Tuesday, July 25, 2017

( Survivor TV Show Top 20 Sexiest Ladies ) Patcnews July 25, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Survivor TV Show Top 20 Sexiest Ladies © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

The 25th season of Survivor on CBS is underway so I figured it was time to update my list. The popular television reality series maroons a group of strangers in a desolate location to compete in a game to Outwit, Outplay and Outlast each other until the lone Survivor remains to collect 1 million dollars.

Each season is different in some ways as the producers try to reinvent the game to keep it fresh but even then, if the castaways aren't entertaining or they don't keep our interest, it's easy to turn the channel and watch something else.

The one formula to the show that never disappoints is the sex factor. Lets face it, I'm not the only red-blooded heterosexual male who will tune in to watch beautiful young women in bikinis frolicking in the sand and surf.

I'll suffer through having to listen to annoying castaways like "Shambo", Sue Hawk, Ace and that idiot Jonny Fairplay if it means I can also enjoy watching the smart and sexy women I have listed below. By updating this list from my original posting I am still clearly targeting my male readers more so then my valued female readers but I'm a guy so it's only natural. And of course I could be missing obvious selections that you feel are worthy of top 15 status but this is my list so don't get too upset if I missed one of your favourites.

To be honest, this list really hasn't changed much at all with only one addition to the previous posting and one lady removed. But there was one young lady this season who I feel is worthy of being added. So without any further ado, lets get to the list.

There are a few who were very close to making my new list including Elisabeth Filarski (Hasselbeck), Candice Woodcock, Alexis Jones, Kelly Shinn, Danni Boatwright, Ami Cusack, Monica Padilla, Stephanie LaGrossa and Eliza Orlins. They are all beautiful women from the show but I figured I'd better keep the list to the top 15. Here we go:

Survivor TV Show Top 20 Sexiest Ladies  
1.  Christina Cha

2. Jennifer Lyon

3. Amanda Kimmel

4. Sherri Biethman

6. Andrea Boehlke

                       7. Ciera Eastin

8. Kelly Czarnecki

9. Mikayla Wingle


10. Elyse Umemoto


 11. Chelsea Meissner

                          12. Angie Layton

13.  Chelsea Meissner


                                   14. Julia Sokolowski



                    15.  Candice Cody Woodcock

                            16. Sierra Reed


            17. Brenda Lowe


 18. Monica Culpepper


                       19.  Amber Brkick

20. Natalie White

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Do you agree or disagree with my choices? Leave me a comment and let me know.


  1. Rather than try to edit the previous post again I decided to post a brand new updated list. To be honest, Blogger was giving me fits and not working like I would have liked so this was the only way to do it without having it look weird.

    To those who left messages and comments on the previous post I'm sorry but they had to be deleted with the old post as well. But please feel free to leave comments on this new list.

    By the way and not surprisingly, this posting is easily one of my most viewed but I hope you'll take time to have a look at my other postings.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.
  2. Anonymous
    Not a bad list. Chelsea and Amanda are two of my faves, Sarah was memorable, and I definitely like Angie so far this season in the Philippines. Many of the women on this list, however, are blandly attractive -- that is to say, nice enough looking, but instantly forgettable. At a minimum, I'd add Erin Collins from Thailand (great body), Christina Cha from One World (pretty face/great body, especially her breasts), and Ashlee Ashby from Palau (massive breasts/unsure if she even had a face).


    1. Obviously I like the ladies I've chosen, that's why they're on my list but I realize that my taste in the ladies won't match up with others and that's fine.

      I agree that Christina Cha is very attractive and likely deserves future considerations. As for Ashlee Ashby, she just never did it for me. Yes she has huge breasts but that's not enough to make the list. I actually prefer them on the smaller side. :-)
    2. Then how is Elizabeth Hasselbeck not atop your list? ;-)
  3. Anonymous
    where's elisabeth hasselbeck?
  4. I think she's still on The View on ABC.

    Okay, I'm being a smartass. She just didn't make my list. As I stated above...she was close but didn't crack my Top 15.
  5. Anonymous4:33 pm
    What about R.C. Saint-Armour?
  6. R.C. is very attractive but I'm sorry she just didn't make my list.
  7. Anonymous4:15 am
    Stephanie lagrossa?
  8. Anonymous11:29 am
    how come there is no Ashley (Samoa) on ur list? give me some Morgan (Cagayan)! Give me some of that!
  9. Anonymous11:30 am
    i'm sorry! i just love morgan mcleod! =)
  10. Anonymous6:01 am
    obviously not considering the women of color in this blog.


    1. All Survivor ladies were considered. I don't know how much clearer I can make it. These were MY PERSONAL CHOICES and will differ from your choices or other peoples choices. But if you think I'm racist for not choosing a woman of colour or someone you feel is worthy of YOUR list, I can't control how you think.
  11. #1 Angie Layton
    #2 Elizabeth Hasselbeck
    #3 Natalie White
    #4 Parvati
  12. Anonymous11:23 am
    1. Chelsea Meisner
    2. Parvati Shallow
    3. Amanda Kimmel
    4. Brenda Lowe
    5. Tasha


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