Tuesday, August 28, 2018

( ESPN Sports Anchors Very Liberal ) Patcnews Aug 28, 2018 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports ESPN Sports Anchors Very Liberal © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

 ESPN Sports Anchors Very Liberal


 Tweet From Dominika Cibulková
It's So Hot Here At The US Open I Want To Wear A Bikini For My Next Tennis Match

Roger Federer
Is So Mad at the US Open Officials
He is Playing Tennis With No Shirt
Roger Federer Tweeted It's So Hot Today I need to Wear A Speedo Not Shorts it's 98 *F Here on the Tennis Court and they want us play tennis Fine I will Do it without a T-Shirt
Roger Federer

I'm So Mad at Liberal Sports Anchors Now
US Open 2018 heat Wave Is So Bad Alizé Cornet
took her Shirt OFF I can't Blame The Tennis Players for doing that.... The Rules OF Wimbledon All the Players must wear white and if the Temp gets above 83 *F the Tennis Players Will Not Play Tennis I love this Rule and so does the Fans.
US Open 2018 rules the players must play in the heat and the Fans get Heat Stroke that's not good the News Sports Anchors will Not Say that Why ????
I say for the US Open Let Men Tennis Players Wear Speedos
I say for the US Open Let the women Tennis wear A Two Piece Swimsuit

Alizé Cornet

I'm So Mad at Liberal Sports Anchors Now
US Open 2018 heat Wave Is So Bad Novak Djokovic
took his Shirt OFF I can't Blame The Tennis Players for doing that.... The Rules OF Wimbledon All the Players must wear white and if the Temp gets above 83 *F the Tennis Players Will Not Play Tennis I love this Rule and so does the Fans.
US Open 2018 rules the players must play in the heat and the Fans get Heat Stroke that's not good the News Sports Anchors will Not Say that Why ????
I say for the US Open Let Men Tennis Players Wear Speedos
I say for the US Open Let the women Tennis wear A Two Piece Swimsuit
Novak Djokovic

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