Friday, October 19, 2018

( Radio Star Delilah Opens Up About Family And New Book Warm 106.9 ) Patcnews October 19, 2018 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Radio Star Delilah Opens Up About Family And New Book Warm 106.9 © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews


The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

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 liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 

Chamber Commerce Staff

 Brittany Quick-Warner, CEO
(541) 242-2354
Acts as a key representative for businesses and employers in our region by working to promote  and strengthen our community through a prosperous economy and business sector. Leads the strategic vision of the organization in partnership with the Board of Directors and oversees the day-to-day operations of the chamber's initiatives and staff.

Amanda Yankovich, Director of Membership 
(541) 242-2353
Leads the Chamber’s membership efforts for both potential and existing members including: informing members about the benefits of membership and helping members determine what scope of involvement they may have and in which arenas, to match their interests and meet their needs.

Barb Brunton, Business Manager
(541) 242-2358
Ensures the Chamber is on track to meet its financial goals, develops and implement budgets, prepare reports, and oversees employee compliance with company policies.

Brandy Rodtsbrooks, Director of Marketing & Communications
(541) 242-2360
Facilitates the Chamber’s communications with its stakeholders and audiences. The Director of Marketing & Communication is responsible for planning and production of the Chamber’s communication platforms including the website, social media and newsletter as well as the Chamber’s Open for Business magazine.

Joshua Monge, Director of Economic Development
(541) 242-2359
Responsible for leading the Chamber’s economic development and job-creation efforts. The Director of Economic Development, working in conjunction with Chamber members, leads the Chamber’s efforts to retain, support and promote existing traded-sector businesses, leads Chamber entrepreneurial development efforts and supports other Chamber economic development initiatives.

Sarah Delp, Economic Development Specialist
​(541) 242-2357
Performs a wide range of duties focused on fulfilling contracted services to the University District Business Association and the Emerald Valley High Performance Enterprise Consortium (EV-HPEC).

Tiffany Edwards, Director of Business Advocacy
(541) 678-3370
Leads the Chamber’s public policy and leadership development efforts including staff support for the Local Government Affairs Council and the Board of Directors in the arena of public policy. Additionally, the Director of Business Advocacy will monitor legislative activities by various units of government, lobby on behalf of the organization and help develop and manage issues campaigns.

Matt Wunderlin, Marketing & Events Coordinator
(541) 242-2356
Initiates, markets, organizes, and implements the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce events and programs. These efforts are designed to create interest and participation while maximizing non-dues revenue for the Chamber. The Marketing & Events Coordinator also works closely with the Director of Marketing and Communication in the implementation, strategy and production of the content released on the Chamber's communication platforms.

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