Monday, November 9, 2015

( Starbucks is StackSucks And Will Not Say Merry Christmas ) Patcnews Nov 24, 2015 Reports The True Meaning of Christmas The Birth Of Christ Jesus © All Copyrights Reserved Patcnews


Christians Call Out Starbucks' New Holiday Cups 

Starbucks Has No Love For Saying Merry Christmas It's Sad This Why Starbucks Has Lost So Many New Customers I Say BOYCOTT Radicalized Leftist Progressive Communist #StarbucksSucks

As seen on Fox and Friends First

Christian groups are attacking Starbucks for the minimal design on this year's red-and-green holiday cups.
Gone are the images of snowflakes, Christmas tree ornaments and other seasonal adornments seen in previous years.
A top Starbucks designer said the company "wanted to usher in the holidays with a purity of design that welcomes all of our stories."
But some Christians are accusing the company of being scrooges who "hate Jesus."
Former Arizona pastor Joshua Feuerstein said "Starbucks REMOVED CHRISTMAS from their cups because they hate Jesus," in a Facebook video post that's been watched over 12 million times and shared by more than 400,000 people.
Feuerstein is urging Christians to tell baristas their name is "Merry Christmas" so that they'll be "pranked" into writing the message on the cup.

But a voice of opposition from another Christian is warning people not to get "caught up in a bogus culture war" that does nothing to solve the world's serious problems.
Benjamin L. Corey says that "if you want to keep Christ in Christmas, get out there and love people radically."

Commenter Kate Sesate said Corey's message represents "what a Christian should be."
"There is so much hatred and anger surrounding many 'Christian' churches, pages, and followings that I've purposely cut myself off of the Christian faith even though I believe in a lot of it simply because so much of it hurts my soul and makes me sick," she said.


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