Thursday, January 14, 2016

( FULL 6th GOP Debate, Fox Business GOP Republican Presidential Debate 2016 ) Patcnews: January 14, 2016 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports FULL 6th GOP Debate, Fox Business GOP Republican Presidential Debate 2016 © All Copyrights Reserved Patcnews

 The republican establishment has attack Herman Cain And Now four years Later The republican establishment is attacking Ted Cruz I feel I need to hit the republican establishment over the head by a 2 in x 4 
 Quoting Donald Trump from this Playboy Interview Oct 2004 word by word Donald Trump I Supports Gays in the military and john kerry is honorable man he sever his country with honor

The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

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