democrats Boycotting Committee Hearing Ahead of Vote on Judge Barrett

"Today, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to move forward with Judge Barrett's nomination and fulfill their promise to confirm principled constitutionalists to the Supreme Court, while the Democrats on the committee shirked their responsibility and boycotted the vote.

"I don't think it's surprising Democrats boycotted the markup - the hearing last week did not go well for them. Judge Barrett was calm, cool, and collected, and her demeanor was scholarly and judicial. Democrats tried to attack her and it didn't go well. They quickly realized that the more the American people saw this impressive jurist pledging to be faithful to the Constitution the worse it was for them. That's why, by the afternoon of the second day of questioning, there were only two Democrats left in the hearing. The Democrats' boycott of the Committee vote today was a stunt to appease the left-wing activist base that is angry the Democrats can't stop this nomination.

"Judge Barrett impressed the country when she testified, and I believe Judge Barrett will be Justice Barrett by the end of the week. I look forward to seeing her confirmed to the Supreme Court."


Sen. Cruz: Days Before Consequential Election, Big Tech Billionaires Acting As Democrats’ Willing Henchmen


WASHINGTON, D.C. - This week, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, appeared on CNBC's 'Squawk Box,' Fox News' 'Ingraham Angle,' ‘America's Newsroom,' ‘Hannity,' and Fox Business' ‘Mornings with Maria,' as well as Yahoo Finance's 'The First Trade,' ‘The Ben Shapiro Show,' ‘The Joe Pags Show,' and ‘The Glenn Beck Show' to discuss Big Tech's brazen political censorship, the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, and the stakes of the upcoming election. Interview highlights below.

WATCH: Cruz on Fox Blasts Big Tech for Censorship, Outlines Final Steps to Confirm Judge Barrett

On his efforts to defend free speech, protect the integrity of our elections, and subpoena Twitter's CEO, Jack Dorsey, in the wake of Big Tech's repeated attempts to interfere in this election:

"This whole inquiry is about Joe Biden, who wants to be President of the United States, and about whether Joe Biden was personally corrupt. The China emails are offering to pay over a million dollars to the ‘big guy,' to Joe Biden himself, cash in his bank account, and the questions the Journal asked right near there. Did the deal go through? Did he take the money? How much money did Joe Biden take from communist China? What did he do for it? Those questions, to the best of my knowledge, haven't even been asked much less answered. You know, ABC had Joe Biden on for a townhall the day after these stories broke. They didn't ask a single question whether he had received millions from communist China and what he'd done in exchange for that." (Sen. Ted Cruz, Fox News' ‘America's Newsroom,' 10/21/20)

"The Democratic talking point has been ‘it's Russian disinformation.' Well, if it is, if the emails are fake, let someone demonstrate that. The Biden campaign is not alleged, that the emails are fake and the whole point of journalism, if this story is wrong. Fine. Then let's have reporting and let's actually figure out what happened. But Big Tech instead. Who in their right mind would want to have a handful of Silicon Valley billionaires have total control over what stories are allowed to be seen and what stories are not?" (Sen. Ted Cruz, Yahoo Finance, 10/21/20)

"Twitter and Facebook are both going to testify. Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg are both going to testify. They're going to testify in person, they're going to testify before Election Day. That's what I think should happen. That's what I am fighting vociferously to make happen right now. [...] They need to testify in person and answer questions for the American people about why they are trying to steal this election, to suppress the free speech, and to censor the press." (Sen. Ted Cruz, ‘The Glenn Beck Show,' 10/20/20)

On the hearings and upcoming confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett:

"By the middle of Wednesday, when it when I came up to questioning, there were only two Democrats left in the entire room. The rest of them had fled the room and they'd given up on it. And I think at this point, they're trying to say just enough to appease their crazy radical base. You know, it was striking last week the hard left was trying to start a movement to have Dianne Feinstein thrown off the Judiciary, they're so mad about it. But I think they've given up. I think they recognize that Judge Barrett is going to be confirmed and by the end of next week, she'll be Justice Barrett." (Sen. Ted Cruz,' The Joe Pags Show,' 10/19/20)

"Judiciary Committee will vote on Thursday. She'll be voted out on Thursday. And then she will likely be confirmed on the Senate floor, I would say Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, but early next week is when she'll be confirmed." (Sen. Ted Cruz, ‘The Glenn Beck Show,' 10/20/20)

On his proposed constitutional amendment limiting the number of Supreme Court justices to nine to prevent Democrats from packing the Court:

"I think the Nancy Pelosi House would never pass it. But I do think it has a reasonable prospect of being voted on and getting every Senate Democrat on record. Right now, they're playing a game where all of them, I believe, intend to pack the court if they win. But they don't want to admit that because that's a very unpopular position with the American people. It's why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing such gymnastics to avoid answering the question. And so I'm hopeful that that between now and Election Day that Senate leadership will tee this up for a vote and get every Senate Democrat on record." (Sen. Ted Cruz, ‘The Ben Shapiro Show,' 10/20/20)

"Joe Biden said that his objective is to go ‘well beyond packing,' packing the Supreme Court. FDR tried to do it, it's an abuse of power. It would destroy the independence of the judiciary. The Democratic Party in 1937 rejected FDR, his attempt to do it. And that's what Joe Biden wants to do. It's abusing the Court. We need to preserve the independence of the Court and we need to defend our constitutional rights." (Sen. Ted Cruz, Fox Business' ‘Mornings with Maria,' 10/22/20)

On the high stakes of the upcoming election:

"Interestingly enough, it's not even the ideologically crazy stuff they [Democrats] want to do. It's trying to entrench their power. It's trying to pour into concrete that they will be in control. And so you're right. If the Democrats win, we'll see Chuck Schumer ending the filibuster. We'll see them adding two new states to the union. We'll see them adding millions of new voters to the rolls by granting amnesty to illegal aliens. And they will pack the Court if they win. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, they won't answer that question because the answer is yes." (Sen. Ted Cruz, Fox News' ‘Hannity,' 10/21/20)

"ABC didn't even ask [Joe Biden] him about the stories that had just broken about him potentially being paid, being offered millions of dollars in cash from communist China. I mean, it is stunning. And you know what they're counting on? They're counting on the voters being tired. [...] They want people to give up. [...] This election, if you care about the Constitution and Bill of Rights, we've never seen an election this important." (Sen. Ted Cruz, ‘The Joe Pags Show,' 10/19/20)

Read more about Sen. Cruz's fight against Big Tech bias here and his call to subpoena Twitter's CEO, Jack Dorsey here. Learn more about Sen. Cruz's leadership in the efforts to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett here, and his efforts to prevent Democrat Court packing here.



Sens. Cruz, Tillis, McSally, Wicker, Loeffler, Hyde-Smith Introduce Constitutional & Legislative Proposals To Prevent Democrats from Packing the Supreme Court

Efforts include 'Keep Nine' constitutional amendment and legislation to prevent Democrats from packing the Supreme Court


WASHINGTON, D.C. - As Democrats plan to pack the Supreme Court with liberal judicial activists if they win the election, U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), and Cindy Hyde-Smith (R- Miss.) today introduced two proposals to maintain the number of justices on the bench, preserve the integrity and independence of the Supreme Court, and protect Americans' constitutional liberties.

The first proposal would prevent the expansion or contraction of the Supreme Court by constitutional amendment, also known as the "Keep Nine" amendment. The second proposal would stop Democrats from unilaterally passing any court-packing legislation in the United States Senate.

Upon introducing these proposals, Sen. Cruz said:

"Make no mistake, if Democrats win the election, they will end the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court, expanding the number of justices to advance their radical political agenda, entrenching their power for generations, and destroying the foundations of our democratic system. We must take action before election day to safeguard the Supreme Court and the constitutional liberties that hang in the balance. That's why I'm proud to introduce these two commonsense proposals, which will prevent either party from adding or contracting the number of justices on the bench for political advantage."

After Democrats last week during the confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett accused Senate Republicans of Court packing for simply fulfilling their constitutional responsibility to advise and consent on judicial nominees, Sen. Cruz added:

"Don't be fooled by Democrats' hyperbolic rhetoric. Packing the Court means one very specific thing: expanding the number of justices to achieve a political outcome. It is wrong. It is an abuse of power. Democrats are endeavoring to redefine the language to set the stage for a partisan assault on the Court. When it comes to our fundamental liberties - our religious liberty, our freedom of speech, our Second Amendment rights - we are often one vote away from losing them on the Supreme Court. For the sake of our liberties and the future of our country, we must preserve our independent judiciary. These proposals would do just that."

Sen. Tillis added:

"For the last few years, Democrats have made no secret of their desire to see a radical, socialist agenda imposed on the American people. Unable to implement their job-killing plans through the Democratic process, they've decided they'll simply impose it on the American people through the Supreme Court. Chuck Schumer and his allies are now saying they'll pack the Supreme Court if Senate Republicans fulfill their constitutional duty to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Their proposals are dangerous and would give them free reign to appoint radical judges who would legislate from the bench, threatening the religious liberty and Second Amendment rights of North Carolinians. We have had nine judges on the Supreme Court since 1869, and efforts to change that is not supported by the majority of the American people. I am proud to co-introduce these proposals to stop Chuck Schumer's radical liberal agenda and maintain the integrity of the Supreme Court."

Sen. McSally said:

"Threats by Democrats to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court and add liberal activist judges is disturbing and dangerous. On top of that, some Democrats reluctance to even answer whether they would pack the Court proves a far more frightening reality. The left will first deceive the American people and then use any tool at their disposal to gain power and force their radical agenda on them. Our bills are critical to thwarting any efforts to fundamentally transform the Supreme Court, keeping the number of Justices at nine as it has been for over 150 years."

Sen. Wicker added:

"Proposals to ‘pack' the Supreme Court and add seats to change its ideological balance should concern every American. There have been nine seats on the Supreme Court for more than 150 years, providing stability and trust in the rule of law. These two proposals would protect the independence of our federal judiciary and ensure our nation's highest court is not subject to political games."

Sen. Loeffler said:

"The shameful attacks on Judge Barrett are especially hypocritical given the Left's calls to pack the Supreme Court and end the filibuster in a desperate attempt to impose their radical agenda on the American people. These proposals will prevent Democrats from fundamentally altering the Court and adding new seats only to fill them with activist judges who will legislate from the bench and threaten the right to life, the Second Amendment and all the individual liberties that we as Americans hold dear. I am proud to stand with my colleagues in preventing attempts to undermine the integrity of our democracy and Americans' freedoms."

Sen. Hyde-Smith added:

"Having nine justices on the United States Supreme Court has worked for more than 150 years. Today, the long-standing checks and balances that are the foundation of our democracy would be thrown into crisis if threats to pack the court are successful. Packing the court is all about politics and power, not principle. The legislation we introduce today would keep our democracy intact and isolate the judiciary from the political whims of our colleagues across the aisle."


Before President Trump had even nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Senate Democrats had already pledged their opposition to her confirmation.

Top Democrats, including Joe Biden, have falsely called Senate Republican's efforts to confirm Judge Barrett "court packing" because Republicans have been confirming principled constitutionalists to the federal bench. But as Sen. Cruz has said, "Court packing does not mean nominating a justice to fill a vacancy. [...] It is expanding the number of justices. And, you know, Joe Biden in 1983 said Court packing was ‘a bone-headed idea,' and now that bone headed idea I think is their agenda number one if they win on Election Day."

It is abundantly clear that Democrats are desperately trying to redefine court packing in an attempt to hide their true objective: adding seats to the Supreme Court in a radical and partisan attempt to drive the Court to the left.

Joe Biden has faced growing calls to expand the Court from the media and prominent Democratic politicians alike. Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) tweeted just hours after Ginsburg's passing, "Mitch McConnell set the precedent. No Supreme Court vacancies filled in an election year. If he violates it, when Democrats control the Senate in the next Congress, we must abolish the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court."

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, also signaled support for packing the Supreme Court, calling Court packing "long-overdue court reform."

Earlier this year, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) voiced her openness to expanding the Supreme Court saying, "We are on the verge of a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court [...] We have to take this challenge head on, and everything is on the table to do that."

And Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) voiced her support for expanding the Court while perfectly underlining the need for Sen. Cruz's legislation saying, "I'm open. [...] Actually, I mean, we could. [...] Look, there are a lot of different ways to do it. The number of people on the Supreme Court is not constitutionally constricted."

WATCH: Sen. Cruz: Democrats Have Decided That Democracy Is Too Complicated

The text of the "Keep Nine" Constitutional Amendment can be read here. The full text of the legislative proposal can be read here.

Read more about Sen Cruz's opposition to Democrats plans to pack the Supreme Court here.


Sen. Cruz Leads Fight to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Previews what to expect from Senate Democrats at next week’s hearing

October 9, 2020



WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has spent the last several weeks making the case to the American people as to why the Senate must take up and confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett before Election Day. Sen. Cruz has appeared on several news outlets, including the Sean Hannity Show, The Hugh Hewitt Show, Washington Post Live, Breitbart News Daily, The Erick Erickson Show and the Daily Briefing with Dana Perino. Excerpts of the interviews are below. Watch Sen. Cruz's latest interviews here.


"I think it's critical that [the confirmation hearing] go forward and it's going to. It's no surprise Chuck Schumer is opposing it. He was opposing it before [anyone was even formally nominated] and he would oppose any Republican nominee. But we have an obligation to fill this vacancy. This is why President Trump was elected to nominate principled constitutionalists to the Court and it's why the American people elected a Republican majority in the Senate is to confirm those principled constitutionalists. I'm confident that Judge Barrett will be confirmed and confirmed by the end of the month before Election Day so that we ensure we have a full nine justice Supreme Court available to resolve in any election disputes that could come of this." (Sen. Cruz, Daily Briefing, 10/5/2020)

"President Trump in nominating Judge Barrett is doing exactly what he promised the American people. The Senate - we're going to confirm Judge Barrett before Election Day, by the end of the month. And in doing so, we're doing what we promised the American people."
(Sen. Cruz, Breitbart News Daily, 10/7/2020)

"I think the Senate has an obligation to make sure we have a full Court, a nine justice Court that can resolve [any election] matter. [...] This is not to have a justice who's going to rule for one candidate or another. That's not the Supreme Court's job. It is to have a Court that can provide finality and ensure that the law is followed." (Sen. Cruz, Hugh Hewitt Show, 9/30/2020)

READ: Sen. Cruz for After Ginsburg - Why the Senate Must Confirm Her Successor Before Election Day


"I think [Judge Barrett] will be substantive and scholarly. You think about it, this woman was a law professor and federal judge in Indiana. She could go walk in the park and nobody knew who she was. And in the last month, the entire world has descended upon her. She's in the middle of this maelstrom of political and press attacks. That's a pretty intense transformation. [...] We may see Senate Democrats have had a ‘Spartacus moment' where they attack her and malign her. But I expect her to be unfazed and calm throughout. And I think based on the substance, I think she'll get confirmed." (Sen. Cruz, Washington Post, 10/6/2020)

"Look, it ain't complicated that the Democrats don't want to see this Supreme Court seat filled. And it's political. It's partisan. That's not lost on anybody. Whatever happens, their default response is going to be you can't nominate this justice. We can't confirm this justice. The world is ending and we're opposed. The Senate has had, I think, 150 virtual and hybrid hearings since COVID started. And we'll continue to do the same thing. The hearings are going to start on Monday. The Democrats are welcome to attend in person or if they prefer to attend, virtually, they can do that too. Whatever they like is just fine by us." (Sen. Cruz, The Erick Erickson Show, 10/7/2020)

"I sat down with Judge Barrett and had a very good meeting. Spent about 45 minutes at the Capitol with her. And I will say she's very, very impressive. We all know about her impeccable credentials. [...] But I'll tell you personally, what I found most impressive was her temperament. Her temperament was calm. It was cool. It was collected. It's very, very scholarly and academic. It's very much a judicial temperament. And, you know, you think about her life, a month ago, she was living a fairly quiet life as a law professor and judge in Indiana. She has seven kids and she's a mom. Now she's in the maelstrom of Democrats and the attack machine trying to destroy her, trying to destroy her family, slurring her, dragging her through the mud. I was very impressed by the calm and strength that she had. I think she's going to perform exceptionally well in the confirmation hearings." (Sen. Cruz, The Sean Hannity Show, 10/1/2020)

READ: Sen. Cruz: President Trump Made a Terrific Selection in Nominating Judge Barrett


"If we start January of next year with a Biden, Schumer, Pelosi national government, I think the damage they will do in two years would exceed what Obama did in eight. I think they would end the filibuster. I think they would add two new states to elect four new Democratic senators. And I think they'd pack the Supreme Court, which would do permanent damage to our constitutional liberties, our free speech, our religious liberty, our Second Amendment. Every one of those is on the ballot."
(Sen. Cruz, Daily Briefing, 10/5/2020)

"I fully believe that they will move to pack the Court, and I think they will likely have the votes to do it. That politicizes the Court. It destroys the independence. We've seen a Democratic president try to pack the Court previously. FDR did and his own party resisted him. His own party said no, we don't want the Court to be a political body. Today's Democrats, I don't believe, would resist one iota. And I think it's where they're headed if they get power." (Sen. Cruz, Hugh Hewitt Show, 9/30/2020)

VIDEO: EXPOSED: Democrats' Radical Power Plot

Sen. Cruz also recently joined The Michael Berry Show, Squawk Box, Live & Local with Kevin Wall, The Wayne Allyn Root Show, The Story with Martha MacCallum, The Brian Kilmeade Show, The Megyn Kelly Show, Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren, Hannity, The Dennis Prager Show, GrayTV, Lou Dobbs Tonight, The Kuhner Report, The Todd Starnes Show, The Tony Katz Show, Fox & Friends, Making Money with Charles Payne, and the Joe Pags Show. Catch more of Sen. Cruz's recent interviews here.

Several news outlets have covered Sen. Cruz's leadership in the fight leading up to the confirmation battle next week. Excerpts are below:

Daily Caller: Sen. Cruz Says Biden, Harris Ready To Pack The Court
"Since the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the future of the Supreme Court has been a highly debated issue. During both the presidential and vice presidential debates, Biden and Harris were asked if the Biden administration would pack the court if the campaign wins in November. Neither Biden nor Harris answered. ‘I think the reason they won't answer it is because their answer is yes,' Cruz said, ‘and they know that's incredibly impossible so they're trying to hide just how radical their agenda is.' ‘They are ready to pack the court. If they win, if they take a majority, if we have Biden, Schumer and Pelosi in charge, I believe they will pack the court,' he added."

The Hill: Cruz on confirming Trump's Supreme Court nominee: 'We have the votes'
"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) predicted on Tuesday that Republicans will have the votes to confirm President Trump's Supreme Court pick, even as a coronavirus outbreak in GOP circles has cast new doubt on the party's ambitious timeline. ‘I'm very confident. I believe we have the votes. I believe we'll get it done,' Cruz said during a Washington Post Live interview. ‘As I see it, we have a solid 51 votes right now. And from the conversations in the conference, I don't see that changing.'"

Washington Examiner: Ted Cruz says he would support constitutional amendment to secure nine justices on Supreme Court
"Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said it would be a good idea to pass a constitutional amendment that would secure nine justices on the Supreme Court. [...] ‘I think that's a good idea. The number of justices is not set in the Constitution. It's set by Congress,' Cruz said, noting that the number of justices has varied over time. ‘We've had the number nine for 150 years. It is a number that works well, that provides stability and helps insulate the court from being overly politicized.' Senate Republicans are pushing forward to confirm President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, whom Cruz met with at the Capitol on Tuesday. [...] Cruz told the Washington Examiner that he is confident the Senate will vote to confirm Barrett before the general election on Nov. 3. He also encouraged his Democratic colleagues to meet with Barrett, saying her demeanor and temperament were impressive in person."

NPR: Sen. Ted Cruz Says Judge Amy Coney Barrett ‘Will Make A Strong Justice'
"‘I think she's a strong nominee,' said Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who sits on the committee. Barrett, a judge on the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago, has conservative views on abortion rights, the Affordable Care Act, guns and campus sexual assault issues. She clerked for the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, calling his ‘judicial philosophy ... mine, too.' Cruz told NPR's Steve Inskeep on Morning Edition that Barrett ‘has an impeccable background.' She has only been on the appeals court since 2017 after President Trump nominated her. ‘I think she handled herself quite well' at confirmation hearings in 2017, Cruz said. ‘So I think she has strong attributes. My preference is always someone with a longer proven record. But I think she will make a strong justice.'"

Fox News: Cruz slams Biden for dodging court-packing questions, claims ex-VP ‘doesn't want to be honest' with Americans
"Joe Biden does not possess the strength to stand up to the ‘rage and fury' of the far left, as evidenced by his refusal to say whether he supports expanding the Supreme Court if elected, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas told ‘The Story' Thursday. [...] ‘If the Democrats win the presidency and they win the Senate, within a couple of weeks, [Senate Democratic Leader] Chuck Schumer will act to end the filibuster and I'll tell you, I served with these Democrats. They have the votes. They will abolish the filibuster, which means the minority would not be able to stop any of their radical objectives.' Cruz added that he believed Democrats would seek to raise the number of Supreme Court justices to 11 or 13 from the current nine. ‘Joe Biden just doesn't want to be honest with the American people, but that's absolutely part of the radical agenda of the far-left Democrats,' he said."

RedState: Ted Cruz Makes It Clear: Amy Coney Barret Will be Confirmed
"Texas Senator Ted Cruz has no doubts in his mind that when next Tuesday rolls around, Amy Coney Barret is all but guaranteed to have ‘Justice' attached to her name. According to The Hill, Cruz says the GOP has the votes and the feeling of commitment across the board. To make sure the vote gets passed, they're pulling out all the stops: ‘I'm very confident. I believe we have the votes. I believe we'll get it done,' Cruz said during a Washington Post Live interview. ‘As I see it, we have a solid 51 votes right now. And from the conversations in the conference, I don't see that changing.'"

Breitbart: Exclusive - Ted Cruz: Joe Biden Would Pack the Supreme Court, End Filibuster to ‘Entrench' Democrat Power
"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Wednesday that former Vice President Joe Biden would pack the Supreme Court, end the Senate filibuster, and make Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, states to "entrench" Democrat power. [...] Cruz charged that even though Biden avoided the question of packing the court and ending the filibuster, he expects that a Biden administration would support these radical moves to entrench Democrats' power in Washington, DC. Cruz told Breitbart News, ‘[...] And, when it comes to the Supreme Court, I really think Senate Democrats are more than ready to pack the Court and increase the number to 11 or 13. They are furious, they are filled with rage that President Trump has gotten three Supreme Court nominations and they think this is their territory that they own. And we have seen a previous Democrat president pack the Supreme Court, FDR tried to do it at the height of his power and his own party, the Democrat Party rejected his efforts that was going too far.'"

The Blaze: ‘Excellent idea!': Ted Cruz responds to Dem senator's threat to boycott Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation
"The Texas senator said Blumenthal's promise to boycott Barrett is not a bad thing. In fact, Cruz said it would be beneficial if every Democratic senator took the same position as Blumenthal. That way, Barrett would be confirmed to the Supreme Court even quicker. ‘Excellent idea! And if you & all your Dem colleagues boycott the hearing altogether, we'll avoid the political circus & the desperate attempts to smear Judge Barrett and her family,' Cruz said. ‘And we'll confirm her faster!'"

Texas Tribune: President Donald Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett to U.S. Supreme Court
"In a statement, Cruz noted that Barrett was confirmed to the 7th Circuit in 2017 with bipartisan support. But he said Senate Democrats at the time tried to destroy her reputation based on her Catholic faith and predicted they would do so again, calling it a ‘shameful exercise of religious bigotry.' ‘Let me be clear: Democrats' expected attempts to derail this process, along with their contempt for Judge Barrett and her faith, will not impede this nomination,' Cruz said. Cruz previously urged Trump to announce a nominee as soon as possible. Appearing on Fox News on the night of Ginsburg's death, Cruz told Sean Hannity that once Trump named a successor, he and his fellow Republican senators should confirm the nominee before Election Day."

The Federalist: Ted Cruz Explains Why He's Sick Of Liberal Justices And How Trump Can Fix SCOTUS
"On the nomination of Barrett, Cruz said that while he believes Democrats will continue to attack her based on her faith, he is optimistic she will be confirmed before the election. ‘Barring something truly extraordinary which I don't see on the horizon right now, I think we're going to have the votes to get it done,' Cruz said. ‘And from everything I'm hearing in the conference, I think those votes are solid and strong and people are impressed.'"

Newsmax: Sen. Cruz: SCOTUS Seat Needs to Be Filled Ahead of Potential Election-Related Lawsuits
"The Supreme Court seat left vacant following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg earlier this month needs to be filled ahead of the 2020 presidential election to avoid a deadlock should election-related lawsuits come, says Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. [...] ‘It's one of the reasons why it is so important that the Senate confirm Judge (Amy Coney) Barrett, because if the Supreme Court only has eight justices, eight justices can divide four to four,' Cruz noted. ‘An equally divided court has no authority to decide anything. So if we have this chaos of litigation, if the Supreme Court is equally divided, there is no resolution and we're in a constitutional crisis.'"

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump announced Saturday he was nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Barrett is a justice on the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. She was previously a law professor at Notre Dame and has been hailed as the heir to the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

READ: Trump nominates Barrett to Supreme Court

According to the Associated Press, Barrett was considered to be a finalist in 2018 before Trump nominated Justice Brett Kavanaugh for the seat vacated when Justice Anthony Kennedy retired.

Read more: State, federal leaders react to death of iconic Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“I am thrilled that President Trump has chosen Amy Coney Barrett to serve as the next associate justice on the Supreme Court. Barrett’s nomination is yet another fulfillment of President Trump’s promise to put justices on our Supreme Court that will preserve and respect our Constitution. Amy Coney Barrett has a proven track record of protecting our Constitution, honoring the sanctity of life, and fighting for the rule of law. America’s future is a brighter one with Amy Coney Barrett serving as the next associate justice on the United States Supreme Court.” -- Laura Cox, the Michigan Republican Chair

“Donald Trump has confirmed his number one policy priority: stripping health care from hundreds of thousands of Michiganders in the middle of a global pandemic. The nomination of Amy Coney Barrett is an unconscionable assault on the Affordable Care Act. The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions and expanded access to Medicaid to countless families in our state. This is another attempt to use the Supreme Court to force through a dangerous agenda that was rejected by Congress and rejected by the American people. This nomination illustrates everything that is at stake this November and reminds voters across our state we must send Joe Biden to the White House and re-elect Gary Peters to the Senate to fight for our working families.” -- The Michigan Democratic Party

“In selecting Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump has picked an exceptionally qualified constitutionalist to serve as our nation’s next Supreme Court justice. Judge Barrett’s stellar career and character shows she is someone who recognizes the proper role of a Supreme Court justice is to interpret the Constitution as written, not to legislate from the bench.” -- The Republican National Committee

“This nomination is a reminder of how important it is for Americans everywhere to make their voice heard at the ballot box this November. Health care for millions of Americans is on the line. Women’s right to autonomy over our bodies is on the line. The president and Republicans across the country have proven time and again that they don’t share our values. They are working tirelessly to dismantle the Affordable Care Act in our courts in the midst of a global pandemic. They don’t believe women have the right to choose what happens to our own bodies. We must hold them accountable. Register to vote, request an absentee ballot, and return it quickly. Let us turn our grief into action, let us choose hope over fear, and let us find the strength to build a stronger America for everyone.” -- Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

"The Supreme Court’s rulings have a profound impact on the lives and livelihoods of Michiganders and all Americans. Soon it will hear the lawsuit pushed by the Trump Administration to end health protections for people with pre-existing conditions. This could return us to the days when insurance companies called the shots on health care for Michiganders—when getting sick or having cancer could result in losing health care or facing financial ruin; women could be charged more for care; people could lose coverage for hitting an annual or lifetime limit; and seniors could be charged more for prescription drugs. From health care to women’s reproductive rights to whether workers have a level playing field against corporate special interests, there could not be more at stake.

“Michiganders have already started voting and with Election Day 38 days away — they deserve to have a say in who nominates and confirms the next Supreme Court justice. As I have said before, I do not support the Senate moving forward on a Supreme Court nomination until after Inauguration Day. I will vote against confirming Judge Amy Coney Barrett to a lifetime appointment on our nation’s highest court.” -- Sen. Gary Peters

“A new Supreme Court Justice will make decisions that directly impact our daily lives and our way of life as Americans—including our health care. This nominee’s record and writings make it clear that a vote for her is a vote to strip health care away from millions of Americans during the middle of a pandemic. The people of Michigan have the right to cast their votes and decide the future of their health care as well as the future of our country. I will honor their right as well as the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg by opposing this nominee.” -- Sen. Debbie Stabenow

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