Monday, June 29, 2020

( Governor OF Oklahoma Kevin Stitt Lives Matter Are All Terrorists BLM Are On THE FBI Most Wanted List ) Patcnews June 29, 2020 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Governor OF Oklahoma Kevin Stitt Lives Matter Are All Terrorists BLM Are On THE FBI Most Wanted List © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

Meherunnisa Jahangir

Oklahoma Judge Charges Protesters with Terrorism Oklahoma Will Not Become Another Seattle The news that District Attorney David Prater is pursuing politically based charges of terrorism, incitement to riot, and assault dropped late Friday night. Word quickly spread of the excessive charges

Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater told the rioters, “This is not Seattle. We’re not putting up with this lawlessness here.”
The Oklahoman reported: Protesters blamed for the violence that broke out in Oklahoma City the last weekend in May were charged Friday with terrorism, rioting and assault.
If convicted of the felony offenses, they could be sentenced to years in prison.
Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater made the decisions himself on the charges in a get-tough approach meant to deter others from going too far during protests in the future.

“This is not Seattle,” Prater said Friday. “We’re not putting up with this lawlessness here.”
Also charged Friday were five defendants identified as involved in the painting of murals in downtown Oklahoma City this week. They are accused in an incitement to riot charge of interfering with a police sergeant who was trying to take a homicide witness for an interview at police headquarters Tuesday.

 The absolute best way to deal with a mob is to “nip it in the bud”. The cities run by liberal democrats that allowed the mob room to riot for days without consequences is a recipe for disaster. Of course, that is probably what they wanted.

Liberal Blacks, Your Image Will Suffer Irreparable Damage! A True Account of How Foreigners View You and IMPRESSIVE Conservative Blacks!
This post isn’t to offend anybody as God is my witness; it’s merely to wake up Liberal Blacks as to how others view them. From Blaxploitation movies to the extreme violence committed by American Liberal Blacks today, they have utterly ruined their reputation! In Blaxploitation movies, Blacks would kill COPS, sell/deal drugs, rob, shoot, kill themselves and others, and prostitution was rampant. Current high rates of fatherlessness, high rates of welfare, high rates of abortion, high rates of babies being born out of wedlock, high rates of crimes being committed where you’re only 12% of the population yet you’re 38% of the prison population according to U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics. The world knows that Blacks kill each other in America the most. You live in Democrat run cities and your lives aren’t improving. During every election season, politicians come to your doorsteps and promise you a better life only to fool you yet once again! You murder not only your own at high rates but other citizens as well. You rob convenience stores, shoot and kill immigrant small business owners who migrate to America in hopes of a better life. Your high school and college dropout rates are high. American government bends over backwards to improve your lives through welfare, Affirmative Action in college, and work environments yet you don’t take advantage of the opportunities. Colleges give you 270 extra points in SAT scores yet deduct 50 points from Asian students yet your college graduation rates are low. As if everything I mentioned wasn’t embarrassing enough, now you loot, rob, shoot, kill, murder again not only Blacks but others as well; you destroy families and make children orphans by killing businesses owners and COPS. You destroy livelihoods throughout America not just in your own neighborhoods but others as well! DO YOU REALIZE THE VIOLENCE YOU CREATE AND HOW OTHERS VIEW YOU? I assure you that they don’t respect you but look down upon you as a menace not just society but to humanity. You don’t take responsibility for your actions nor for the situation you have created for yourself. You blame Whites and racism for your failures and shortcomings. You make your whole people look bad to the rest of the world. No other race does this to themselves in America but you, Liberal Blacks!
Now how CONSERVATIVE BLACKS are viewed by others…they’re viewed as impeccably smart, intelligent, responsible, bold, doctors, engineers, lawyers, business owners, hard workers, set apart, and anomalies in their society. The brain surgeon I worked with was Black, my high school principal was Black, my vice-principal was Black, my favorite college professor was Black! I see Conservative Blacks constantly trying to change the minds of Liberal Blacks, and teach them how to better themselves, and tell them how Liberal politicians DO NOT improve Black lives in America but rather hand them more government assistance in return for votes. Conservative Blacks such as Allen West, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Dr. Ben Carson, and my ultimate favorite Justice Clarence Thomas I wholeheartedly adore, genuinely respect, and follow! They have become my mentors of sort; I save their videos on my DVR and save their writings on my computer. These brave souls along with my impressive Conservative Black Facebook friends try their best to save Liberal Blacks from crooked politicians who only take advantage of them. Foreigners come here and open small businesses only to be victimized, robbed, and killed by Liberal Blacks. During Rodney King riots, several Korean businesses were looted and destroyed too and now we have the current chaos happening where people of all ethnicities are becoming victims of Black crimes. YOU have the power to change your image otherwise people will forever view you as vicious and you’ll never gain respect of hardworking Americans whether foreigner or not!

 Oklahoma Football  Sooner Schooner Mascot


Oklahoma Sooners Cheerleaders Will Not Take A Knee During The National Anthem

Oklahoma Sooners Cheerleaders 
Who Will  Quit Being A Cheerleader If They Are  Order To Take A Knee During The National Anthem

 The Indians In Oklahoma Don't Take A Knee For The American Flag 
And Will Vote For Trump 2020


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      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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