Wednesday, February 24, 2016

( Megyn Kelly The Kelly File Exclusive: Republican Presidential Town Hall Meeting ) Patcnews February 24, 2016 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Megyn Kelly The Kelly File Exclusive: Republican Presidential Town Hall Meeting And Megyn Kelly Says Sorry to Ted Cruz © All Copyrights Reserved Patcnews

Megyn Kelly Says Sorry to Ted Cruz  supports Ted Cruz

Republican Presidential Town Hall Meeting

                                        The Kelly File Megyn Kelly Siad, "I'm Sorry to Ted Cruz Megyn Kelly Supports Ted Cruz


TMZ Video Donald and Ivana Trump Affair scandal... vanityfair reports Donald and Ivana Trump Affair scandal this happen in Las Vegas What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

Dana Whitehead-Hopper Trump has FOX News professionals whining for him!! FOX News has become a joke, willing to forfeit their professional journalism careers for the sake of Donald Trump. Hannity, turns red and looks as if he is going to have a stroke, the minute anyone says anything negative about Trump. Eric Bolling? I don't think I even have to make mention of his "MAN CRUSH, " on Trump. He makes that obvious enough for himself. For crying our loud, EVERY personality on FOX ( with the exception of Megyn Kelly and Charles Krauthammer) is marching to the drum of the Trump campaign. He must really have something on Murdoch. Trump gets this love fest in spite of his spitting in the face of Megyn Kelly AND FOX News. Refusing to do the FOX debate, refusing to be on the town hall with Kelly and as recent as yesterday, he still cuts down FOX News that they are not fair to him. Fox has forced me to start getting the latest election news from CNN. He didn't con CNN, they conned him. He thought by pulling his Veteran Benefit stunt and giving CNN the live exclusive, it would put them in the tank for him and he would call the shots at CNN. He didn't outsmart them, it backfired on him. They weren't as easily manipulated as FOX was. At least they have been fair and balanced to the Republicans because they don't have a dog in the fight. Thanks FOX, I was a FOX News junkie and I'm not happy about having to turn my favorite channel

The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

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