Saturday, January 6, 2018

( The Simpsons TV Show ) Patcnews January 6, 2018 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The Simpsons TV Show © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

How to Succeed Like ‘The Simpsons’

Don’t let executives interfere, be a boring place to work and lose the jerks: Secrets of the show’s success that any business can use

“The Simpsons” recently ran its 636th show, surpassing “Gunsmoke” for the most episodes of a scripted, prime-time television series. Of course, the show has one advantage over most other shows—cartoon characters never get older. Adorable child actors often grow up into misshapen, liquor store-robbing adults, but Bart Simpson hasn’t aged a day since the launch of the show in 1989. I was one of the original writers for “The Simpsons” and have worked on it, off and on, ever since. I’m told that I haven’t aged either. My secret: I’ve looked 58 since I was in junior high. 


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