Wednesday, September 9, 2020

( September 9, 2020 The Wildfires In Washington State, Oregon And California Set OFF By BLM Antifa Terrorists ) Patcnews September 9, 2020 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports September 9, 2020 The Wildfires In Washington State, Oregon And California Set OFF By BLM Antifa Terrorists © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews



BLM Antifa Are Terrorists ~ The Wildfires In Washington State, Oregon And California Set OFF By BLM Antifa... 

What More Proof Do You Need Now ????







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liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

President Trump Speaks in Minden, Nevada During a Saturday Night Campaign Rally...

#Trump2020 #TrumpAndPence2020 ~ Fake News Blame Wildfires On Climate Change Just Like Governor. Inslee, Governor Brown And Governor Newsom All Drinking From the Same A Box OF Kool Aid That Is Not Good. President Trump did in fact say Governors Allowed Your States To Burn Down The Did Not try To Stop Antifa And BLM They Are Bad People.... Voting Box This Nov. 2020.....

President Trump I Could Stop Antifa And BLM. Stupid Ted Wheeler did not Want Help And Fake News Media Call Peaceful Protesting All Summer Long And I watch The Tweets From Antifa And BLM They Threaten To Burn Down Washington State, Oregon And California For Months Now... I Did Not Have A Choice This Why To I Asked William Barr Created Operation Legend....

Next Year I When Win Back The People House I Will Make Sure The Lying Corrupt Phony Fake News Media Will Be Hold Accountable For Not Asking For Help When Antifa And BLM Burn Down Your City....

We Know That The Lying Corrupt Phony Fake News Media Never Asked Yours Governors Are You Going To Call President Trump To Put A Need To The Peaceful Protesting Who Are In Fact Terrorists Wouldn't You Know Not Even One Phone Called To Ask This Question By Lying Corrupt Phony Fake News Media....

We Have All The Evidence And Proof Everything That We Are Saying Here...And We Will End All Sanctuary Cities And Sanctuary States And Bring Back Law And Order Into To Following States Washington State, Oregon And California....

We Will Keep America Great Again
We Will Keep America Safe Again 

Blame Wildfires On Climate Change By Twee Dee And Tweedle Dum And The Wonder Dumby That is Governor. Inslee, Governor Brown And Governor Newsom All Drinking From the Same A Box OF Kool Aid That Is Not Good...All New Kool-Aid flavors Jammers Sour Grapes With Shockin' Blue Raspberry





BLM Antifa Terrorists ~ Set OFF The Wildfires In Washington State, Oregon And California 7 firefighters in West Coast Passed Away Fighting The Wildfires...

 Strong winds were likely to continue to propel the extraordinary number of fires burning in California, Oregon and Washington.

At least seven people were pronounced dead in wildfires in Washington, Oregon and California on Wednesday, with blazes being driven by high winds and fueled by recent heat waves.

A 1-year-old boy was killed in the Cold Springs Fire in northern Washington, one person was killed near Ashland, Ore., two victims were discovered in a vehicle east of Salem, Ore., and three people were found dead in Butte County, Calif., according to the county sheriff’s offices.

The devastation of deaths and scorched homes came during unprecedented fire seasons for several states in the Pacific Northwest. In Northern California, the fast-moving Bear Fire created apocalyptic scenes as smoke-filled air settled over the Bay Area and produced an ominous orange glow. The blaze forced thousands of people to flee their homes.

 Fires appeared even more destructive in Oregon, where officials said a wildfire driven by 45-mile-per-hour wind gusts tore through two towns, destroying more than a thousand homes and raising fears that some people had not been able to escape.

 “We expect to see a great deal of loss, both in structures and in human lives,” Gov. Kate Brown of Oregon said. “This could be the greatest loss of human lives and property due to wildfire in our state’s history.”


In one town, Phoenix, Mayor Chris Lux estimated that 1,000 homes may have been lost. In nearby Talent, hundreds more homes were incinerated.

“Everything is completely gone,” said Sandra Spelliscy, Talent’s city manager.

California’s wildfire season is already the most severe in modern history, measured by acres burned. More than 2.5 million acres of land have burned in the state this year, nearly 20 times what had burned at this time last year.

In Washington, Gov. Jay Inslee said that 480,000 acres had burned across the state this week, more than almost every recent fire season. Nearly all of the homes and municipal buildings — including the post office and the fire station — in the small town of Malden burned to the ground. 

About 35 wildfires fueled by hot, dry winds have burned more than 300,000 acres across Oregon, causing widespread evacuations and possibly destroying entire communities.

Gov. Kate Brown said at a news briefing on Wednesday that some of the towns that have been “substantially destroyed” include Detroit, in central Oregon; Blue River and Vida, east of Eugene; and Phoenix and Talent, in the state’s southwest. Many residents have been rescued, some even pulled from rivers to safety, Ms. Brown said.

On Wednesday evening, Sheriff Joe Kast of Marion County said crews had found two people dead in a vehicle from a wildfire east of Salem. He said searchers fear that they could find more bodies as rescue efforts continue. Sheriff Nathan Sickler of Jackson County said one fatality was identified near the start of a fire in the Ashland area.

Chris Luz, the mayor of Phoenix, a town of about 7,000, estimated that the area may have lost some 1,000 homes and apartment units. He said that the downtown area was decimated, with many businesses lost, and that the fires continued to smolder on Wednesday.

Mr. Luz said the fire had rushed into town propelled by winds of about 45 miles per hour, leaving residents with little time to evacuate. Some people reported on social media that they were unable to get back to their homes to get their pets. Officials had not found anyone who died in the fire, but Mr. Luz worried that some people may not have gotten out in time.

“It’s just devastating,” Mr. Luz said.

Hundreds of homes and other buildings were wiped out in the nearby town of Talent, the city manager, Sandra Spelliscy, said.


Ms. Spelliscy said residents there also had little time to evacuate, forcing them to leave belongings behind. She said the evacuation was complicated by traffic that had been diverted off Interstate 5 when that highway closed. But she said police officers and other crews worked to get people out of the city, so she was hopeful that everyone had managed to escape in time.

That blaze, known as the Almeda Fire, was also encroaching on the city of Medford, home to about 80,000 people. Videos posted on social media showed flaming hillsides and clouds of smoke approaching the city’s neighborhoods.


Raj Mathai @rajmathai#BREAKING: Fire approaching #Medford. Nearly entire city of 82K people under evac order. This is livestream from ⁦@KOBITV⁩. #OregonFires

Although winds had subsided on Wednesday, the gusts were still problematic, fire officials noted at the briefing, particularly the winds pushing blazes forward on the west slope of the Cascades.

Officials could not provide a count for fatalities or missing people because they have not been able to reach some of the areas hardest hit by the fires, they said, adding that they expect the numbers to rise over the next couple of days.

“The worst fire conditions in three decades persist,” Ms. Brown said.

I can't believe it's 9 a.m., and it's so dark that the street lights are on. #SanFrancisco

Across Northern California huge plumes of smoke from a fire that blasted through the foothills of the Sierra Nevada sent giant plumes of smoke high into the atmosphere, blotting out the sun.

The Bear Fire added to the smoke already pumped into the atmosphere by the more than 20 large fires burning across California. Craig Shoemaker, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Sacramento, said the massive volume of smoke rose up to 40,000 feet overnight.

“We have a huge cloud of ash and ice,” he said, adding that it resembled thunderstorm clouds.

Fires are essentially creating their own weather, Mr. Shoemaker said.

“Without the smoke it would be a clear day,” he said. “This is all generated from the fires.”

The Bear Fire grew overnight at an astonishing rate of a thousand acres every half-hour as it bore down on communities surrounding Oroville. It was burning in some of the same areas as the Camp Fire in 2018, which destroyed the town of Paradise.

On Wednesday evening, Sheriff Kory L. Honea of Butte County said in a news conference that crews had found three people dead in the county — two of them in the same location.


The wildfires that ripped through eastern and central Washington this week devastated communities, killing a 1-year-old and leaving the boy’s parents with third-degree burns.

Among the hardest-hit places was the old railroad town of Malden, where deputies rushed through the streets and screamed for residents to flee as the flames roared toward town. By Tuesday afternoon, most of the town’s homes were destroyed, along with City Hall, the post office, the library and the fire station.

“I’ve seen this kind of loss before, dozens of times,” said Royle Hehr, a resident who used to run a flood and fire restoration business in Arizona. “I’ve worked with people who lost everything. I can’t believe this devastation.”

On Wednesday, volunteers handed out doughnuts and bottled water. Portable toilets and hand-washing stations were set up as wispy tails of smoke from smoldering debris — homes, outbuildings, trees, vegetation and power poles — corkscrewed into the late-summer skies.

Four miles down the two-lane county road, three or four large grain bins, filled with recently harvested wheat, continued to burn. One had split open, its commodity ablaze on the ground like sawdust logs.


In northern Washington, a 1-year-old boy was killed in the Cold Springs Fire after the child and his parents attempted to flee their property, the Okanogan County Sheriff’s Office said. The family was found along the bank of the Columbia River on Wednesday morning, and the parents were flown to a hospital in Seattle with third-degree burns.

“It’s an extreme tragedy for any loss of life,” Sheriff Tony Hawley said.



The California National Guard is routinely called to help with search-and-rescue operations on land and at sea, but members of the Guard say they have seen nothing like this.

In a scene that played out multiple times over the weekend and into Tuesday afternoon, the National Guard airlifted hundreds of civilians out of the Sierra National Forest, their exits trapped by a dense ring of fire.

Pilots involved in the rescues said it was the most harrowing flying they have done in their careers. Crew members became nauseated from the smoke. They flew up a valley in strong winds, surpassing ridgelines illuminated by fire. They contemplated turning back.

As of noon on Tuesday, 362 people and at least 16 dogs had been evacuated by air from burning forests of cedar and ponderosa pine. The Creek Fire, which ignited on Friday evening, had burned 143,929 acres — five times the size of San Francisco — and was still raging out of control. It is one of more than 20 wildfires in California.

“Every piece of vegetation as far as you could see around that lake was on fire,” Chief Warrant Officer Kipp Goding, the pilot of a Blackhawk helicopter, said in a briefing.

“I’ve been flying for 25 years,” he said, removing a cloth mask to speak. “We get occasionally shot at overseas during missions. It’s definitely by far the toughest flying that I’ve ever done,” he said of the rescue missions in California.

Chief Warrant Officer Joseph Rosamond, the pilot of the Chinook, said in an interview on Tuesday that as someone born and raised in the state, the fires were particularly affecting.

“It’s really sad that California has to go through all these disasters — it seems like one after another,” he said. Over the past four years, the state has suffered fires, flooding, mudslides and an earthquake on the edge of the desert.

“As a citizen of California it gets really draining,” he said.

“In pretty much every single way, a perfect recipe for fire is just kind of written in California,” Dr. Williams said. “Nature creates the perfect conditions for fire, as long as people are there to start the fires. But then climate change, in a few different ways, seems to also load the dice toward more fire in the future.”

Even if the conditions are right for a wildfire, you still need something or someone to ignite it. Sometimes the trigger is nature, like the unusual lightning strikes that set off the L.N.U. Lightning Complex fires in August, but more often than not humans are responsible, said Nina S. Oakley, a research scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

Whether it is downed power lines or the fire ignited last weekend by smoke-generating fireworks as part of a gender-reveal party, humans tend to play a part — and not just in the initial trigger of a blaze, she said.

“You also have the human contribution to wildfire,” which includes the warming that has been caused by greenhouse gas emissions and the accompanying increased drying, as well as forest policies that involved suppressing fires instead of letting some burn, leaving fuel in place. Those factors, she said, are “contributing to creating a situation favorable to wildfire.”

Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has often held up California as an example of the consequences of climate change, said on Tuesday that he had “no patience for climate change deniers.”

“Never have I felt more of a sense of obligation and a sense of purpose to maintain California’s leadership not only nationally but internationally to face climate change head on,” he said.

Reporting was contributed by Mike Baker, Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs, Coral Davenport, Thomas Fuller, Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio, Sarah Mervosh, John Schwartz, Jeanna Smialek, Lucy Tompkins and Will Wright...



California Governor Gavin Newsom 'Vows To Face Climate Change'





Family feels targeted after teens set off firework near Black Lives Matter sign

  LYNNFIELD, Mass (WBZ) — A family in Lynnfield feels targeted after they say a group of teens set off a firework near their Black Lives Matter sign.

The incident was captured by a security camera Monday night, and homeowner Jason Caggiano believes the teens were trying to damage the sign on his front yard. “We are the only house within probably… at least 20 or 30 houses, there’s no other Black Lives Matter sign,” he said.

Caggiano’s 7-year-old daughter saw and heard the explosion Monday night around 8:00. When he checked the footage from his security camera, he could see a car pull up and someone light what appears to be a firework near one of his two signs supporting BLM.

The video was then shared online, and Caggiano says it lead to the teens turning themselves into police. He says he met with the teens at the police station Tuesday morning and they apologized. Caggiano said, “they were apologetic and apologized to my young daughter which I was thankful for, and they did seem remorseful.”

He said the teens told him there was no motivation behind the incident, but the Caggiano family is having a hard time believing that. “They say that the signs had nothing to do with the motivation, it was simply they wanted to get rid of a firework before getting home,” Caggiano explained.

Jason’s wife Carly says it’s hard to believe their home wasn’t specifically targeted. She says it’s, “a little bit too coincidental that we are the only family in this neighborhood with the signs.”

Lynnfield Police say no damage was caused and the matter has been resolved, but the family says they are still deciding what they’d like to do next. Carly said, “it was a really scary event for us.”

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When it comes to California wildfires, it now takes days, not decades, to produce what had been seen as a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.

Last weekend, a fire burning in California’s Sierra National Forest exploded in size, trapping hundreds of Labor Day holiday campers who could only be rescued by helicopters that made a series of white-knuckle flights into the smoke. Fire officials said they’d never seen a fire move so fast in forestland — 15 miles in a day.

On Wednesday, a wildfire in Plumas National Forest northeast of San Francisco spread 25 miles in a day and devoured an estimated 400 square miles.

In between those events, a massive fire in Monterey County doubled in size overnight, trapping 14 firefighters who had to deploy their emergency shelters; one was critically injured.

They are only the latest examples of what a half-dozen fire experts agreed is more extreme fire behavior driven by drought and warming temperatures they attribute to climate change. Among the most concerning developments is that fast-moving wildfires leave less time for warnings or evacuations.

Recently “we have seen multiple fires expand by tens of thousands of acres in a matter of hours, and 30 years or more ago that just wasn’t fire behavior that we saw,” said Jacob Bendix, a professor of geography and the environment at Syracuse University who studies wildfires.

Hotter temperatures, longer fire seasons and an estimated 140 million dead trees from a five-year drought mean that “fires in California are moving faster and growing larger,” said University of Utah fire expert Philip Dennison.

Mike Flannigan, who directs the Western Partnership for Wildland Fire Science at Canada’s University of Alberta, remembers the first report of a fire-created thunderstorm in 1986.

“They were rare events, and now they’ve become commonplace,” he said. “It’s because these fires are higher intensity.”

A prime example is the Creek Fire, which exploded through miles of drought- and beetle-killed timber, moving so fast that it trapped hundreds of campers in Sierra National Forest south of Yosemite National Park.

“When you have a fire run 15 miles in one day, in one afternoon, there’s no model that can predict that,” U.S. Forest Service forester Steve Lohr said. “”The fires are behaving in such a way that we’ve not seen.”

The phenomenon isn’t restricted to California. Doug Grafe, chief of Fire Protection at the Oregon Department of Forestry, said it was unprecedented in his state for fires to spread from the crest of the Cascade Mountains into the valleys below, and so quickly, “carrying tens of miles in one period of an afternoon and not slowing down in the evening — (there is) absolutely no context for that in this environment.”

California already has seen a record 2.5 million acres burn and it’s only now is entering what traditionally is the most dangerous time for fires. Labor Day weekend brought record-breaking temperatures across the state that exacerbated what already are drought conditions in a large swath of the state.



University of Colorado-Boulder professor Jennifer Balch said measurements of how quickly the hot, dry air is sucking moisture out of fuels are “the highest seen in at least four decades” across major parts of the West.

The abundant dry tinder produces more heat energy, which in turn super-heats the air so it becomes more buoyant and creates a strong updraft that condenses with the smoke plume, “creating its own wind to feed that thunderstorm,” Flannigan said.

The cloud itself is called a pyro-cumulonimbus, which may or may not produce lightning, and strong winds that can pick up burning embers and ignite new fires far in front of the initial blaze.

An extreme example in July 2018 spun off what was then only the second documented “firenado,” killing a firefighter as he helped evacuate residents from the Carr Fire in the Northern California city of Redding.

Yet just this month a fire north of Lake Tahoe spun off at least two and as many as four firenadoes, while the Plumas National Forest fire appears to have produced “a handful” overnight Tuesday, said Neil Lareau, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Nevada, Reno.

The Creek Fire produced at least two firenadoes that appeared to touch down Saturday, he said, one straddling an access road to a popular campground at Mammoth Pool Reservoir where 214 people became trapped.

“It’s really kind of a testament to the remarkable extremes that we’re seeing right now,” Lareau said. “It really is kind of this vicious cycle that it gets into, and that’s when the fire really takes off and becomes these unstoppable infernos.”

Two California National Guard helicopters called in to rescue the trapped campers Saturday night found visibility deteriorating so swiftly that the crews opted to load their aircraft “to the absolute maximum” and well beyond normal safety limits in an unprecedented mission.

On one trip, Chief Warrant Officer 5 Joseph Rosamond and his three-member crew took on 102 desperate campers in a CH-47 Chinook twin-rotor helicopter designed for 30 passengers. A UH-60 Black Hawk ferried 22 evacuees in a helicopter with a normal operating capacity of 11 or 12 passengers.

The overloaded Chinook slowly climbed to 8,000 feet to clear surrounding mountains and dense smoke.

“It was an absolute emergency and people’s lives were at stake,” Rosamond recalled. “It was pretty dicey. The charts don’t go that high.”

Such harrowing escapes are only likely to become more common, the experts said.

Columbia University’s Williams said California’s record heat and record acreage burned already this year are part of a trend that has been accelerating for 50 years due to global warming.

“So, while the magnitudes of the current heat wave and the resultant wildfires have been shocking, they’re consistent with what scientists have been predicting for decades,” Williams said in an email.




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Tell FB You Want To Keep The Old Style OF Facebook As I Call It ( Suckface ) #FacebookSucks Facebook Supports BLM And Anti-Trump Portland Mayor cares less about his sworn oath to uphold the constitution and protect and defend the law-abiding citizens of Oregon and stop riots and arson, looting, vandalism, and destruction and burning down neighborhoods and businesses - It's a mystery to me why these Soros funded Democrat Governors, Mayors, AG's, and DA's are doing the bidding of the Soros-Gates and NWO to usher wipe out the Middle Class, destroy the economy and as the squad also stated, Omar, "Dismantle the American System" along with the cheers and support of the Muslim Brotherhood-CAIR-Jihadist organization....Whys weren't the leaders of the traitors to America - the BLM Leaders who stated they will burn down the USA to ashes if America doesn't meet their demands and stated they are well-organized, well-trained, well- funded, and have a legal defense fund to bail them out - and create a Revolution inside the USA - And, no one in the entire government is stopping these DEMOCRATS and the BLM-ANTIFA-MB-CAIR Jihadist funded by wealthy Dem NWO members and supporters! But, they arrest a law-abiding taxpaying American for not wearing a germ filled oxygen cutting mask made in China! Burn down the USA and threaten to do so and get a pass - but don't wear Mask made in China and go to jail?

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