Tuesday, June 27, 2017

( Wild Bill For America ) Patcnews June 24, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Wild Bill For America © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Outrageous! Wild Bill for America ARRESTED in Canada...w/Update UPDATE #2 Update #3 Update #4 (6/25)

for "hate speech."

Here's what we know so far:

From my friend Don Bradway on Facebook:

My good friend, Bill (Wild Bill for America) Finlay has been arrested at the airport in Calgary, Canada because he had "smuggled" so-called "hate speech" on his iPad!  Bill went to speak at the WCAI (Worldwide Coalition Against Islam) anti-Islam event, by invitation. Bill is asking for our prayers and that we "rally the troops" in his defense! Many of his supporters, yours truly included, warned him of this possibility but he felt he was called to speak out against the violence Islam is bringing to our world and to speak the word of Christian truth to the Canadians. For those who don't know, Canada recently passed a national law prohibiting any anti-Islam speaking or written material. So much for "free speech" up north.
I just spoke with the Calgary PD and they said Bill can call an attorney up there and they'd give him a list of names

Update (3:09 PDT)

Just in:



Update 2:

Bill is on his way home to Florida but word is that "it's not over yet."  Will keep you updated as soon as I have more news. 

Update 3

UPDATE ON WILD BILL....Just heard from Bill again and this is what he told me.."Canada just decided to kick me out so I'm on my way home but it's not over yet. In addition to the unlawful detention, they seized my laptop to send to Ottawa for a 'forensic investigation,' they are determined to get me on something. Plus they are bringing in their tax authority to determine the tariff to slap on the smuggled contraband (my personal notes to myself on Islam's abuse of women and children). And my speech was about the importance of open and honest discussion without fear of the government dragging us away." And then in typical WB humor he said that the notes were written to himself and that no one could see them so he must have committed a hate crime against himself! All I could say at that point was Canada has some serious issues...guess their PM is an Angela Merkel clone.

Update 4

Published on Jun 25, 2017

This is the speech I was to give in Canada. The cops read the script and ARRESTED ME FOR HATE SPEECH........watch and decide if this is hate speech.E

Islam critic “Wild Bill” detained, arrested in Canada for “smuggling hate speech” on his iPad

A story is unfolding in Canada about a critic of Islam, “Wild Bill,” Bill Finlay, who was scheduled to speak at a rally in Calgary over the weekend about the impact of Sharia law on women and children, and also about the freedom of speech. He was detained for hours, arrested, and had his iPad confiscated and sent to Ottawa for a “forensic investigation”; he was warned that he could be slapped with a “tariff” of an unknown sum for “smuggling” his own words into Canada. Wild Bill was subsequently blocked from entering into Canada. If events actually unfolded as he explains in his personal, recorded testimony below, then this is a horrifying and highly alarming story that bears enormous implications for free speech and free society in Canada.


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