Monday, April 23, 2018

( Toys R Us ) Patcnews April 23, 2018 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Toys R Us © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

 Toys R Us CEO David Brandon and Carla Hassan, Toys 'R' Us global chief marketing officer with Chief Vice President OF Toys R Us George Micalef and Jeff Stewart Executive Manger Both Told Me that Toys R Us Is Going become The Target Toy Store... Yes Target Buy The Rights To took the name of Toys R Us and turned into Target Toy Store Now I will Become the President Target Toy Store....This Good news for parents to Toy Store where the kids can have fun in Toy Store The Target Toy Store Will have everything that Toys R Us Had Only thing that has change is the Name From Toys R Us to Target Toy Store and Prices will be half than what you bought at Toy R Us..... We Only Reported this To Patcnews Mark Eberle Was The Employee of the Year at Toys R Us and he did all the PR Work When when had our Grand Opening of Baby R Us back in 2007.... Fox News Will Report this Story until Oct of this year... Mark Eberle got the exclusive story before all the major news networks and local News media pick this story up .....
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Shoppers Find Out How Much They Miss Toys ‘R’ Us

The toy company shined in the final days before Christmas. Already, there are signs that others can’t keep up.

The void left by Toys “R” Us hit shoppers hardest this week, as they hunt for hot gifts during the year’s busiest days for toy sales and retailers scramble to keep shelves stocked.
About 10% of annual U.S. toy sales, or nearly $3 billion, occur in the week before Christmas, according to the research firm NPD Group Inc., and this year the industry is expected to be strained by the absence of around 800 Toys “R” Us stores, which liquidated over the summer.

Will Take Over The Toys R Us 


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