Friday, November 25, 2016

( The Nordstrom Store News Report ) Patcnews Nov 26, 2016 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Nordstrom Shoppers close accounts after store drops Ivanka line © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

President Donald Trump And Ivanka Trump With Joan Rivers On The Celebrity Apprentice 
At Nordstrom 2011
#FakeLiberalNews #PrayForPresidentTrump #SupportPresidentTrump  #NoMoreLiberalFakeNews
And I can Tell you If Joan Rivers Was Alive She Would Be Piss at Nordstrom For Not Support Fashion that is What Ivanka Trump has Done And Ivanka Trump Has In Fact Created Jobs For Nordstrom And Now Nordstrom Most Loyal Customers Are Leaving Nordstrom Stores This is So stupid For Nordstrom to do this and CEO'S OF Nordstrom Blake, Erik and Peter Whitacre
Said, "Nordstrom is Closing Down 300 Stores This year. Nordstrom needs to be more Customer freindly and We Might forced to Bring Back The Ivanka Trump Products Back To Nordstrom Otherwise This Going To Put
Nordstrom Into Bankruptcy Force Us Out OF Business...

The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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 liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

Ivanka Trump Is Pro Life For Good Postive Image For Nordstroms

               Ivanka Trump Is 100% Pro  Life 
 This Is A Good Postive Image For Nordstroms


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