Monday, December 4, 2017

( Topless feminist activist tries to snatch baby Jesus statue from Vatican ) Patcnews Dec 4, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Topless feminist activist tries to snatch baby Jesus statue from Vatican © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews


Topless activist grabs Jesus from Vatican Nativity scene, shouts ‘God is woman’

Topless activist grabs Jesus from Vatican Nativity scene, shouts ‘God is woman’
A topless activist took it upon herself on Christmas Day to rush the Nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square and grab the baby Jesus. Police stopped her just as she grabbed the baby Jesus statue. (Image source: YouTube screenshot)

This Christmas gift, in a manner of speaking, was already unwrapped.
You see, a topless activist took it upon herself — on Christmas Day, no less — to rush the Nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican and grab the baby Jesus, Reuters reported.

Image source: YouTube screenshot
Image source: YouTube screenshot
The woman from the feminist group Femen jumped over the guardrails and shouted “God is woman,” a Reuters photographer told the outlet. The slogan also was written on her bare back.

Image source: YouTube screenshot
Image source: YouTube screenshot
Police stopped her just as she grabbed the baby Jesus statue, and she was detained, Reuters added.

Image source: YouTube screenshot
Image source: YouTube screenshot
The incident took place about two hours before Pope Francis delivered his Christmas message in the square, the outlet reported.
The Femen website identified the woman as Alisa Vinogradova and called her a “sextremist,” Reuters reported, adding that the group’s goal is “complete victory over patriarchy.”
A Femen activist pulled a similar stunt on Christmas Day 2014, the outlet noted.



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