Saturday, September 9, 2017

( Hurricane Maria 2017 ) Patcnews Sept 9, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Hurricane Maria © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Hurricane Maria 2017


Tropical Storm Maria Is Officially a Hurricane [Updated]

Update: Tropical Storm Maria has been upgraded to a hurricane as of the 5 p.m. National Hurricane Center advisory.
Tropical Storm Maria will become Hurricane Maria on Sunday, according to the latest forecast. The storm has been brewing in the Atlantic for a few days and is heading west northwest, set to affect several islands in the Caribbean.

Maria may not look too aggressive right now but, as she heads toward Barbados at 15-20 mph, she is expected to intensify. As you can see in the photo below, Maria will become a Category 1 hurricane on Sunday afternoon, with winds around 75 mph. By Monday afternoon, Maria is expected to strengthen to a Category 2, with winds around 105 mph. As she sets her sights on Puerto Rico, Maria’s winds will increase yet again, and she will likely become a Category 3 on Tuesday.
Although Maria is not yet a hurricane, watches have already been issued in many Caribbean nations.
“Hurricane watches have been issued for Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Montserrat.  Tropical storm watches have been posted for portions of the Lesser Antilles including, St. Lucia, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Tropical storm conditions are possible here on Monday,” The Weather Channel reports.
After Hurricane Maria passes the Dominican Republic, she may go in any direction. She could continue traveling north west, impacting Haiti, Cuba, and eventually Florida. Or, she may travel further north, impacting states along the eastern seaboard. The latest GFS and European models aren’t in sync at this time, but their projections are expected to change over the next week or so. Maria could impact Florida or North Carolina. There’s also a chance that she will go out to sea.

Warm waters boosted 2017's major hurricane tally, study says

FILE - This Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017 satellite image made available by NOAA shows the eye of Hurricane Irma, left, just north of the island of Hispaniola, with Hurricane Jose, right, in the Atlantic Ocean. Six major hurricanes - with winds of at least 111 mph (178 kph) - spun around the Atlantic in 2017, including Harvey, Irma and Maria which hit parts of the United States and the Caribbean.
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Atlantic's warmer waters triggered the unusual number of major hurricanes last year, according to a new study that predicts the region could see a couple of extra whopper storms each year by the end of the century.
Six major hurricanes - with winds of at least 111 mph (178 kph) - spun around the Atlantic last year, including Harvey, Irma and Maria which hit parts of the United States and the Caribbean. Since 2000, the Atlantic has averaged three major hurricanes a year. Before that the average was closer to two.
It may go up to five to eight major hurricanes a year around the year 2100, according to a study in Thursday's journal Science .
"We will see more active hurricane seasons like 2017 in the future," said lead author Hiro Murakami, climate scientist and hurricane expert at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
So far this year, though, only one Atlantic hurricane, Florence, has reached major status.
Warm water acts as fuel for hurricanes. Water has to be at least 79 degrees (26 degrees Celsius) for a storm to form. The warmer the water, the more it can resist forces that would cause it to weaken, said University of Miami hurricane researcher Brian McNoldy, who wasn't part of the study.
Murakami found that a combination of natural conditions and man-made climate change made the waters warmer in one key area, which caused more major storms. That area is essentially a large box from south of Florida and north of South America, stretching all the way east to Africa.
Some of the strongest Atlantic hurricanes form off the coast of West Africa, then chug west toward the Caribbean and the U.S. East Coast.
Water in that large box - the main hurricane development region - averaged 0.7 degrees (0.4 degrees Celsius) warmer than normal for the entire 2017 season, which is unusual for a six-month time period, Murakami said.
Murakami's study used computer simulations to isolate different climate conditions. Although his research showed both natural and human-triggered causes from the burning of coal, oil and gas, Murakami said he couldn't separate them enough to see which was bigger.
He used the computer models to look into the future. The Atlantic is projected to warm faster than the rest of the world's oceans. That difference is why Murakami said the number of major storms will probably increase by two or more on average.
Some outside experts had issues with parts of Murakami's study.
McNoldy said it makes sense that the unusual warm water was to blame in 2017, but he wasn't quite ready to point the finger at global warming.
"Hurricane seasons don't just keep getting more active as the climate warms though. There is enormous variability," McNoldy said in an email.
Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research faulted Murakami's study for not taking into account the large increase in ocean heat in deeper areas, which he said is also due to climate change.
Princeton University's Gabriel Vecchi said some computer simulations don't show the Atlantic warming fastest, so it's not quite as certain that there will be more major storms there in the future.

Follow Seth Borenstein on Twitter: @borenbears . His work can be found here .

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