Saturday, June 17, 2017

( PGA Golf U.S. Open 2017 Tournament ) Patcnews June 17, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports PGA Golf U.S. Open 2017 Tournament © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews

  Photo OF PGA Commissioner Jay Monahan

Fore 8 reasons why you should date a golfer

Photo OF Model Alexis Randock And Golfer Rickie Rowler

                   Photo OF Golfer  Rory Mcilroy

1. Golfers know when there are good days and bad days
Golfers have plenty of qualities that they have learned on the course and are able to take into a solid relationship. We sometimes feel that us golfers get harshly treated when we spend four hours out on the course on a Sunday and then a couple of hours talking about the round over a pint and a packet of peanuts.
But for anyone who wished their other half would pack golf in for good, we suggest you think again as 19th compile eight reasons why dating a golfer is the right thing to do.

2. Golfers are great talkers
Spending four hours out in the open air away from the phones and TV screens, golfers know the art of a good conversation. Want to introduce your partner to your parents for the first time? Golfers know how to talk their way out of an awkward situation.

3. Golfers have a great deal of patience
Patience is the key to a successful relationship and luckily golfers have it in abundance. If you’ve ever had to play a round of golf behind a four ball who spend more time in the trees than the fairway then you will know exactly what we mean.

4. Golfers are rarely late
When playing in a Monday medal or a stableford competition our tee times are meticulous. If we’re teeing off at 8:24am, you can bet your bottom dollar that we will be on the first tee, driver in hand at 8:24.

5. Golfers make mistakes, but they know how to deal with them
Everybody makes mistakes but golfers learn from them. We know what it’s like to leave a birdie putt short. It’s not a nice feeling and you can be certain we won’t be doing it again on the next hole. Golfers may miss a birthday or forget about that fine dining experience that was in the calendar but it will only happen once.

6. Golfers aren’t afraid of commitment
Taking up golf requires a great deal of commitment and dedication to succeed. We always want to get our handicap that little lower and it requires a large amount of practice. Golfers don’t mess around once were hooked, we’re in for the long haul. 

7. Golfers have a great deal of focus and concentration
It’s a skill to keep your concentration and focus for every shot during a round of golf. There are numerous factors we have to think about – club selection, wind direction, stance and the swing so our minds rarely tend to waver. 

8. Golfers know how to deal with frustration
One thing we can all share when playing golf, it is probably the most frustrating sport out there. Sometimes there is no justice when your ball finds the lip of the bunker, does a full 360° around the hole instead of dropping in or just clips the tip of the over hanging branch. Golfers deal with all sorts of frustrations and they can take quality into a relationship.


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