Wednesday, January 10, 2018

( Alexandria Gestapo Ocasio-Cortez 28 year old Socialist liberal Jerk Ball Communist ) Patcnews Janurary 10, 2018 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Alexandria Gestapo Ocasio-Cortez 28 year old Socialist liberal Jerk Ball Communist All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 28 year old Socialist liberal Jerk Ball Communist

 Attn: Fake News Cnn MSNBC CNBC MSNBC ABC CBS NBC #FakeNews forget About Russian election meddling case Go After Cory Gestapo Booker and even Joe Lieberman: And Attack Expose Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's ideas for the U.S. economy.


Whoopi Goldberg asks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to stop 'pooping' on other Democrats on 'The View'



Whoopi Goldberg isn’t thrilled by what she’s seen from newly sworn-in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and she took time out of a recent episode of “The View” to let her know.
Goldberg, 63, was discussing the political landscape going into the 2020 elections, specifically Elizabeth Warren, when she took a moment to address the new representative, who has been making a splash in D.C. thanks to her young age, bold ideas and social media presence. Goldberg, however, believes Ocasio-Cortez is making too many waves against more-established Democrats and asked her to stop “pooping” on them.
“Let me just say this about Ocasio-Cortez. She just got in on Thursday, she was sworn in. And she’s very opinionated, which we like. We like opinionated women. But it is very, very difficult when people make accusations where you say, you know, the Democrats have done nothing. The establishment of the Democrats have done nothing, and I just want to throw this out to you. John Lewis, wasn’t standing still Dianne Feinstein wasn’t sitting still,” she said of Ocasio-Cortez and some of her colleagues in Congress.
“There are a whole bunch of people in the Democratic party who have been busting their a--es to make sure that women get what they need, people get what they need, children get what they need. You just got in there and I know you’ve got lots of good ideas, but I would encourage you to sit still for a minute and learn the job,” the host added.
Goldberg continued: “You can’t poop on what was when you’re coming in on the shoulders of quite a few giants.”
The remarks received thunderous applause from the audience as well as the approval of Goldberg’s fellow co-hosts.
Reps for Ocasio-Cortez did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment on “The View” host’s remarks.


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