Sunday, June 5, 2016

( The Miss USA Pageant News Report ) Patcnews June 5, 2016 The Patriot Conservative Tea Party Network Reports Miss USA Pageant © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews



Miss USA Alabama 2016
Peyton Brown

Miss USA Alaska 2016
Ariane Audett

Miss USA Arizona 2016
Chelsea Myers

Miss USA Arkansas 2016
Abby Floyd

Miss USA California 2016
Nadia Mejia

Miss USA Colorado 2016
Caley-Rae Pavillard

Miss USA Connecticut 2016
Tiffany Teixeira

Miss USA Delaware 2016
Alexandra Vorontsova

Miss USA District Of Columbia 2016
Deshauna Barber

Miss USA Florida 2016
Brie Gabrielle

Miss USA Georgia 2016
 Emanii Davis

Miss USA Hawaii 2016
Chelsea Hardin

Miss USA Idaho 2016
Sydney Halper

Miss USA Illinois 2016
Zena Malak

Miss USA Indiana 2016
Morgan Abel

Miss USA Iowa 2016
Alissa Morrison

Miss USA Kansas 2016
Victoria Wiggins

Miss USA Kentucky 2016
Kyle Hornback

Miss USA Louisiana 2016
Maaliyah Papillion

Miss USA Maine 2016
Marisa Butler

Miss USA Maryland 2016
Christina Denny

Miss USA Massachusetts 2016
Whitney Sharpe

Miss USA Michigan 2016
Susie Leica

Miss USA Minnesota 2016
Bridget Jacobs

Miss USA Mississippi 2016
Haley Sowers

Miss USA Missouri 2016
Sydnee Stottlemyre

Miss USA Montana 2016
Sibahn Doxey

Miss USA Nebraska 2016
Sarah Hollins

Miss USA Nevada 2016
Emelina Adams

Miss USA New Hampshire 2016
Jessica Strohm

Miss USA New Jersey 2016
Jessielyn Palumbo

Miss USA New Mexico 2016
Naomie Germain

Miss USA New York 2016
Serena Bucaj

Miss USA North Carolina 2016
Devin Gant

Miss USA North Dakota 2016
Halley Maas

Miss USA Ohio 2016
Megan Wise

Miss USA Oklahoma 2016
Taylor Gorton

Miss USA Oregon 2016
Natriana Shorter

Miss USA Pennsylvania 2016
Elena LaQuatra

Miss USA Rhode Island 2016
Theresa Agonia

Miss USA South Carolina 2016
Leah Lawson

Miss USA South Dakota 2016
Madison McKeown

Miss USA Tennessee 2016
Hope Stephens

Miss USA Texas 2016
Daniella Rodriguez

Miss USA Utah 2016
Teale Murdock

Miss USA Vermont 2016
Neely Fortune

Miss USA Virginia 2016
Desi Williams

Miss USA Washington 2016
Kelsey Schmidt

Miss USA West Virginia 2016
Nichole Green
Miss USA Wisconsin 2016
Kate Redeker

Miss USA Wyoming 2016
Autumn Olson

Miss USA Oklahoma 2015
Alexandra Miller

One beauty queen has big dreams even as she faces the crisis of her life.
Earlier this year, doctors told 27-year-old Andrea Andrade she has stage 3 colon cancer and has between six months and two years to live.
“I look at my parents. I am thinking, ‘I am their only daughter,' and I think, 'What would they do without me?'" she told Inside Edition. 
Doctors removed her tumor, part of her intestine and started chemotherapy.
Despite her grim diagnosis, she was determined to compete in the Miss California USA Beauty Pageant. 
“I felt like I just need to do this now," she said. "It's been one of my lifelong dreams."
Her decision to compete came as her hair began falling out and the cancer-fighting drugs are triggering terrible migraines.
“I'm so focused on giving the judges everything they want,” she added. “They continue to say, ‘Hey, you motivate me.’ I say, ‘No, you motivate me.'" 
On the night of the big competition Sunday, Andrade did not take home the crown, but did capture the Miss Congeniality Award. 
“I am a strong believer that being positive cures everything,” she declared. 


When Nicole Doz isn’t competing in beauty pageants, the 23-year-old is working for the New York City Department of Sanitation. 
She trades her pageant outfits for a uniform and operates a street sweeper, winding her way through the city keeping things clean.
“It's a dirty job, but it doesn't bother me,” she told Inside Edition. “I like to get out there and do something different. I can do the glamorous stuff after work."
Doz is the only woman in her Brooklyn unit and she's following in the footsteps of her dad, who has worked in the sanitation department for nearly 20 years.  
"I said, 'Let me try it,' and I absolutely love everything about it,” she said. 
Her boss has also given her high marks, saying she is a diligent worker. 
At home, her room is pageant central and a far cry from a sanitation garage. She has competed in multiple pageants since 2013. 
"I’m more used to wearing these gowns than my uniform, but my uniform is more comfortable,” she revealed. 
Nicole will be putting on a sash again in January where she hopes compete in her next pageant in Staten Island but in the meantime, she loves her blue-collar day job.
"It’s very exciting for people because it's out of the ordinary,” she said. 

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