Wednesday, July 1, 2020

( The COVID-19 Coronavirus Terrorists Antifa Riots In Sanctuary Blue States In America News Report ) Patcnews July 1, 2020 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The COVID-19 Coronavirus Terrorists Antifa Riots In Sanctuary Blue States In America © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

 Crimes Against Humanity
Coronavirus Is A Major Scam

Dr. Kelli Ward MD And Dr. Ben Carlson MD
Mainstream fake news media peddles biased misinformation about the coronavirus response:
The media is talking about increasing cases, but the media refuses to discuss how Coronavirus deaths in the U.S. are curving downward. Even the University of Washington’s IHME center sharply reduced the total number of projected deaths due to COVID-19.
On March 13, President Trump declared a national emergency which granted access to $42 billion to fight the coronavirus.
For the first time, President Trump declared that a major disaster exists within all 50 states at once.
Included in the CARES Act was the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a billion-dollar program that provides 8 weeks of cash flow assistance to small businesses.
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) saved millions of jobs and delivered over 4.2 million loans totaled at over $670 billion.
Many economists credited the PPP with helping to jumpstart our great American comeback.

Over 30 million tests have been completed in the United States, far more than any other country.
President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force released guidelines for opening America safely.
“Opening Up America” is a data-driven approach that empowers our nation’s governors to make decisions based on the situation on the ground.
Governors across the country are creating roadmaps to reopen their states.

This What America Will Look Once The Liberals Leave Office Who Are
  Supporting Funding Money To Terrorists like Black Lives Matter With Antifa 



List OF Names On The FBI Most Wanted For Crimes Against Humanity ____________________________

Nancy Do Nothing Pelosi
Tom Pimp Mac-Daddy Daschle
Kamala Progressive Harris
Dianne Communist Feinstein
Tulsi Butt-Kiss Gabbard
Julian Dictator Castro
Chuck Crazy Boy Schumer
John Fascist Delaney
Richard Picking His Butt Ojeda
Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren
Kirsten Lazy Bones Gillibrand
Old Amy Bad-Lacks Klobuchar
Michael E. Wash Out Arth
Marianne Wind Blows Williamson
Debbie Brainwash Wasserman-Schultz
Alicia Hooker Reece
Michael Bend-Over Boy Bennet
Joe Bite Me Biden
Michael Wrecking Balls Bloomberg
Cory Gestapo Booker

Alexandria Gestapo Nut Job Ocasio-Cortez
Sherrod Busting Balls Hard Brown
Steve Butt-Hole Crack Head Bullock
Pete Ball Sucking Fart-Knocker Buttigier
Bill Can't Find His Balls De Blasio
Oscar Can't March Fore Crap De La Hoya
Eric Lost His Balls Garcetti
John Funny Farm Hickenlooper
Eric Insane Holder
Jay Can't Fix Roads Inslee
Amy Barking Spider Klobuchar
Terry High Taxes McAuliffe
Jeff Jack-Off On His Balls Merkley
Beto Burrito Junk O'Rourke
Tim Bad Lobbyist Ryan
Crazy Bernie Dirt Bag Sanders
Eric Can't Cut Taxes Swalwell
Angelina Hollywired Jolie
Mitch Tax Ball-Buster Landrieu
William H. Can't Find Bathroom McRaven
Seth Ball Scratching Moulton
Joseph Itching Balls Sanberg
Pairs Bitchy Hilton
Britney Can't Sing Spears
Howard Screaming Dean
Howard Butt Plug Schultz
Adam Ball Sucking Butt Scratching Schiff
Stacey Lazy and Dumb-Ass Abrams
Michael Indy Crash Avenatti
Jerry Jerk Ball No Brains Brown
Bob Ran Bend Over Casey Jr.
Billary Rotten Clinton, 

 Roy Butt Hugging Hippy Cooper
Andrew Full OF Crap Cuomo
Rahm Nut Job Emanuel
Al Rape Me Down The Lake Franken
John Jacking-OFF-Hard Edwards
Andrew Butt-Head Gillum
Al Wacko Gore, former Vice President
Luis Hand Job Jerking-Off-Hard Gutiérrez
Tim Take Out The Trash Kaine
John Ball Grabbing Fart-Knocker Kerry
Joe Kick Me Kennedy III
Chris Garbage-Trash-Out Murphy
Phil Butt Kiss Ball Grabbing Murphy
Gavin Betting OFF Hard Newsom
Michelle Ring My Golden Cowbell That Goes Mooo Obama
Martin Jacking OFF Hard O'Malley
Harry Ball Hard Pumping Reid
Deval Rubbing Butt Hard Patrick
Joe Tree Hugging Hippy Scarborough
Tom Ass Wipe Steyer
Jon In A Van Down By the River Tester
Nina Ship Wreck Turner
Maxine Cry Me A River Waters
Oprah Can't Do Crap Winfrey
Jane Hanoi Urinal Target Fonda
Barbra BS-Clueless Streisand

George Antifa Soros 
Bill Squishy Gates
Michael Bank Vault Bloomber
James Power Hungry Carville
Sundar Googleie Pichai
Susan Youtuber  Wojcicki
Jeff Zoomer Bezos
Jack Twitchy Dorsey
Mark Suckerberg  Zuckerberg

Crimes Against Humanity
Cory Gestapo Booker Is A Ball Grabber And Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren Wants To Kiss Julián Castro A Group Photo OF Tree Hugging Hippies Who Support The Coronavirus Terrorists Riots: In The Following Sanctuary Blue States In America.... 

New York

Washington State

Hands Up Don't Shoot Antifa Black Lives Matter Liberalism Supports Terrorism
Crimes Against Humanity

 Crimes Against Humanity

Sanctuary State Governor's List

1. Minnesota Governor Timothy James Cannot Dance Walz

2. California Governor Gavin Handout  Newsom

3. Governor of New York Andrew Wacky Cuomo          
4. Washington Governor Jay Ambulance Chaser Inslee,

5. Oregon Governor Kate Cannot Think Brown,

6. Michigan Governor  Gretchen Esther Snowblower Job Whitmer 

7.Illinois Governor J. B. Drinking Hard Pritzker

Crimes Against Humanity

List OF The Mayors  OF Sanctuary Cities
Have Lost Total Control Over There Cities: 

 1. Saint Paul  Minnesota City Mayor Melvin Carter

2. The Mayor OF Mayor OF Seattle Washington State Jenny Cruella-Durkan

3. The Mayor OF Detroit Michigan Mike Cannot Dig Duggan

4. The Mayor OF New York City Bill de Nut Job Blasio

5. The Mayor OF San Francisco London No Deal Breed

6. Mayor OF Portland Oregon Ted Broken  Wheeler 

7. Chicago Illinois Mayor Lori Take A Knee  Lightfoot


Did BLM and Antifa Commit Hate Speech and Hate Crimes against the Police? Non-Blacks? U.S. Historical Monuments? Ice? Border Patrol? Sheriffs? DOJ? Who Received Millions in BLM Donations?

Rose Colombo, award-winning writer, poet, author, and media host (C) July 1, 2020
What is the goal of Black Lives Matter? How many Radical Muslim Refugees and Black American families are dependent on welfare that is funded by hard working Americans with their tax dollars? This raises the question of how they intend to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table and receive health care when they are burning down businesses and destroying jobs across the nation when the ashes finally settle? What happens when their families and friends no longer receive their welfare checks and SNAP or Obamacare because BLM and ANTIFA burned down the businesses who paid for welfare programs?
After they wake up from their Obama, Clinton, Gates, Soros’ NWO anti-American domestic terrorism and need to buy or continue to loot stores for food or clothing or necessities, BLM and Antifa only have themselves to blame for burning down Walmart, Wendy’s, McDonald’s or Target. Their hate for President Trump and the U.S. Constitution and the Department of Justice and non-Blacks is ironic because white communist Antifa is seen on video inciting and instructing BLM young members to throw bricks and loot.
The BLM and Antifa “Hate Crimes” and “hate Speech” have been ringing out far too long on U.S. soil since 2016. Antifa and Rashida Tlaib, Omarm, and AOC and Ayanna Pressley and Speaker Nancy Pelosi have been inciting hate and falsely accusing the President of the United States of America of being a “Russian spy” and a “Racist,” and “Nazi” and “White Supremacist,” and a “criminal” who they threatened to remove from office along with the Muslim Brotherhood-CAIR organization and Linda Sarsour. Are these not “hate crimes” or at the very least “hate speech?” They’ve threatened Trump supporters and Antifa has been violently and aggressively verbally and physically harassing and attacking and injuring or killing American cate blanc without arrests or charges brought against them which allowed them the opportunity to join the MB-CAIR-Hama linked to Black Lives Matter during the recent riots and crimes against humanity.
The Watts Riots should have been a lesson to the black community that burning down cities creates more poverty and more crime in those cities by the loss of revenue from sales and taxes and the loss of jobs. It is the business owners and workers who pay taxes. But, the young communists and Marxist who were recruited by the NWO communist and socialist and Marxist parties hate the U.S. Constitution and everything it stands for such as Freedom, Liberty, and Rights on U.S. soil. These brainwashed young people actually believe they will have Black Power and only Black Police will be paid in their communities to protect them which would be no different than hiring security guards. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood without constitutional or legal or lawful authority have been allowed to steal our cities and set them up as “no-go zones” on our Homeland in which we are born and innate to the soil and love and own. This is how they conquer nations. They’ve been allowed to set up their own Muslim Brotherhood police force in a few cities without being dismantled by the Department of Justice during the Obama-Holder-Clinton-Kerry-Brennan administration.
It’s pretty pathetic that these young white and Black Marxist and Communist, who are enemies of the USA, appear to be set on overthrowing the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. government and remove President Donald J. Trump from office. In fact, Rep. Rashida and former Rep. Ellison were caught on camera at secret Muslim Brotherhood-CAIR-Hamas meetings stating that the goal is to turn congress into “all Muslims.” And, many more have stated on video that their goal is not to assimilate as Americans, but to replace the U.S. Constitution with Sharia Law which is treason. This raises the question if the Black Lives Matter are Muslim Jihadists forming more groups funded by Obama, Hillary and Bill, Gates and Soros and members of the anti-American New World Order.
It’s pathetic that Black Americans would destroy Black-American history of black Americans who struggled and worked hard to become successful. And, despite their circumstances, America allowed them to become achievers respected by all Americans as they made their mark in the world. These successful black Americans are the real heroes, not a felon with a history of crimes against women at gunpoint, home invasions, robberies, porn, forged money, and guns and drugs and drug dealing and more.
The real heroes that targeted by Black Lives Matter, and the Muslim Brotherhood-Cair-Hamas organization and Antifa are targeting are the achievers who helped make America Great and prosperous, but these anti-American hate groups who are committing state and federal crimes by destroying the Historical Monuments, and Statues and removing the products of wealthy and successful black Americans from the shelves is erasing their Black American History and success stories along with all Americans who made their mark in the world and represent the History of the United States of America. The Socialist Democrats appear to have pledged their allegiance to their funders such as Kissinger, Soros, and Gates and Big Pharma as well as Planned Parenthood.
The successful black and white Americans who were motivated and worked hard to achieve their goals as part of the story about reaching the American Dream includes “Aunt Jemima pancakes.” Our families purchased this product for decades and enjoyed the warm and happy smile on her face. No one thought about race, but Antifa and BLM want to wipe out their success story and pretend that every non-black or non-Muslim in the nation are racist against them and they are our victims. And, of course, Uncle Ben’s Rice is a successful product that Americans purchase because he has a great smile on his face as well and has nothing to do with race.
The famous actress loved by all American, Hattie McDaniel, is a black American success story who paved the way as the first black actress to win an Oscar in the wonderful classic movie entitled, “Gone with the Wind.” She was successful and rich. They are erasing the wonderful all American story of a strong and determined role model for black and white youth that stands out which is C.J. Walker. She worked hard to become successful and rich and overcame any obstacles that got in her way. Should we remove the TV series of Oprah because her audience was a majority of white females who didn’t look at the color of her skin, but made her a billionaire?
The above success stories of my favorite classic TV characters such as “Amos and Andy” were deemed “racist” by Black Activists and they erased their success story. The old school black Americans knew how to get white wealthy Americans to help fund them. They didn’t riot. They used their brains. They knew how to laugh at themselves which made them successful as a comedy TV show just as white and Latino Americans made fun of themselves and became successful comedy teams such as “George Burns and Gracie” or “I Love Lucy.” The Democrats and Marxist, Socialists, and Communist have no GOD and no Sense of Humor. Everything is about “hate” and “anger” because they don’t like themselves.
These same activists who appear to be the real racists forced the removal of “Little Black Sambo” which was a favorite Golden Book and kids didn’t think about race, but about the story and loved him. They forced SAMBO restaurants out of business or else they had to remodel. The black activists took a wonderful children’s book and turned it into a political racist agenda.
Today, Black Lives Matter and Antifa defaced President Abraham Lincoln who fought to free the slaves, but yet, BLM and Rashida, Omar, Ayanna Pressley, members of Congress and possibly members of the BLM and Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas org. or at the very least support them. It was Rashida Tlaib who stated recently that she is a “black African.” And, Omar stated that she will “never assimilate” as an American. Speaker Pelosi and her squad of 4 members of congress have been promoting their agenda for 4 years accusing the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and Trump base of being “racist.” They have been promoting their “hate speech” against white males, U.S. Military,Border Patrol, ICE, and Law Enforcement that appears to have led to the domestic insurrection by BLM and Antifa who terrorized the nation.
Western Journalism reported that “Left-wing activist Shaun King has become a vocal proponent for Black Lives Matter movement, a recent report calls into question where the money raised by his political action committee has gone. King founded the Real Justice PAC in 2017 with the goal of electing “reform-minded prosecutors” who are committed to fighting “structural racism” and defending communities from “abuse by state power,” according to the PAC’s website.”
Washington Free Beacon reviewed the PAC’s finances and found that over the past 15 months, a quarter of the money the Real Justice PAC brought in was funneled back to companies linked to its [Black Lives Matter] leaders. The PAC has written checks totaling over $460,000 since January 2019 to three political consultancy firms linked to PAC employees. Data strategist Jim Ding and treasurer Becky Bond manage Social Practice LLC and Bernal Alto LLC, both of which have received some of the money.
“Social Practice received nearly $250,000 from Real Justice PAC this cycle for campaign consulting and digital services,” the Free Beacon reported. Bernal Alto, which has since been dissolved, received $20,000 for consulting and organizing services.”
This raises the question as to why Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA haven’t been charged with “Hate Crimes” or “Hate Speech” along with Speaker Pelosi and the squad.
In fact, how is it that the squad and Pelosi and Schumer aren’t charged with “Hate Crimes” based on their support of Black Lives Matter who target the police and seek to defund the police. They harass the police and get in their faces and taunt them aggressively as seen on video. They throw rocks and molotov cocktails at the police. They torched a police officer! They shot a 29 year old officer in the head who will be on a ventilator for the rest of his life. They shot another police officer who died a few days ago. And, they killed a former black Captain of the police department while trying to help victims. They’ve killed officers and civilians and injured hundreds of innocent Americans without fear of being sent to prison.
Black Lives Matter and Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats haven’t provided any evidence of systemic racism in the police departments of each city, county, and state. In fact, George Floyd was arrested while committing another crime when a bad apple cop was arrested for a choke hold. No one approves of choke holds, but if he hadn’t been passing forged money then he wouldn’t have been arrested and he’d still be alive. The department arrested Officer Chauvin and began the investigation which is the legal, lawful, and constitutional means of enacting “due process of law” in a civilized nation. George Floyd, a man in and out of prison since the 90’s who terrorized his victims at gunpoint is their hero, but they care less about the victims he and his friends terrorized with home invasions, guns, robbery, and more. What about his victims? What about when Floyd is reported and alleged to hold his victim, a pregnant woman hostage with a gun to her stomach when he and his friend invaded her home and robbed her?
Black Lives Matter admits they are “Marxist.” The leader boasts that BLM is well-funded and well-organized and well-trained, so how long have they been training and organizing before the George Floyd incident even occurred and why? Remember, about 2009, Obama stated that he was forming an army that he called, “The National Civilian Security Force” that would be more well-funded and more powerful than the United States Military. Is The Muslim Brotherhood-Hama-Hezbollah organization, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa and the felons that Obama and Democrats released from prison that army ?
No one in the Democrat or Republican Party or the Department of Justice to my knowledge has mentioned the words, “Hate Crimes” or “Hate Speech.” The only people who appear to be accused of “Hate Speech” and “Hate Crimes” comes from social media who target President Trump and Conservative posts. They report and track conservatives who post any truth about the Democrats as “hate speech” or “offensive” of “false information” It would be great to see data on how many Democrats that they’ve suspended for “hate speech” and “offensive” or “false information” posted by the Left. It isn’t any surprise though that the conservatives are suspended continuously for their posts because George Soros is involved in social medial and Soros funds the Democrat Party and pretty much owns it.
Obama and Hillary and Soros support and donated to BLM and Antifa. George Soros is alleged to fund Black Lives Matter through his non-profit group, “Open Society.” The Soros’ Open Society is linked to about 200 non-profits. The BLM is tied to Act Blue who helps fund only Democrat Candidates into office. Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates fund Planned Parenthood. Obama and Pelosi made certain that Americans were lied to about mandated taxpayer funded abortions and declared the 2700 pages were unread, but that “they had to pass it in order to see what was in it.” This was the biggest lie ever to reduce the population of future natural born Americans needed to preserve the United States of America in the future in line with Kissinger, Soros, GHWB, GWB, Obama’s, Clinton’s, and the NWO Socialist Democrat Party owned by Soros and Gates and their wealthy members.
BLM and Antifa and Planned Parenthood are tools used by these Marxist, Communist, Atheist, New World Order wealthy men and women who became wealthy because of America and Americans. They appear to “hate” anyone who believes in God and the Bible, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, respects the National Anthem, U.S. Flag, U.S. Military, U.S. Law Enforcers and Sovereignty of this Great Republic operated by the Rule of Law as established by our Framers 244 years ago as of July 4, 2020.
In fact, the Hollywood wealthy Liberal celebrities are part of their agenda and they donated $20,000,000 – no, not to the officers families who were murdered by BLM and Antifa or Jihadists, but to the BLM and Antifa members were caught and arrested to be used to bail them out of jail.
The Muslim Brotherhood-CAIR-Hamas organization posted a video claiming they founded Black Lives Matter and took credit as the founders of BLM. The integration of Black Lives Matter and The Muslim Brotherhood Hamas Organization raises the question if they are planning a Caliphate against the White House, DOJ, and all non-Muslims and non-members of the Marxist BLM and the Communist Antifa organizations and intend to come against Patriotic Americans with a goal of overthrowing the Constitution of the United States of America which is treason. Is that possible as they destroy businesses and jobs and the Middle Class and economic prosperity?
Is Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA committing or the Jihadist radicals inside the USA under the guise of “refugees” committing “Hate Crimes” against white or European descent Americans as well as future natural-born Americans and the President of the United States of America who has had 25 assassination threats made against him since 2016? It’s my opinion that these organizations should be dismantled as “hate groups” who are committing sedition and have committed “crimes against humanity” inside the USA. Is the Muslim Brotherhood using “Freedom of Religion” as a tool to overthrow the United States Government and establish no-go zones in their camps and mosques where it’s been known they stockpile weapons and explosives under the guise of religion?
“A brutal crime that is not an isolated incident but involves large and systematic actions, often cloaked with official authority, and that shocks the conscience of humankind. Among the specific crimes that fall within this category are:
Mass Murder” – (genocide? killing millions of babies and calling it legal? poisoning the skies, drinking water, foods, soil, radiation, 5G microwaves, EMP’s?)
“Extermination”: (It’s no secret that the radicals and Jihadists and Terrorists goal is to kill all the infidels as they chant, “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” on U.S. soil. They walk out on the National Anthem and want it changed which began with Obama’s mocking of the Bible, Sermon on the Mount, and the National Anthem as being “violent.” He stated the Koran was a “holy” book. Under Obama’s Obamacare aka ACA, he secretly included Bill Gates’ mandated taxpayer funded worldwide abortions and mandated taxpayer funded vaccines and mandated taxpayer funded microchips. It’s reported that after the U.S. Government banned the research of coronavirus, that Obama secretly funded Fauci with U.S. tax dollars to continue the research in Wuhan, China and that a Chinese spy from the USA working at a lab smuggled the virus out to Wuhan’s lab.
It’s also reported and alleged that Gates and Soros are invested in a Wuhan Lab known as Wuxi. The news reported that American leaders are invested in masks made in China for profit. It’s alleged that Democrat leaders are invested in “test kits” made in China such as billionaire and Illinois Governor Pritzker for profit. We know Democrats and Rinos and Americans are invested in Big Pharma vaccines and that Bill and Melinda Gates and Soros and Obama’s, Clinton’s, and WHO and CDC make billions off of vaccinations. They are planning on making covid an forever and indefinite means to lock down Americans and spy and track Americans as if you’re under their microscope and force you to comply or else be punished. They’ve turned covid which was pre planned into a money making profitable business for the Gates-Soros-Fauci-Birx-Obama-Clinton and their families and all invested in a business using human beings as as human commodities for profit and human capital. This covid business is sinister and evil as they plan to keep the fear mongering going without having to provide scientific and medical publications for public review on the coronavirus and the short and long term case studies that include age and underlying conditions which were the real cause of death such as chronic heart or lung disease and diabetes.” It isn’t a secret that vaccines as Bill Gates stated can kill 15% of the population on the first batch and up to 10,000,000 people which equates to genocide. We know for a fact that vaccines have killed people or made them sterile or paralyzed, chronically ill or depressed and suicidal. Ask India, Africa. Ask Governor Perry about the Gates’ Gardasil vaccine that he mandated. Ask the victims of the vaccine known as Lupron wherein doctors got big bonuses and their victims/patients who were healthy ended up chronically ill and disabled from working.
Enslavement”: The Democrats enslaved Americans to fund welfare, HUD, SNAP, and Obamacare for 30 million illegals and radicals. Deep seeded radicals such as Rep Omar state she will never assimilate, so why wasn’t she deported or removed from congress making her a fake refugee in my opinion. Citizenship in the USA requires assimilation or else you’re a foreign enemy. And, more startling that the squad could even qualify to be Members of Congress is even more stunning, but then Obama favored radicals and jihadists and felons and terrorists who he and Holder released from GITMO and prisons. Americans must support the jihadists and terrorists at GITMO or prisons who are recruiting American prisoners as jihadists by force. We are enslaved to house and feed them versus deporting them back to their countries. The Democrats enslaved us with their tens of thousands of illegals forcing their way by caravans after 2016 into the USA and created sanctuary states and tent cities and once against enslaving Americans to pay for their welfare and Obamacare. Americans are enslaved along with their children and grandchildren and future generations of natural-born Americans to fund members of Congress whos refuse to retire or enact Term Limits. They remain in office for 20-45 years as career-politicians living off the taxpayer for the majority of their lives with benefits and lifetime pensions despite the fact that they’ve somehow become multi-millionaires on taxpayer wages. This is enslavement because – if you don’t pay up then you will go to jail!
Deportation” and other inhumane acts perpetrated against a population, whether in wartime or not. Hitler deported Europeans into concentration camps in Germany and took them away from their Homelands at gunpoint. An E.O. that I inadvertently came across back in 2009 and posted online appeared to be passed from GHWB, Clinton, GW Bush, and Obama. The E.O. was planning for a future pandemic and for Black-White civil unrest as well as quarantines, curfew, patrols on the streets, and removing Americans who they refer to as “right wing extremists” from their homes who refuse to comply with the DHS-Fema orders. We The People who refuse to comply on the “right” would be deported to an unknown government facility with no outside contact for “reprogramming.” This is what Marxist, Muslim Brotherhood Nations and Communist nations do to their citizens. This is what GHWB, David Rockefeller, Rothschild, Ted Turner, Oprah, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro, Michelle aka Michael Robinson-Soetoro-Obama, Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton, George W. Bush, John McCain, John Kerry, John Brennan, Clapper, Comey and team, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Omar, Rashida, Pressley, AOC, Al Gore, Chney, Biden’s, Reid, Feinstein, Harris, Booker, Waters and many more. How many sold out God and Country, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Sovereignty and fellow Americans for the Material World and/or wealth, power, control, and sexual preferences that aren’t all moral to the Communist NWO?

  1. BLM is an admitted Marxist Organization. Are they not committing “hate crimes” and “hate speech” by threatening to harm or harming or killing non-black Americans and police and threaten the POTUS and all conservative supporters?
  2. BLM accuses non-blacks of being “privileged.” This raise the question if wealthy and popular Tyler Perry is privileged? How about Dr. Carson? What about Obama and Michelle Obama and their daughters? How about Maxine Waters? Hon. Allen West? Billionaire Oprah? Michael Jackson? Fats Domino? The Platters? Whitney Houston? Colin Powell? Susan Rice? Condoleeza Rice? Beyonce? Ilhan Omar? Rashida Tliab? Pressley? AOC? Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Sheila Jackson? Diane Watson? Aunt Jemima? Uncle Ben’s Rice? Tina Turner? The Supremes? Little Richard? Basketball Stars? Football Stars? And, so many more who became wealthy and successful through their efforts in the USA as black Americans?
  3. Would these successful black Americans or MB-CAIR supporters in congress have been able to become successful and wealthy in Africa? Nigeria? Middle East? Cuba? Venezuela? Vietnam? North Korea? Cambodia? Chile? Honduras? Mexico? The great thing about America is that anyone who hates Americans who aren’t black or Muslim or gay or for any other reason are FREE TO LEAVE THE USA at any time.

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      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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