Wednesday, January 27, 2016

( FULL 7th GOP Debate, Fox News-Google MAIN Republican Presidential Debate ) Patcnews January 27, 2016 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports ( FULL 7th GOP Debate, Fox News-Google MAIN Republican Presidential Debate ) © All Copyrights Reserved Patcnews

Fox News and Google present the 7th Republican Debate Bret Baier announces the lineup for the Fox News/Google Republican debate

Fox News, Google Pick 1994 Illegal Immigrant Dulce Candy To Ask Question In Iowa GOP Debate

A 1994 illegal immigrant has been picked by Google and Fox to deliver a question to the GOP 2016 candidates in Thursday’s Iowa debate.

The choice was likely intended to hit Donald Trump, whose proposed immigration reform is opposed by many company executives, including executives in Google and Fox. But any question on immigration will also hit the other GOP candidates, who are trying to balance the competing demands of business donors for more wage-cutting legal and illegal immigration, versus the voters’ overwhelming demand for increased wages and salaries.

The questioner, Dulce Candy, is a young, well-spoken, attractive and successful Latino who provides advice about make-up to young women on YouTube in exchange for payments from advertisers.

In a 2013 video, she says she was born in Mexico but crossed the U.S.-Mexican border — through a river and over a fence —with her mother and siblings in 1994, when she was six. Her father was an agricultural laborer working for Californian companies.

“We jumped fences… there was a guy helping us out, and we were just staring at the fence… some random guys trying help us cross the border, but we also crossed a river in the middle of the night…. some guy would carry us on his shoulder to the other side,” she said.
Her video did not explain if, or how, Candy won residency and citizenship.

She did join the U.S. Army in 2006, and served for 15 months in Iraq as a mechanic and driver.
The 2013 revelation that Candy came into the country illegally spurred some criticism among her peers. “It’s not fair that they all get to break the law repetitively for free while Americans get punished when we commit crimes,” according to a comment from Kimberly West, a commenter on
Jackie Cavanagh, a spokeswoman for YouTube at MPRM Communications in Los Angeles, did not respond to an email from Breitbart. However, on Tuesday, a person told Breitbart that the “YouTube creators were selected in collaboration with Fox based on things such as audience size and their ability to bring a new, fresh perspective to the most important issues of our time. Fox informed the party/candidates of the format.”
Allison Moore, a press secretary for the RNC, told Breitbart that “We had nothing to do” with the choice of another YouTube questioner for the same debate. But neither she, nor Irena Briganti, a spokeswoman for Fox, responded when asked about the selection of the 1994 illegal immigrant. 
The choice of a Latino illegal-immigrant questioner was made by Google and Fox, whose top executives support increased white-collar and blue-collar migration into the United States.
In March 2015, for example, Google chairman Eric Schmidt told an audience in Washington D.C. that the U.S. government should import more customers to offset the slow growth of the population in the United States.
In Japan, the population is expected to drop from 120 million to 80 million, Schmidt said. “Most stock markets assume modest [population] growth… so how are you over a couple of decades to deal with the fact that one third of your customers [in Japan] are going to go away? Well, one [way] is produce more customers through immigration,” he said.
Each year, roughly 4 million young Americans begin looking for jobs. But the federal government also imports roughly 1 million legal immigrants, plus roughly 700,000 temporary white-collar and blue-collar non-agricultural workers, and it does little to stop new illegal migrants, or to repatriate the resident population of roughly 11 million illegal migrants. The extra annual inflow of labor has helped keep Americans’ income flat for many years.
The value of immigrants’ spending-power to companies is greatly boosted by welfare-payments from American taxpayers. Thus large-scale immigration reduces Americans’ income and increases their taxes, while also increasing companies’ profits and stock-values.
Schmidt did acknowledge two other alternatives to mass-immigration into the United States, saying his future business-problem can be fixed by “more children… [or] you can export” to foreign customers. But “I’m one of these people who think we are better off having more immigration than less,” he said.


Schmidt, a close advisor to President Barack Obama, did not address immigration’s impact on federal welfare-spending or on Americans’ wages or on American politics.

Schmidt also called for a greater inflow of foreign-graduates into U.S. workplaces via the controversial H-1B visa program. In private, ”everyone [in Washington] actually agrees there ought to be more H-1Bs… everyone agrees, in both parties,” he declared. Currently, roughly 650,000 H-1B foreign professionals are holding jobs in the United States, and are competing down wages for Americans’ white-collar professionals. 

The owner of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, also wants more immigrants to serve as customers and lower-wage workers, especially for white-collar jobs where American professionals can still earn a good living. In a June 2014 article in the Wall Street Journal, Murdoch called for an unlimited inflow of foreign professionals.

We need to do away with the cap on H-1B visas, which is arbitrary and results in U.S. companies struggling to find the high-skill workers they need to continue growing. We already know that most of the applications for these visas are for computer programmers and engineers, where there is a shortage of qualified American candidates.

In contrast, Trump has said migrants should be sent home, and he has also called for a reform of the H-1B program that would reduce the inflow of foreign graduates by forcing companies to pay a higher-wage to foreign workers.

Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program.

One of the other YouTube personalities picked by Fox and Google is an Islamic advocate.

The pro-Islam advocate, Nebela Noor, used a video to argue that Donald Trump, a New York real-estate developer, is in agreement with Adolf Hitler, the national-socialist dictator of Germany who started World World 2, and killed roughly 50 million people, including 6 million Jews and roughly 25 million Russians. Read more about Noor here.

Follow Neil Munro on Twitter @neilmunrodc.

Malkin: Look Who Gets to Question the GOP Candidates Tomorrow

By: Michelle Malkin | January 27th, 2016
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Really, RNC? Really?
As I noted on Twitter this afternoon, the Fox News/Google GOP debate tomorrow will feature three YouTube “stars” who will have the special privilege of asking questions of the candidates
- See more at:
 Bob Barr
Trump's petulant announcement not to attend the GOP debate in Iowa tonight is not about Megyn Kelly. It is not about Fox News. It is not about Ted Cruz. And it is not even about Iowa votes. It is purely and only about Tump's manipulation of the media; which means doing those things that maximize coverage of Donald Trump. A triumphant appearance by Trump at the debate stage at 8:59 PM tonight would give him the trifecta -- coverage about his decision not to attend, coverage of his alternate event, and coverage of him actually appearing. No substance. Just show. But that's all his campaign has been about from the start. And shame on those who think otherwise.

 Judicial Watch has  launch federal  investigation with Fox News  and FCC
last night Megyn Kelly was paid under the table 4 million dollars for the google app this is a Fact this what Judicial Watch is reporting ...

Fox News care more about there sponsors and advertisers than they do about the News This a Fact Read More and share this news report with friends

 The Democrats Like Nancy Do Nothing Pelosi
 Maxine Cry Me A River  Waters Call The Republican Crackers DNC Is Racist

Dulce Candy, Mark Watson and Nabela Noor are all bernie communist socialist sanders supporters see More on Links down below

A YouTube star named "Dulce Candy" will be asking questions at the FoxNews debate tomorrow. 

Malkin: Look Who Gets to Question the GOP Candidates Tomorrow

By: Michelle Malkin | January 27th, 2016

Really, RNC? Really?

As I noted on Twitter this afternoon, the Fox News/Google GOP debate tomorrow will feature three YouTube “stars” who will have the special privilege of asking questions of the candidates.

Malkin: Look Who Gets to Question the GOP Candidates Tomorrow

By: Michelle Malkin | January 27th, 2016
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Really, RNC? Really?
As I noted on Twitter this afternoon, the Fox News/Google GOP debate tomorrow will feature three YouTube “stars” who will have the special privilege of asking questions of the candidates
- See more at:

Malkin: Look Who Gets to Question the GOP Candidates Tomorrow

By: Michelle Malkin | January 27th, 2016
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Really, RNC? Really?
As I noted on Twitter this afternoon, the Fox News/Google GOP debate tomorrow will feature three YouTube “stars” who will have the special privilege of asking questions of the candidates
- See more at:

Google and Fox TV Invite Anti-Trump, Hitler-Citing, Muslim Advocate to Join Next GOP TV-Debate

Fox News and Google have invited three YouTube personalities to ask questions at the Jan. 28 GOP debate — including a Muslim advocate who describes Donald Trump as a bigot and who visually portrayed him as being in agreement with national socialist Adolf Hitler.

“We have a presidential candidate whose loudest message reeks of hatred and Islamophobia… turning on the news now is scary, and oftentimes, humiliating,” the Muslim woman, Nabela Noor, says in a December YouTube video.

She admits to becoming a Muslim political activist amid the growing criticism of Islam’s doctrines. “The current social environment for Muslims today is not safe or just… as a Muslim American, I felt like I needed to use my voice,” she claimed. 

Noor also urged her YouTube viewers to rally against critics of Islam. “I’m so thankful for those who speak up and out against anti-Islamic speech and ideologies. Our community needs more allies like you, but we have a long way to go,” she said.

The two companies announced Tuesday afternoon that the anti-Trump Muslim advocate would be allowed to play a role in the debate.

Google is teaming up with the Fox News Channel for the final  Republican debate in Iowa on Thursday, January 28, 2016, and integrating three new components into the debate to help people get informed before they head to the polls, including a way to hear directly from candidates on Google; real-time Google Trends data; and questions from three of YouTube’s most prominent voices—Nabela Noor, Mark Watson, and Dulce Candy — who will join the moderators in the debate to ask the candidates a question on an issue that matters to them and their communities.  

The Republican National Committee also approved the choice of Noor, an LA.-based press aide for YouTube, Jackie Cavanagh, at MPRM Communications, told Breitbart. “I believe” she was chosen by YouTube, with help from the RNC and Fox, she said.

“YouTube creators were selected in collaboration with Fox based on things such as audience size and their ability to bring a new, fresh perspective to the most important issues of our time. Fox informed the party/candidates of the format,” said a p.r. person. 

Allison Moore, a press secretary for the RNC, told Breitbart that “We had nothing to do with that.” 

Irena Briganti, a spokeswoman for Fox, also did not respond.

In December, Trump announced he would restrict the immigration of Muslims until the jihad problem can be addressed. “It is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” said Trump.

The statement came 14 years after Islamic jihadis killed 3,000 Americans and destroyed the Twin Towers in New York, and after many other jihadis launched or tried to launch a series of attacks across the United States.

In her videos, Dulce Candy, the invited Latino questioner, said she was brought from central Mexico to the United States while a young girl. She later joined the U.S. military and served in Iraq. The press announcement described Candy:

With over 2 million subscribers on her YouTube channel, Dulce is a top YouTube beauty, fashion and lifestyle influencer. The only thing more impressive than her fanbase is her story: she immigrated to the United States from Mexico at age 6 and served in the armed forces in Iraq. Today, she’s a proud U.S. citizen, mother, and entrepreneur who serves as a role model for latinas, women, and more.

Noor is described in the company anouncement as well: 

Born in New York, Nabela is a 24 year old Muslim American whose parents immigrated from Bangladesh. As an up-and-coming beauty creator with over 140,000 subscribers, Nabela hasn’t shied away from social issues. In a recent video, she spoke about being called a “terrorist” in elementary school after 9/11 and emphasized the importance of tolerance above all.

The perspective of the Muslim woman, Noor, has been shaped by her Bangladeshi immigrant parents, who were paired off by their parents in an arranged marriage as teenagers, aged 17 and 14.

These Bangladeshi Muslim parents migrated to the United States — while hiding am anchor-baby pregnancy — and later kept Noor in the house for many years to prevent her from integrating with American society. “Growing up, we weren’t allowed out much, our parents wanted to preserve our culture at all costs,” she said. They even refused to let her date a man, even after she had gone to college, Noor said in a biographical video. The parents also arranged a marriage for Noor’s older sister. Her mother still wears a head-covering to mark her as a loyal Muslim. 

Aspects of Islamic culture remain part of Noor’s personality, under the outward appearance of an American fashionista.

For example, Noor argues that Muslims are individually and collectively insulted when many Americans offer sincere and well-argued criticism of Islam’s violent doctrines — for example, jihad, bans against free speech, the death penalty for quitting Islam, sexual subordination of women, opposition to democracy and the separation of mosque and state, etc., etc. So Noor claimed:

To be hateful and Islamophobic has become so common that it is proudly displayed all around us, online, on the news, and in politics. it is dehumanizing and it hurts. It is hard not to see a bumper sticker of a bigoted presidential candidate and not feel personally attacked when his entire campaign rests on the backs of Muslim-Americans. 

That bigoted claim of individual and collective injury from free speech echoes the demand from orthodox Islam that critics of Islam be silenced – by force if needed – and that the status or honor of each Muslim is damaged if they fail to fight against any criticism of Islam by non-Muslims.

In contrast, Western Christians and non-Christians try to treat criticism of ideas as a disagreement to be solved by facts, logic, free-speech, and compromise. That ideal of free-speech is often — but certainly not always — used to address political disagreements, such as Christianity’s claim that unborn humans deserve the right to life, or the merits of any particular presidential candidate.  That Western style of debate and compromise is fundamentally different from Noor’s Islamic-style, only-one-winner fight over honor, pride, and supremacy.

That only-one-winner, zero-sum attitude often pushes Muslims to escalate debates into shouting matches and threats. Noor, for example, showed an image linking Trump and Hitler, which suggests that Trump’s criticism of Islam’s jihad ideology is so morally reprehensible that it is equivalent to actually murdering six million Jews, plus at least 10 million Slavic Russians, plus millions of other victims of Hitler’s socialism-for-Aryans Nazi ideology.

In fact, much to the embarrassment of Muslim advocates in the United States, that aggressive aspect of Islam was admired by Jew-hating, left-wing Hitler, who naturally also hated Christianity’s peacefulness, reason and emphasis on individuals’ conscience.

Noor also described criticism of Islam as “Islamophobia,” as if only the existence of a nationwide mental-disease could explain why Americans criticize jihad or child-marriages or the murder of captured Christians or the murders of homosexuals or the murder of a seventh-century poet.

That term, “Islamophobia,” was developed by Islamic advocates to help their allies stigmatize critics of Islam. Generally, Western advocates do not describe their critics as mentally diseased, but as illogical, selfish, or misinformed.

In her video, Noor also tried to argue that Trump’s implied criticism of the violence associated with Islam — likely, including the 9/11 atrocity, the San Bernardino murders, and many other recent jihad attacks — is somehow causing more attacks by Americans against Muslims in America. She did not supply evidence, but did show a newspaper clipping that was actually about a Muslim in Detroit who stabbed two non-Muslims after asking them if they were Muslims. 

“Nick Loussia, Deputy Chief of Police for the Southfield Police Department, said [the stabber] ‘is Muslim, and asked the victims what religion they were’ before allegedly attacking them,” said a report at

But Noor portrayed the Muslim-against-not-Muslim jihad attack as actually caused by Americans’ fear of Muslim attacks

“The fear-mongering tactics are a direct cause of hate-violence against Muslims and that makes being a Muslim in America today very, very scary,” she claimed. Noor did not mention any of the many, many, many attacks by Muslims against non-Muslims in America.
She did, however, try to argue that the many Islam-inspired attacks are not Islamic. ‘There are people out there that manipulate our texts to serve their own sick twisted agenda,” she said, without trying to explain how ISIS violates Islamic texts, or trying to disavow the many commandments for jihad in the Koran.

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