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( Jessie Lunderby Washington State Sheriff's Office Pose Nude For Playboy And Amy Biviano Is A Democrat Pose Nude For Playboy For Starbucks Coffee ) Patcnews January 3, 2018 Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Jessie Lunderby Washington State Sheriff's Office Pose Nude For Playboy And Amy Biviano Is A Democrat Pose Nude For Playboy For Starbucks Coffee © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews






Democrat Amy Biviano’s Playboy Starbucks Coffee

Democrat Amy Biviano’s Playboy Picture Rocks Washington State Legislative Race


A conservative blog has dropped a bombshell into a Washington state legislative race between Democrat Amy Biviano, a Sunday school teaching mom, and the incumbent Republican Mark Shea. The Western Center for Journalism found Biviano’s “Women of the Ivy League” Playboy photo from 1995 when she was a Yale undergrad. See below for the photo. Biviano, then Amy Nabors, was a junior at Yale when the issue came out.
The censored version of Biviano’s picture is shown below. Want to see the uncensored version of the Playboy photo? Wizbang Pop! has the uncensored version.
Click to show the censored photo At the time of the photo shoot, Biviano was quoted in The Harvard Crimson:

” I didn’t do it for the money. It’s an expression of sexuality and it shows she the way I feel about myself. I was impressed with how much say I had during the shoot.”
–Yale sophomore Amy Nabors, on her experience posing for the upcoming college issue of Playboy magazine. nabors was offered $500 from a student group hoping to pay her not to pose; she used that offer to increase Playboy’s fee by $150.
The Spokane Review picks up the story:

Amy Biviano, the Democratic challenger in a high-profile battle for a legislative seat representing Spokane Valley, is defending a 1995 topless photo shoot with Playboy magazine as a confidence-building experience while she attended Yale University.
In an interview Friday, following a conservative website’s disclosure that Biviano appeared in a “Women of the Ivy League” edition of the popular men’s magazine, Biviano said she doesn’t regret the photo shoot but wouldn’t do it again as a mother.
“It was one of the youthful college kinds of things. I was interested in pushing my limits,” Biviano said Friday. “This was my small act of rebellion.”
Biviano, who said she earned less than $500 for the pose, is running against incumbent Republican state Rep. Matt Shea, who called the revelations “alarming” in a news release on Friday.
When Biviano, then Amy Nabors, was a college junior, her Playboy debut sparked anger among some feminists on the Yale campus. But Biviano argued she was a feminist, too, and that she had a right to pose if she wanted.
Biviano, now 37, said her topless photo shoot already was known among her friends and her sons because she’s never tried to hide it. Her husband, Andrew Biviano, was her boyfriend at the time and encouraged her to do the shoot. Not long after her first son was born when she was in her early 20s, Playboy asked her if she’d be interested in posing again. She declined.
Biviano’s opponent denied that they were involved, saying they knew of the photo before the race heated up but had instructed their campaign staff not to disseminate information about it. In a statement Shea said, “This type of negative campaigning is exactly what is wrong with politics today. While these revelations are indeed alarming, my heart goes out to Amy and her family.”

Playboy: Women of Starbucks Cast List

 Kattie Bruce
Elizabeth Dindial
Kimberly Frazier
Sheri Horner
Marcia Lee
Erica Loveless
Penny Lynn
Signe Nordli
Heather Salsbery
Elizabeth Paradise
Holly Camune
Vanessa Castillo
Lindsay Ehrlich
Hillary Foster
Brittany Kozminske


Legislative hopeful Amy Biviano posed topless in Playboy

UPDATED: Fri., Oct. 19, 2012, 5:48 p.m.



Amy Biviano

Amy Biviano, the Democratic challenger in a high-profile battle for a legislative seat representing Spokane Valley, is defending a 1995 topless photo shoot with Playboy magazine as a confidence-building experience while attending Yale University.
In an interview Friday, following a conservative website’s disclosure that Biviano appeared in a “Women of the Ivy League” edition, Biviano said she doesn’t regret the photo shoot but wouldn’t do it again as a mother.
“It was one of the youthful college kinds of things. I was interested in pushing my limits,” Biviano said in an interview Friday. “This was my small act of rebellion.”
Biviano, who said she earned less than $500 for the pose, is running against incumbent Republican state Rep. Matt Shea, who called the revelation about the photo “alarming” in a news release on Friday.
Back in 1995, when Biviano was a college junior, her appearance in the popular men’s magazine sparked anger among some feminists on campus. But Biviano argued she was a feminist, too, and that she had a right to pose if she wanted.
Biviano, 37, said her appearance in Playboy was known by many of her friends and her sons and that she has never tried to hide it. Her husband, Andrew Biviano, was her boyfriend at the time and encouraged her to do the shoot. Not long after her first son was born when she was in her early 20s Playboy asked her if she’d be interested in posing again. She declined.
“I learned a lot from my college experiences,” Biviano said in a statement. “Since then, I have gone on to build an extremely happy marriage of 15 years, have been blessed with amazing children, have been active in my church, and have worked and volunteered to help my community while living with a disability.”
Biviano was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was 18.
Her appearance in the magazine was revealed Friday afternoon on the website for the conservative Western Journalism Center.
Shea did not return calls seeking comment but said in news release that he knew about Biviano’s photo but had instructed his campaign staff not to disseminate information about it.
“This type of negative campaigning is exactly what is wrong with politics today,” he said. “While these revelations are indeed alarming, my heart goes out to Amy and her family.”
Former state Rep. George Orr, the last Democrat to represent Spokane Valley in the Legislature, said that as an avid hunter who faithfully follows the laws on concealed weapons, he and Spokane Valley voters will be more worried about the gun charge Shea faces in Spokane Municipal Court than the photo of Biviano.
“What’s worse, a woman going topless 15 or 20 years ago, or a guy pulling a gun on somebody? How can the Grand Old Party get upset about that when their rock-star senator from Massachusetts was a centerfold?” said Orr, referring to U.S. Sen. Scott Brown’s 1982 chest-bearing pose in Cosmopolitan.
Spokane County Republican Party Chairman Matthew Pederson said Biviano’s appearance in Playboy was well-known in political circles but that the party didn’t believe it was an issue.
“It’s something that we’ve known for a long time, but it’s not germane to the campaign,” Pederson said.
Shea was charged late last year for keeping a loaded gun in his pickup without a valid concealed weapons permit. Shea had let his expire. Police records indicate that Shea pulled his gun out of his glove compartment without pointing it anyone during a road rage incident in downtown Spokane.
In a column she wrote in 1995 for the Yale Herald, Biviano says her decision was likely to affect her future, but that it helped give her a “sense of self-reliance.”
“Yes, it was fun to have my five minutes of fame both on the Yale campus and on the national scene. It is a nice little boost to the ego to know that some people consider me to be attractive enough to be in Playboy. But of course I know now, and I knew when I first chose to pose, that these benefits will fade, and they will only be remembered by a few people searching through dusty archives,” she wrote in the column. “However, posing for Playboy has permanently changed me by making me think a little bit differently about myself – I’m now more of a risk-taker, fear social approval less, and know a bit more about what I’m capable of. I may never do something this controversial again, but it’s nice to know that I could and did.” When one side slings mud, they can't expect the other side not to respond. A hotly-contested race is taking place for the State Legislature seat in Spokane. Democrat Amy Biviano is challenging incumbent Rep. Matt Shea (R) for the 4th District Seat representing Spokane Valley. In a recent ad, Biviano (and the Democratic Party) demanded Rep. Shea "divulge information" about his past, namely his divorce from his previous wife, Lisa.  The centerpiece of her campaign has been about trying to dig up Shea's history and background. Because he is Olympia's biggest opponent of gay marriage, they're trying to use his marriage as ammunition. 
Biviano has painted a picture of herself as a small-town girl from Oklahoma who helped raise two children with her devoted husband. She also has attacked Shea for a recent traffic confrontation he had with another motorist, resulting in a court date for road rage. The incident was plead out with probation.
HOWEVER, what Biviano has failed to mention is her own past. As a 20-year-old student at Yale (hardly a beacon of traditional American values) she posed in Playboy Magazine for a spread entitled, "Women Of the Ivy League." A hotly-contested race is taking place for the State Legislature seat in Spokane. Democrat Amy Biviano is challenging incumbent Rep. Matt Shea (R) for the 4th District Seat representing Spokane Valley.

In a recent ad, Biviano (and the Democratic Party) demanded Rep. Shea "divulge information" about his past, namely his divorce from his previous wife, Lisa.  The centerpiece of her campaign has been about trying to dig up Shea's history and background. Because he is Olympia's biggest opponent of gay marriage, they're trying to use his marriage as ammunition.
Biviano has painted a picture of herself as a small-town girl from Oklahoma who helped raise two children with her devoted husband. She also has attacked Shea for a recent traffic confrontation he had with another motorist, resulting in a court date for road rage. The incident was plead out with probation.
HOWEVER, what Biviano has failed to mention is her own past. As a 20-year-old student at Yale (hardly a beacon of traditional American values) she posed in Playboy Magazine for a spread entitled, "Women Of the Ivy League."
Shea's campaign did NOT dig up the old photos from 1995, nor did they agree with the actions of the independent political blog, The Western Center for Journalism - a conservative group. He has condemned the actions of the group, obviously taking the higher road.
While Shea's actions are commendable, the bigger principle here is (especially in politics): if you're going to demand deep background checks and accountability from others, you'd better be prepared to unveil the skeletons in your own closest. Biviano and the Spokane County Democrats should have thought of that before attacking Shea's personal life and divorce.
This story has certainly juiced up what was not that interesting of a race. The Western Center for Journalism has printed more "explicit" details of Biviano's exploits; click the button below for the story.  WARNING: while necessary parts of an image contained in the story have been blacked out,  the photo is still not safe for work, nor children.


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