Wednesday, September 12, 2018

( Senator Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren News Report ) Patcnews September 12, 2018 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Senator Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

This is Way Too Funny Senator Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren


Warren Releases DNA Analysis Showing Evidence of Native American Heritage

Democratic senator refutes President Trump’s assertion that she has been lying about family history

WASHINGTON—Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) released the results of a DNA analysis Monday indicating “strong evidence” she has Native American heritage in a high-profile effort to refute President Trump’s assertion that she has been lying about her family history.
In a sign of intensifying preparation ahead of a possible 2020 presidential run, Ms. Warren on Monday unveiled a website and video highlighting an analysis from Carlos Bustamante, a professor of biomedical data science and genetics at Stanford University, that found.

 Senator Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren addressed claims of her Native American heritage at an American Indian policy summit on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, The Daily Caller reported that Warren was conspicuously not scheduled to speak at the Tribal Nations Policy Summit in Washington, DC, despite being the only Senator to claim a Native American heritage.

Warren apparently changed her mind about appearing at the summit and made a surprise appearance on Wednesday, addressing allegations that she has lied about her ancestry. Cherokee genealogists have traced Warren's family tree and found no evidence to support her claim of minority status.
Warren kicked off her speech by bashing President Donald Trump for jokingly referring to her as "Pocahontas," asserting that the real Pocahontas is "far darker" than the Disney movie and is routinely "twisted" to serve political purposes.

"The joke, I guess, is supposed to be on me," she said. "I get why some people think there's hay to be made here. You won't find my family members on any rolls, and I'm not enrolled in a tribe."
"And I want to make something clear. I respect that distinction. I understand that tribal membership is determined by tribes and only by tribes. I never used my family tree to get a break or get ahead. I never used it to advance my career," she continued, addressing criticisms that she listed herself as Native American in law school directories.

Still, Warren insisted that her mother's family was part Native American and that it was always a part of her history.
She went on to address the problems in the Native American community and promised that she would share their stories in Congress.


Senator Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren V.A. Shiva, an Indian-born entrepreneur and scientist, recently publicly challenged Elizabeth Warren to submit a DNA test to prove that she is Cherokee as she has so frequently claimed. President Donald Trump has nicknamed Warren, “Pocahontas” in response to her claims to be Native American. On top of V.A. Shiva’s call to action, which you can watch below, he also put a video up with a handful of Cherokee Indians commenting on the disrespect they feel due to Warren’s lies or exaggerations of her heritage.
One of the first speakers brings up a number of good points: “Elizabeth Warren, being someone that has a professorship should have some type of ethics. How can you trust a person like that? If they’re willing to lie about themselves and where they’re from and who they are, you know? My name is Dale French, I was born and raised here on the Cherokee Indian reservation, and I just don’t approve of that . . .”
      John Grant, another Cherokee Indian commented: “That’s not right at all, she’s lying to the American public by running for public office and claiming a race that she’s not. If she’s claiming that she’s Native American, prove it.” Johanna Martin, one of the last Cherokee Indians featured in the video remarked: “In a way it feels like they’re making fun of our heritage because they don’t have any realization of what we went through as a people.”
      Complete phony Elizabeth Warren's next words will be...What difference at this point does it make. Now if Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren declines this DNA test to prove her Native American Background...I guess that will just prove to America one more lying Democrat in Washington. Elizabeth Warren claiming to be Cherokee when she's one of the most white leaders that America has, is just another Democrat plot against President Trump and really just for voter support. If Native Americans get proof that this bitch is a fraud when claiming to be Cherokee when white...Maybe Democrats will lose Native American support for the upcoming 2018 mid-term election for the House? 

      Elizabeth Warren is just prime example number one that Democrats in Washington claim to be for things when their really against them...Like Hillary Clinton being in full support of black Americans during the 2016 campaign cycle, when she once called blacks all over America Super Predators. Sorry Warren but you're whiter than most white Americans. It will be hilarious if Warren takes a DNA test and actually shows her roots to the pilgrims who eventually destroyed  Native Americans.

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